Write a motivation letter with assistance from expert writers

With the help of our custom writing company, you can now write a motivation letter without troubles and unnecessary stress. If motivation letter writing still remains the most stressful and worrisome type of writing, address our professional company for help. Motivation letter writing can really be one of the complex and challenging assignments for college students. Usually, when they need to write one, they challenge themselves with questions, such as what to write about, how to write the letter, what to include, how to organize it, etc. Besides, one of the hardest parts about writing a motivation letter for college is how to sound convincing when providing arguments why you are worthy of being chosen for some project/ studying course/ internship/ etc. and what lies behind your motivation.
The Internet is crammed with numerous tips and strategies on how to write a successful motivation letter. At the same time, these tips may be really different, so here comes the question: how to choose the strategies and writing tactics that turn out to be effective personally for you? Read on this article and find a comprehensive list of the most helpful writing tips that will help you write and structure a successful motivation letter.
How to differentiate a cover letter from a motivation letter?
For many students, it makes a huge challenge to differentiate the principles of writing a cover letter and a motivation letter. Still, knowing the fundamentals of each of these letters makes it easy to succeed in writing. First of all, you need to learn the purpose of writing each letter.
The main aim of motivation letter writing is to provide information about your skills, experience, and educational background when you apply for a part-time job, internship, scholarship, etc. On the contrary, a cover letter is written along with your resume when you apply for a job and expect full-fledged recruitment.
It can be inferred that writing a motivation letter does not require being well-versed in formal style of writing whereas cover letter writing demands former experience and professional competence.
How to write a motivation letter?
How to write a motivation letter for Bachelor’s degree and PhD level?
Depending on the writing level and the overall academic complexity, the approach to writing a motivation letter may be different. Particularly, when you prepare a motivation letter for Bachelor’s degree, you are not demanded to demonstrate the same competence as when you are writing a motivation letter for PhD level or Master’s level. If you write a letter for a Doctoral degree, you need to provide detailed information about your educational background and also pinpoint to your professional competence, hard skills and soft skills. Moreover, you are required to be more specific about your future plans and your motivation for entering the PhD program.
The approach to writing a motivation letter for studying abroad also differs. For example, you need to be convincing as you will have to persuade the admission committee why particularly you should be chosen for the studying program or internship. Moreover, you need to discuss both your short-term and long-term goals and narrate why exactly you want to enter the program or get the internship. As an example, you may focus on how you will benefit the community when you choose to participate in a specific program or how you will implement the learned skills into practice, etc.
Tips on writing successful motivation letters:
- Share your story. Be honest and sincere in your writing. Provide true reasons why the position is important for you and what you have already done to broaden your outlook, deepen your knowledge, and get sufficient practical skills. Highlight your achievements but do not try to hide your weaknesses or mistakes you have done. Make sure to mention how you plan to benefit the company.
- Pinpoint to the crucial aspects on your resume. It does not mean that you have to write or submit your resume – no! If you have the resume written, then take the focal facts from it and elaborate on them in the motivation letter. For example, do not simply mention your professional competencies but also pinpoint to how you developed them, how you studied, what you studied, etc.
- Make sure you can sell yourself to your potential employer. You need to be able to advertise yourself in the best manner in order to be noticed by the job hunter or human resource manager. Just highlight your values and do not be afraid to advertise yourself.
- Adhere to the required motivation letter structure. Make sure you maintain the structure, i.e. introduction, main body, and conclusion. In the introductory paragraph, make sure you provide background information as to why the position is important for you. In the second paragraph, pinpoint to the reasons why you are applying and why the position is important. Also pinpoint to exact reasons and evidence how you fit for the job. Afterwards, highlight how you will benefit from the position and how you will be advantageous for the company. In the conclusion, carefully summarize the provided information and specify details as to when you are available for the interview, how you can be contacted, etc.
- Make sure you clearly formulate the position and title of your recipient. Avoid such phrases as: “Dear Sir/ Madam,” “To whom it may concern,” etc. Do not make your letter template-like.
- Make the letter easy to read and simple in structure. Do not use words and phrases that may be complex or difficult to understand. Avoid professional jargon, abbreviations, acronyms, and specific terms. Take into consideration that your letter will be read by an HR manager who may be unaware of the terms inherent in your research field.
- Do not expect to find a universal template for a motivation letter on the Internet. Each position has its specific requirements, so be sure to make your letter unique.
Expertly written motivation letter example for free
With the help of our custom writing company, you can now write a motivation letter without troubles and unnecessary stress. If motivation letter writing...
With the help of our custom writing company, you can now write a motivation letter without troubles and unnecessary stress. If motivation letter writing...