Discount program Rewards Returning Customers

One of our goals here at is to develop relationships with our clients that can last throughout your academic years. We offer a team of professional writers that can assist you no matter what the subject or difficulty level of the research paper that you need. To reward returning customers that continue to buy essays from us, we have a discount program that gets you better deals as you buy research papers again.

Silver Members
on the 15 + pages order
Once your orders have reached 16 pages, your discount will automatically be upgraded to our Silver Member reward level of 5% off your future orders.
Gold Members
on the 30 + pages order
Once your orders have reached 31 pages, your discount will automatically be upgraded to our Gold Member reward level of 10% off your future orders.
Platinum Members
on the 50 + pages order
Once your orders total 51 pages and up, you will enjoy our Platinum Member discount of 15% which will apply every time you buy essays for the rest of your time as a client of our writing service.

Please note, that during ordering one paper you may use only one type of discount. While using a permanent discount you are not able to apply special discounts to your order and also none of the constant discounts is ever added to optional ones.

Limited time offer!
with 20% Discount

Try our VIP services or become our VIP client, benefit from the incredible opportunity at a very reasonable price

Order VIP package
We have aGREAT 25%OFF

We offer 10% more words per page than our competitors, so you get 1 FREE page on a 10-page order. You also have a 15% discount on your 1st order

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