Free Analysis of Agriculture on Production Land Essay Sample
The South Western part of Australia is a suitable location for agriculture. Geographic Intelligence service should actually contemplate investing in the area which forms an ideal location for investing in agricultural production some of the reasons why this is practical are:
There is the presence of lakes in this area. The lakes are ideal for fishing grounds and as such form an integral part of the people’s economic activities. The people around this place therefore have to survive. On top of relying on fish for their diet, agricultural products would be a suitable diet boost for these people. They therefore form a ready market for the products. Agricultural production is advisable since the investors will not have to struggle looking for market for the products. In addition, the lakes are a good source of water for irrigation. This water may be used to irrigate the crops grown around. Water is important for the plants to survive. They need water for the photosynthetic process that leads to growth. A shortage of water for plants will usually result into very weak plants sprouting. The investors are also confident when there is plenty of water of a big catch during harvesting.
The coastline heading south from Perth is also an ideal environment for agriculture. The coastline has plenty of water too for irrigation of crops. The coastline also experiences plenty of rainfall i.e. convectional rainfall. This is very important for agricultural purposes because plants cannot survive in areas that are dry. The area is therefore very ideal for farming of such things as oats, coconuts, barley, wheat, grapes, chick peas, cereal crops, strawberries, orange trees. Domestic animals such as horses, chicken, sheep and dairy cows can also be kept here. The coastline also experiences the Mediterranean type of climate. This climate provides a humid environment which is integral for the survival of most plants. It also helps withstand against the high drainage system of the nutrient poor sandy soils.
The Margaret River Wine allows for farming of vines. This is important considering the marketability of vines. Vines are important in the manufacture of wines for consumption. The demand for vines is actually higher that the supply of the same. The investors should therefore contemplate investing around here so as to make the best out of the involvement. Vines are also marketable in industries that deal in drugs. They are important ingredients in making medicines. They are also used as a food by persons and for livestock. This further makes the demand to go higher.
The average rainfall in this area amounts to 310mm annually. This is a very good average and can be wholly relied upon for farming of items that grow in a hot and wet climate. The Mediterranean climate happens to be summer for the better part of the year. This, coupled with the presence of water from the rain, lakes and the coastline form a very wonderful environment for agriculture. This climate is also attractive to tourists from all over the world. These are individuals who love to come and spend time at the coast to enjoy the environment and breezes. These are the people who form an integral part of the market for the products.
The infrastructural system in South West Western Australia is also favorable for the growth of crops. The road system is well developed and this can be relied upon. Products require to be transported from the farms to the market as well as factories for those that require processing. South Western Australia has a well developed network of roads. These include the South West road network which was built in 1960s. Currently, plans are underway to further increase and expand its capacity for traffic. This shall see to it that traffic jams become a thing for the past. In addition, it will be a good basis for the growth of perishable products that are needed in the market quickest possible after they are removed from the farms.
The railway system is also well developed in this part of Western Australia. The railway systems include rails owned by the Australian Rail Track Corporation, Babcock and Brown Limited and the Australian Railroad Group. Private iron ore haulage railways also are present in this part of the world. This will form a very perfect network for transportation of products from the farms into the market. The same remains crucial when it comes to movement of the people actually during farming. Mobility of labor, which happens to be very vital for the process of agriculture will ensure increased yield year in year out.
The Australian Coast further forms an important mode of transport. The shipping systems are not only applicable for transporting agricultural products and labor but are also important for transporting farm inputs and machinery to be used in farming. Some of the machinery required is heavy machinery such as tractors for farming. Majority of these require to be imported from states such as Japan. The coastline will therefore form an integral part in achieving this objective.
The sandy beaches are attraction sites for tourists around this place. The tourists come to this place to enjoy themselves especially during the holidays. The place is therefore suitable since tourists enjoy themselves and require eating during this time. The hotels that provide hospitality to the tourists form ready market for agricultural products. The tourists also have money to spend and should offer competitive prices for the products.
