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The Definitive Guide to Recruiting in Good Times and Bad analysis

Top Level Leadership

Top level management staff needs to be without reproach and have all the qualities desirable to steer the company to success. This is because the success of a company is mainly depends on them since they decide the direction of the company takes. They are responsible for furthering the company goals and therefore they should not fall short of any requirement in the recruitment process. The hiring team must ensure that they pick the best talent to fit in the position so that the company grows sustainably; this will help the company remain competitive at all times. It is therefore very essential to have a very rigorous recruitment procedure so that all elements that are needed for the tasks are fulfilled.

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For the recruitment process to be effective there is need to follow certain steps that will help identify the top talent, these include anticipating the prospective leadership wants that will be in line with the strategic business plan; identifying the explicit competencies required in the positions to be filled; and developing a wide range of candidates to select from.

Any successful company should always plan ahead with regards to the top management succession, the worst scenario is where a top manager retires and the post remains unfilled for along time. The companies should avoid emergency and rush recruitments since it will only contribute to confusion and vague decisions to the recruitment panel. There must be enough pooling so that the one selected passes through a thorough screening process to ensure they are capable to perform diligently and effectively on the top job.

According to Fernandez-Araoz, 2009 in the article "The Definitive Guide to Recruiting in Good Times and Bad" there are seven steps that help a company identify the top talent procedurally. The steps include anticipate the need, specify the job, develop the pool, assess candidates, close deals, integrate newcomers, and finally audit and review.

Anticipating the need

The top level management posts are very competitive and this calls for the company to anticipate the need to be always alert to have the best. Fernandez-Araoz, 2009 identify that the staff are always inadequate in view of the fact that many will leave to take new and better offers while there may be need for the company to change the talent to suit emerging markets. The firm should therefore review the need for top level management in periodically so as to avoid last minutes rush.

The best practices needed in anticipating the need for the firm include having a continuous review of the needs that the firm has in future; this will be very important since the strategic business goals will be fully covered and sustained growth will be guaranteed if an individual is picked to fulfill these demands. The firm must also continuously appraise the pool of talent that is available, and develop a rigorous prediction of the talent needed by the company periodically.

Specifying the Job

In specifying the job there is need to have a comprehensive mode to determine the attributes. The use of leadership competency models mainly emphasize on the need for generic management skills and an abstract character so as to obtain a perfect character. In reality there is no perfect leader hence the models mislead firms leading to loss of top level talent individuals. The firm needs to identify the explicit demands of the talent required, specify on the skills and experience needed. This will help eliminate those who have other qualifications that do not suite the task in that they will evaluate themselves before applying for the job.

The recruitment team needs also to identify the team the top talent leader will work with after getting the job so that the individuals are aware of the challenges they will face and the expectations. The company culture is very vital to describe since it will be useful in identifying how the role of the manager will be affected once he is recruited.

Developing a pool

Developing a pool for the position is the third step where a large pool must be identified where both insiders, outsiders, inside-outsiders and outside-insiders must be included as long as they have the talent. It should be clear that all the pool stand an equal chance to be recruited so long as the have the talent and fulfill all the requirements. There is also need to pool even periphery individuals in the organization such as the employees, consultants, customers, or even suppliers. Consultative searches and networking will be essential to pool close associates and external partners where they should be asked to nominate possible talent. For pooling to be successful open discussion and extensive consultations will be important so that the recruitment team pools a large number of individuals.

Assessing the Candidates

Fourthly, there is needed to start assessing the candidates each individual must prove of the talent she/he has to suite to the task. A small team of high competence, well trained, and motivated interviewers should be involved in the screening process where each individual must be tried and tested. Behavioral qualities must be identified by the interviewer and noted, they must also conduct a reference check. To make it more comprehensive there is need to include all top stakeholders in the assessment of the candidates. This process will lead to identifying the best candidate for the job and thus must be rigorous and impartial.

Closing the deal

Closing the deal is the next step after assessing the candidates. Once the individual has been identified the firm must also demonstrate that it has support on what the candidate has interest in and make sure the job is clearly and realistically described. The description must avoid all ambiguous statements and focus on the mandate that must be fulfilled. The hiring manager must be personally involved in closing the deal and ensuring all the demands are amicably discussed and agreed on between the employee and firm. The C-level management must be involved where the decisions must be mutual, clear and comprehensive.

Integrating the Newcomer

Step six involves integrating the newcomer after sealing the deal. The firm must not assume that the individuals are a plug and play machines. The firm has a responsibility to ensure that the newcomer is properly welcomed so as to fit in the setting. This should be done through providing adequate support and mentoring using top performers. Regular checks for the newcomer will help him/her acclimatize to the environment and help overcome the fear that may be so as to perform effectively.

Audit and Review

For the firm performance is the core aspect and this should reflect sustainable growth and development, this therefore calls for audit and review of the performance of the hired employees to establish the success and failures. This will be very essential to shed off non performers and reviewing of recruitment procedures and sealing all loopholes that may lead to redundant staff. The process of audit should be effective and transparent in that all assessors are held accountable for the quality of the employees hired. A rewarding program to the interviewers is also essential so as to motivate them accordingly. In conclusion for top talent to be identified a comprehensive recruitment process must be done and the seven steps described above give a starting point for any company that wants to recruit the best of the best.


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