Writing Tips and Techniques

How to do PDF poster: Professional advice

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Pages 5

How to do PDF poster? It is a good question, as the growing number of students are required to present PDF posters to support their projects and justify their proposed interventions. The first thing to do is to determine an appropriate size for your poster.

Please remember that you will need to resize your poster if you fail to choose the right size at the start. If that is the case, the quality of the information included in your poster will be poor. It will be unreadable.

Choose “File/Page Setup”. Choose “Custom” when you list the slides size. For instance, if you choose A0, then your poster will be 84.1 cm tall and 118.9 cm wide. Once you are done with the size, choose the right orientation. It should be “Landscape”. Now you can press “OK” and proceed to other aspects of your PDF poster. Now you can add text to your PDF. However, before you do it, make sure that you have a Text Box, or “container”, for your poster.

To create a “Text Box”, use the Insert menu and find “Text Box” or click on the “Text Box” among other tools, click and drag the text box to the location where you want your text to be. Then you will see a rectangular space, which can be used to insert your text. By the way, you can change its size according to your needs. As you keep typing the text, the rectangle will also change its size. 

When working on your PDF poster, you can also change the structure, font, and organization of the text. However, you need to have an idea as to the way your text will look when you print the poster. In poster writing examples, if you use a 100-point font, it will not be more than an inch high. Therefore, be ready to read just the initial settings that match the needs of your project.

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Please note PDF poster writing recomendations

  • If you want to change the location of the Text Box in your PDF poster, check if the pointer is located against the edge of the box; it will look like a plus sign. Then, you can move and drag the Text Box in the required location.
  • You are most welcome to use the font of the most appropriate color and size, depending on the needs and requirements for your PDF poster project.
  • You should avoid placing the entire bulk of text in the same Text Box. Make several text boxes and arrange the text, dividing into several chapters and logical chunks. 
  • Now you can add the images. Here, two instruments can be used. Firstly, you can use the Copy/Paste function. Secondly, you can use the Insert Picture function. The latter is the most typical way to add images in pdf poster writing. However, you can use it only for the files that have the following standard formatting: JPEG, PICT, GIF, etc. Moreover, it is appropriate when you have the picture or image saved on your computer or laptop. You will press Insert/Picture and choose the needed file from the file menu. Once you see the picture inserted in your PDF poster, rearrange its size to fit it in the text. You can apply the pointer to a corner handle if you want to resize the image. Move it to the middle if you want to make it smaller or away from the middle if you want to enlarge it. Manage the picture/image the way you deem as necessary to make it look perfect. The Format/Picture instrument is also at your disposal.
  • The Copy/Paste instrument is also available. This is a great function if you have a picture you want to copy and paste in your PDF poster. For instance, you have an Excel document with a graph, and you want to use this graph in your poster. When you use the Copy/Paste function, your opportunities to edit and manage the image are quite limited. Moreover, you will never get a high-resolution image if you use it. 
  • Background also matters. Use the Format menu/Background tool to manage this aspect of your PDF poster. For example, you can choose a picture background. This way, you will have a picture behind the text. You can choose from a list of pre-selected pictures, or you can select your own picture to create the background for your PDF poster. Choose wisely. Your PDF poster should be readable! 
  • Arrows, Boxes and Lines: when you are working with text, you can use symbols to make the PDF poster more readable and attractive to your audience. Use the Format menu/Colors and Lines to change the way your Text Box is formatted. Do not forget about the importance of appropriate formal styles and approaches. Your PDF poster is not about creativity; it is about delivering information to the target audience in ways they can easily understand. 
  • Zoom – you can use it as well! Use the View menu/Zoom instrument to enlarge the image or make it smaller. You have got it! Your PDF poster is ready! 

Valuable tips for students who need a perfect PDF poster 

While working on your poster, do not make it too large. After all, it should fit your printer. Sometimes, you may need to include a non-printable margin. You may need to make your poster a little bit smaller. Review your printer settings to avoid common mistakes. 

Do not be afraid of making changes. PowerPoint is one of the greatest graphic applications available to users. You can move the PDF poster back and forth, until you have a perfect project. The Text Box can be of any size needed. You just need to arrange your text wisely and effectively. Place yourself into your audience’s shoes. What would they like to see in your PDF poster? They manage your Text Boxes in ways that will make your poster interesting and fascinating. 

Do not use Title or Text placeholders when you select a layout. These options will work in posters that are much larger than yours. Should you decide to use them, you would encounter significant issues with formatting. 

Designing a PDF poster: Useful tips

  1. Choose something simple but attractive. Show only the most important results. Show results that support the main point of your project. Include references to full results, so that anyone in your audience can review them.
  2. Be formal and use taste when selecting colors and design for your PDF poster. Do not take it as a design project. The coloring and shape should emphasize the most valuable aspects of your project; they should not be your self-goal. Background colors and font colors should be complementary.
  3. Choose one or two font types; no more. Using several font types in the same sentence is a huge mistake. Better focus on the same font and different sizes. The best for any audience are Arial and Times New Roman.
  4. Make sure that all titles and subtitles are larger than the main text. However, do not make them too large. Be balanced. The size of your text should be enough to let the audience read it.
  5. No UPPER CASE! This is one of the most difficult things to read.
  6. No different font for any piece of text, even if you want to make it visible to readers.
  7. Do not include any equations, or include them only when you have no other choice. If that is the case, you will also need to include a brief explanation of each variable included in the equation.
  8. Use pictures sparingly. Include titles for every graph in your PDF poster.
  9. Review grammar and spelling.
  10. Be consistent with the font and style throughout the PDF poster.

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