Dissertation Help - Methodology Chapter
When you are conducting a study, it is important to be deliberate as you are determining how to collect your data. This means explaining which type of data is most appropriate for your particular study (i.e., primary or secondary sources) and justification for choosing it. You should also explore the benefits and weaknesses of each method. This chapter ultimately provides some credibility as you are explaining your research since it tells the reader that your methods are purposeful rather than random.
Short Guide on How to Write Methodology Chapter
The purpose of the methodology chapter
You might be wondering why it is important to discuss your choice of methodology. The mean reason is because the data and information you collect is based on the methods that you choose, and how you gather this data affects your findings and how you interpret the results. As previously alluded to, you should discuss the different possible methods that you could have chosen and explain why certain ones were or were not appropriate for the given research. In the end, justifying the use of the methodology makes it more difficult for other academics and researchers to criticize your work.
Keys to writing an effective methodology
Your methodology can either be approached empirically or through interpretation. The former incorporates evidence that can support or reject a hypothesis. The latter seeks to offer new insights on a given fact. As the reader gets to the methodology chapter of the dissertation, they should understand which methodology(ies) were used to explore a research problem and why these approaches were most appropriate. It is important to justify the methodology if you want the reader to find your paper to be credible.
Discuss every method of data collection whether it occurs through a questionnaire, interview or survey and explain how you plan to analyze the results that they produce. Since the reader might not be familiar with all of the method options, you should provide an overview.
Along with justifying their use, you should clearly define how you plan to use these approaches. If applicable, discuss the limitations of using your methodologies and how you will do your best to overcome them. Much like the other sections of your paper, the focus should be only on information that is relevant and advances the purpose of your paper. Keep the discussion of your methods concise and clear. If you stray from the topic, you will create confusion in the mind of the reader.
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Also keep in mind that you don't have to spoon feed the readers every single detail related to your methods. You only need to explain the procedures if you can assume that the particular method will be unfamiliar to the reader.
Finally, keep this section objective. If you happened to have encountered issues along the way, don't attempt to hide this fact. Being transparent is important when doing research. Discuss the problem and explain how you intend to lessen the impact of these problems.
Methods versus methodology
The words “method” and “methodology” are not interchangeable. Rather, the method refers to the tools that you use in the research whereas the methodology is the rationale behind selecting these methods.
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Free Dissertation Methodology Chapter Example to Read
The chapter of methodology of the current research paper presents a crucial part as far as it provides data that is necessary for proper and relevant assessment of profitability of the investment to the introduction of gourmet shops under the label of Dobrev’s Cheese Shop. Hence, the detailed and constructive description of the implemented research methodology is presented in this chapter.
According to Fisher, the investigation that is based on the empirical study of the selected phenomenon is targeted at the explanation and interpretation of the current state of affairs by means of predetermined measurement variables. Such an approach has been used in the current study. Furthermore, it is significant to underline that the process of investigation relies on probability to certain extent. As a direct consequence, the methodological framework that has been used in this paper provides a background that leads to the comprehension of the significant and integral role of the given predetermined variables upon the final outcomes of the whole research process. Therefore, it is important to underline the correlation of the final research findings and the current theoretical framework. It will help dwell on the level of relevance and profitability of the introduction of gourmet shops under the label of Dobrev’s Cheese Shop.
Hence, the chapter analyses the research methodology that has been used in the study. All the major aspects and technology are described. The research methodology comprises the primary research methods as well as the secondary ones. Furthermore, both qualitative and quantitative approaches are implicated in the course of the investigation. Such a multidimensional structure of the methodology and its practical implementation provide an excellent opportunity to investigate the case of the introduction of gourmet shops under the label of Dobrev’s Cheese Shop and assess the potential profitability of the investment in this business venture.
The research design comprises such constituent elements as observation, questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and focus groups. All the aforementioned types of primary data research are relevant and potentially efficient for the selected scope of case study. Furthermore, the final results of the mentioned research data techniques provide a sufficient and perspective background for further analysis, interpretation, and assessment process.
It is also essential to underline that the limitations are identified and discussed in terms of the current investigation. They form a frame of constraints and biased assumptions. Therefore, the limitations should be obligatory taken into account...
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