Welcome to The ESPRIT Network of Excellence in Computational Logic

Compulog Net - the European Network of Excellence in Computational Logic - comprises over 100 nodes from 20 European countries, representing leading universities, research centres and industrial companies. The aim of the network is to support all phases of technological change - invention, innovation, diffusion - associated with the research, development and application of logic-based techniques and methods in all areas of computing.

Logic-based approaches to computing have a vast potential for industrial exploitation and are currently applied in such diverse sectors as manufacturing, engineering, transportation, distribution, telecommunications, banking, finance, insurance, data management and medicine, as witnessed by numerous case-studies presented at the network's industrial seminars, at network sponsored conferences such as the Practical Applications of Prolog (PAP), the Practical Applications of Constraint Technology (PACT), as well as at the Japanese Symposium and Exhibition on Industrial Applications of Prolog (INAP).

These pages are intended to provide information on the Network, its activities, and on the study of Computational Logic in Europe and worldwide. Thus, the learners, who are gathering data about computational logic and may even need the help of highly educated professionals from the best writing services, can use the information we provide in their research. The information here is organised in several ways, so you can choose the method of browsing most suited to your needs.

Membership of Compulog Net and its Mailing Lists

Members of the Compulog Net fall into the following categories:

Research Nodes

Any European-based research laboratory, university department or faculty, or research insttute may apply to be admitted as a node of Compulog Net. The criterion for acceptance is excellence of research in one or more of the fields covered by the network. A node should normally comprise a minimum of 3-5 active full-time researchers.

Industrial Nodes

European-based companes carrying out R&D in computational logic or developing or using products based on computational logic.


Individuals and smaller research groups may be admitted simply as members of the network.


Groups or individuals from outside the EU.

Each node nominates a Contact Person to represent it in the network. Large nodes, or nodes with more than one specific role in the network, can apply to nominate a second Contact Person.

Applications to join the network are processed by the Coordinator and the node responsible for admissions. All node applications have to be accompanied by a detailed description of the node and its research activities, principal publications and an endorsement from two existing nodes. Decisions on node admissions are taken by the Executive Council (EC). The industrial representatives of the EC advise on the admission of industrial nodes. Membership in the network is reviewed on a regular basis, and nodes that are no longer active participants may, on decision of the EC, lose their status.

Frameworks of Activity

The network is structured into three distinct but interrelated frameworks:

Research coordination is supported by the activities of Research Area Coordinators for each of the Areas mentioned on our server. These include the organisation of technical meetings and workshops, support for related events and conferences, and information collection and dissemination. The number of Research Areas has recently been increased, to give the network a broader scope and to promote newly-emerging areas with high potential for industrial exploitation. Some of the new Areas are to be jointly coordinated with other Networks of Excellence.

Within the framework of Industrial Action a programme of activities is carried out jointly with industrial nodes, software developers and vendors, and includes conferences, workshops and special industrial seminars. Industrial Task Forces and Special Industrial Interest Groups help to identify industrial needs and to focus reactive research and technological development.

Education and Training coordinates and promotes the training and mobility of researchers within the network using schemes such as HCM and TMR. It is planned to set-up distributed Masters and PhD programmes in Computational Logic, which will make use of both advanced distance-teaching methods and equipment as well as student visits to network nodes. A section of the annual European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information is co-organised and supported by the network, to provide further opportunities for acquiring skills and training.

Infrastructure and Information provides the essential communication frameworks for rapid information dissemination and exchange, efficient coordination, as well as environments to sustain remote computer supported cooperative work (CSCW) between nodes of the network. Major nodes will be equipped with advanced CSCW workstations to enable video conferencing, advanced communication, cooperative work and information exchange.