Writing Tips and Techniques

Argumentative Essay Topics

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The following article aims to provide you with various free argumentative essay topics. If you are a successful student who struggles desperately with this assignment, do not worry – we will help you to improve your writing skills. As this task requires a professional approach, our expert writers have compiled the most useful tips and a strategy comprising of seven simple steps that will make the process of writing really painless.

What an Argumentative Essay Is

First, it is important to clarify, what an argumentative paper is. This is a piece of writing where the author examines a controversial idea or claim, takes a stance, and convinces the audience that his or her position is correct. For instance, the student may be asked to agree or disagree that breastfeeding should be banned in public places. As can be seen from numerous free argumentative essay examples present on our website, the student should take one side and provide strong evidence to prove that this position is correct. A strong thesis statement should always be provided in such papers. It should be arguable. The audience should be able to agree or disagree with this claim.

An argumentative essay differs from a traditional expository paper in terms of structure. Thus, in addition to a traditional introductory paragraph, a body section comprising of several paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph, a student will have to create one more paragraph presenting opposing views. It will go before the concluding section. The views of the opponents should be properly presented, supported with citations and then, refuted. This means the student should provide strong counterarguments to make the position of the other party look weak.

In addition, the following seven steps will help you to create an A-winning academic text.

7 Steps to Create the Best Argumentative Essay

  1. Present strong arguments. As it may be clear from an argumentative essay definition, a good paper requires building effective arguments. The writer should clearly understand the chosen topic and be able to present evidence of thorough research.
  2. Use only reliable and relevant data. Remember that you cannot make up evidence; thus, try to use only up-to-date statistics and sources. No matter what argument essay topics you want to discuss, you have to support your words with the opinions of the acknowledged scholars.
  3. Focus on developing your arguments but do not forget about your opponents. Be sure to provide solid arguments for the opposing point of view.
  4. Brainstorm the ideas. Before writing your paper, feel free to think about your topic and write down all the interesting ideas that come to your mind. It is a very good practice since it allows you to organize your thoughts in a logical order.
  5. Think about your thesis. It should be closely connected with your topic and define your main arguments. Once again, a thesis is a controversial and interesting idea that will be proven by the author's main arguments. If you have some difficulties with creating a thesis or organizing your essay, do not hesitate to download free argumentative essay examples available on the web. They will provide you with the proper understanding of how a good argumentative essay should look like.
  6. Organize your paper properly. Do not forget that your argument essay is not just a flow of thoughts; it should have a clear organization. Provide the readers with a brief overview of the topic in your introduction. The main body will serve as the platform for your main arguments. The concluding paragraph will summarize all your main ideas developed in the essay.
  7. Proofread your masterpiece. Although the content of your essay is crucially important, you should also make sure that the final draft is totally free from grammar and spelling mistakes since it also influences your grade. 

Best Free Argumentative Topics for Your Essays 

Best Argumentative Topics that Sound Not Complicated

  • Nobody should pay for education
  • What are the reasons for the growing obesity?  
  • There should be restrictions on Internet access for students
  • Students should be free to choose the school disciplines they like and need
  • What are the benefits of studying in the United States for international students?
  • Is it reasonable to study any secondary languages?
  • Can education be defined as commercialized?
  • Are the ACT and SAT tests really effective?
  • What are the pros and cons of an MBA program?

Best Argumentative Topics Related to Sports

  • How can teenagers get help with keeping a healthy weight?
  • Is physical education at school effective? 
  • What is the sports record nobody can beat?
  • Can Michael Jordan be referred to as the brightest star in basketball?

Topics for Argumentative Papers (Middle School Level)

  • How are the concepts of food, weight, and fitness related?
  • Do diets have any negative consequences?
  • Should society resolve the problem of anorexia?
  • Is sleep important for health?
  • Is golf an on-demand game?
  • Can those on steroids take part in team sports?

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Topics for Argumentative Papers (College Level)

  • It should be illegal to produce and sell tobacco
  • The death sentence cannot be banned in any country of the world
  • Alcohol should be under strict state control
  • Smoking should be banned in all public places
  • The latest time to sell alcohol should be 10 p.m.
  • It should be illegal to sell energetic drinks
  • Does justice exist?

Best Argumentative Topics of All Times

  • Is it a crime to destroy rainforests?
  •  It should be illegal to conduct experiments on animals
  • Can electric vehicles resolve the problem of global pollution?
  • Globalization: for and against
  • What are the risks incurred by the USA in terms of global climate change? 
  • Earthquakes and tsunami: consequences
  • Is the Red Book needed?
  • Which way can students contribute to the protection of the environment?

Controversial Topics for Argumentative Essays

  • It is important to prevent World War III and the US and Russian Governments should do that
  • It is time to change the policies of public schools
  • Can crime be under control with a proper gun policy?
  • Same-sex marriages should be forbidden
  • Are illegal activities in the United States conducted by political authorities?
  • Is it a talent to be a politician?
  • Who can act above the law?
  • Monarchy: are there any benefits?

Topics for Argumentative Essays Related to Technological Progress

  • There should be no violent video games
  • Is the problem of depression related to technological progress?
  • There should be no filthy language on YouTube
  • Is technology turning people into zombies?
  • Mobile phones: benefits and negative effects

Argumentative Essays About the Impact of Social Media

  • Is creativity destroyed by technology?
  • What is the role of social networks for modern schools?
  • Are people too dependent on gadgets?
  • Is it important to control Internet content?

Argumentative Essay Topics for 6th-Graders

  • Medical help should be provided free of charge
  • All people are born kind
  • It should be possible to spend less time at the office, but get the same salary
  • Funding for social movements should be provided by governments
  • It is wrong for parents to control their children above sixteen
  • It should be illegal to introduce cloning
  • Global warming
  • Is it legal to have abortions?
  • What is the relation between cross-cultural marriages and racial tolerance?
  • Is it normal to date a much younger man?
  • How should the duties be distributed in families? 
  • Is it safe to date online?
  • Will it be possible to marry a gadget in the future?

Funny Topics for Your Argumentative Essays

  • What is the next stage after 4D?
  • Is chip control, shown in movies, ethical for humans?
  • Is the character from Griffins Family typical for American society?
  • What should be the punishment for graffiti, if any?
  • It should be legal to buy marijuana.

Ideas Related to Art and Movies

  • Is cinematography an art?
  • Can you be an artist and earn a lot?
  • Is contemporary music meaningful?
  • Are present-day lyrics excessively explicit for teenagers?

Consider the Following Prompts

  1. Close cooperation with your professor is the shortest way to academic success. Cannot choose something good out of a vast majority of free argumentative essay topics? Feel free to ask him or her for assistance. Your instructor will also help you to develop the main arguments and push your thoughts in the right direction.
  2. Make sure your paper is totally free from self-plagiarism and plagiarism. You have to understand that plagiarized content will lead to academic failure since all the professors consider it a serious crime in the academic world. Sure, you have to use outside sources to support your point of view. However, all the thoughts borrowed from other books and articles should be paraphrased or properly cited.

All the argumentative essays should be interesting and creative. Just follow our effective writing guide and enjoy the writing process.


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