Wine grape growing is ideal in the South western part of Australia. The climate in this part of the world is good. The soils are also suitable for growing of grapes and other products. This is a very advisable investment putting into the presence of an export wine export wine industry. The industry highly demands the wine grapes thus the investors will not have a hard time searching for the same.
The soils in this part are majorly sand soils. Some of these soils are impenetrable and have other inherent problems such as rock, poor drainage and salt. These conditions are not suitable for growth of crops so such areas should be avoided.
The vegetation cover in this part also attracts rainfall a great deal. The woodland trees and other forms of vegetation transpire a lot due to the hot weather. The vapor from transpiration goes up into the sky and forms clouds. These clouds later release rain after condensation. The vegetation cover also provides shelter to the young growing seedlings against direct sunlight. This helps to reduce transpiration and thus loss of water. The plants are therefore able to survive in this kind of environment.
Some of the ideal locations for agricultural include: Gascoyne, Gold fields, Great Southern, Kimberly, Mid west, Peel, Pilbara, South West, wheat belt among others. These areas are known to have the ideal environment reasonable to practice agriculture. Wheat can successfully be grown in these areas.
There is the presence of lakes in this area. The lakes are ideal for fishing grounds and as such form an integral part of the people’s economic activities. The people around this place therefore have to survive. On top of relying on fish for their diet, agricultural products would be a suitable diet boost for these people. They therefore form a ready market for the products. Agricultural production is advisable since the investors will not have to struggle looking for market for the products. In addition, the lakes are a good source of water for irrigation. This water may be used to irrigate the crops grown around. Water is important for the plants to survive. They need water for the photosynthetic process that leads to growth. A shortage of water for plants will usually result into very weak plants sprouting. The investors are also confident when there is plenty of water of a big catch during harvesting.
Investment in agriculture for Geographic Intelligence Service is ideal especially during these hard economic times. There is actually a global crisis which has resulted into high inflation, poverty and reduced spending by the population.
The investment in agriculture is ideal due to the increasing demand for food. People must survive and as such they need food. The people growing foods to feed these people are always at an advantage. This is because the supply of food is always less than the demand. The law of demand and supply dictates that when demand is less than supply, the prices of commodities are low. When demand however is higher than supply the cost of products increases overwhelmingly. The investors are therefore likely to make a fortune out of the investment.
There is also a lot of support coming in from the government’s side. The government provides farm inputs and implements for the farming activities. This helps the investors who do not have to incur a lot of costs in the same. On the same note, the government allows subsidies for most of the inputs and seeds for planting. The government also does this by reducing the impact of tax on the investors who feel encouraged to start the investments. Further, the government provides agricultural extension services and as well employs certain individuals such as veterinary officers and agricultural officers to provide education to farmers as well as important services.
The world’s population increases every single day. This further makes the future of agricultural investments very promising. The population has to clothe and feed at the same time. Wool from sheep is an important raw material for the production of clothes. The population also heavily relies on agricultural products for food. This further increases the market network of the food products from the farms.
There has been intensive research too in the world relating to agriculture. This is especially with the ever increasing global warming. The global warming results into little or no production since climatic conditions are affected. Various stakeholders have been forced to step in to curb this development. They research on alternative methods of food production such as the production of drought resistant crops.
Irrigation has also become a common phenomenon in the agricultural field. This is usually done so as to water the plants. The government has been on its toes encouraging the practice of irrigation so as to boost food supply. It has constructed dams and provided an enabling environment for agriculturalists to indulge in agriculture conclusively. This has sought to encourage various stake holders especially the investors to continue farming.
I hereby recommend that GIS takes into farming. This should be able to form a broad spectrum in future investments. The engagement has fewer risks involved since the environment is already ideal for the practice. Further, there is a lot of backing from the government and other state agencies on the same. All this, coupled with the willingness and effort of investors will surely see things turn around. The challenge is actually worth taking up.