Free CSOM Essay Sample


The Center for Sex Offender Management (CSOM) is a national clearinghouse and technical assistance center that supports state and local jurisdictions in the effective management of sex offenders.

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The main purposes of CSOM is to offer those involved in the management of sex offenders with organized and set accessibility to the most updated knowledge through synthesizing and spreading  research as well as effective practices to the field: and through providing specialized training in addition to technical assistance on numerous matters connected with the management of sex offender. Moreover, CSOM offers helpful, current and easily accessible information widely to the field through development and distribution of both policy and practice briefs on pressing matters. This consists of running of the CSOM website as well as responding to information assessments from the field and public. It also establishes and develops training programs nationwide for organizations that are responsible for managing sex offenders and also another purpose of CSOM is to design and deliver technical help in order to support jurisdictions interested in improvement of sex offender management plans.


The main activities that CSOM carries out include exchange of information regarding the management of sex offenders. It does this through the website; responding to any inquiry information from field, public as well as the media and availing the information gathered from local and state organizations national wide. CSOM is also involved in training programs. This entails offering organizational training for agencies involved with management of sex offender.

CSOM manages a project with various training curricula, which is free and various topics allied to sex offender management. Still, it provides technical assistance to the public and this is done by the staff responding to phone enquiries and by providing referrals to information as well as other form of available assistance. CSOM staff also offers assistance on a fee-for-service basis. Lastly, CSOM supports the sites that are involved within the office of justice programs' sex offender management grant program: it has offered support to OJP's Comprehensive Approaches to Sex Offender Management (CASOM) grantees in previous years.

The Scope of the Related Links on Their Website

The related links on CSOM's website include Victim Advocacy and Victim Service Provider Resources which offers helpful information and various services such as Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner Technical Assistance, Connecticut Sexual Assault Crisis Services, Inc., Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network  and Sexual Assault Coalition Resource Sharing Project among other services. The other sites related to CSOM's site include Sex Offender Related Legislation, Criminal Justice Policy, Data, and Research Resources, Resources for Juveniles who Commit Sexual Offenses and their Victims, Sexual Assault Prevention, Criminal Justice and Sex Offender Treatment Associations and Resources in addition to State and Local Sex Offender Management Initiatives site. All these sites provide information and carries out activities that are interrelated with CSOM's objectives and activities.


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