Free Rhetorical Analysis Essay Sample

Rhetorical is any piece of writing that emphasizes on style at the expense of thought. Rhetorical analysis involves the application of critical reading styles to break down a large amount of writing into the sum of its parts. This is best achieved by trying to determine what the author is trying to figure out; and the writing strategies applied in writing to achieve the desired results. The results are perceived as the communication. Communication is the pursuit of conveying the information between individuals or among groups.

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Rhetorical analysis involves the critical reading styles. The analysis in this paper is applied in the context of separating the whole into constituent’s parts in order to study the parts and their relations. The critical reading involves a characterized and careful evaluation and judgment. The effects of writing are of considerable value in the rhetorical analysis. There various formats of rhetorical analysis, they largely depend on the contexts and the intended purpose.

Main body

There are various questions people ask themselves in rhetorical writing. The first question is generated on the subject of writing. The subject of the piece of writing is weighed into whether it has a value or not. There are subjects that are controversial; and need a critical thought in that they may involve conation and cynicism; in which the message conveyed maybe implying the opposite of the subject. A controversial subject indicates that piece of work is debatable and has a conflict involving many disagreements.

Thesis is another critical aspect of a piece of writing. Thesis displays the overall main point. Thesis is looked at as an unproved statement in a piece of work put forward to be confirmed as the reader goes through the piece of work. Thesis displays the main aim of the writer in the piece of work. There need to analyze the relationship between the piece of work and the subject of the writing.

The tone of the text is a valued input in a piece of work. The tonal valuation in any writing creates an emotional effect. There is a need to analyze whether the piece of work had a succession tonal valuation. Tonal valuations involve the application of different pitch to display different emotional levels. A well written piece of work Cleary explains the strong feelings. The feelings may vary in accordance to individual principles and dignity. Cultural differences enable people to interpret a piece of work in different contexts.

Rhetorical analysis focuses on the purpose of the writer in the piece of work. There is also a need in critically analyzing the explanations and examples given in the piece of work. The information availed is critically analyzed to establish the connection with the thesis of the paper. The emotional effects like; anger, quest, entertainment, motivation, grievances, ridicule, the purposed involved and the consistency of the purpose.

Rhetorical analysis has critical aspects in determining the development of ideas by the writer. Ideas are exhibited the intentions of the writer as he or she goes through the piece of work. Ideas must be phrased in the text in a way to describe a structured course of happenings. Ideas are best created in a piece of work by narrations or recitals, descriptions, comparability, analogies, drives, effects, real life examples and the like. The development of a piece of work is essential. It displays the process through which ideas passes from one stage to another.

Another aspect valued in the rhetorical analysis writing involves the consideration of the arrangement involved in the piece of work. The patterns of the arrangement of ideas are critical. Arrangement involves the systematic grouping of ideas. The classification of the ideas in the piece of work brings the value in the writing.

Rhetorical analysis involves a complete look at the arrangement of the ideas. The patterns of presentation play a vital role in the writing. The pattern displays the perceptual structure. There are structures that are particular in nature of general in nature focusing a broad spectrum of the writing. The ideas portrayed in writing may evoke a broad topic or definite topic. The ideas may be spatial or non-spatial.  Chronological ideas are a guide by time; time is a factor in the arrangement of events in the nature of their occurrence. Alternating ideas involve ideas that appear in turns involving reversing direction. Block ideas reflect on a number of ideas dealt with as a unit.

Rhetorical analysis reflects on patent analysis on the text formation. There is a need to check the text information and coherence. Text formation involves the arrangement of ideas working as a unit. Text coherence reflects on logical, orderly and consistence of ideas in the piece of writing. Coherence involves with the sticking together of ideas in pieces of writing. The necessity of adequate transitions is also critical in the piece of writing. The transitions work in passages that indicate the form of connections in topics as they follow in the writing. Rhetorical writing makes sure that all the components of the writings follow a prescribed pattern in the passage of messages.

Sentence structure in the text is another factor that is considered essential in rhetorical analysis. The structure involves the utilization of knowledge in developing a complex web of elements and their constituent units. There are considerations as to whether the author uses fragments or run-ons in the writing. Fragments incorporate pieces of ideas that are cut off from the main objective while run-ons encompass the ideas in uninterrupted and solid presentation. A declarative idea involves the construction of the grammar used to describe the mood of the piece of work. Imperative structure involves the intention to influence the reader’s behavior by demanding attention or immediate action. Interrogative structure reflects on inquiries of ideas. Exclamatory structure involves rapid and persuasive presentation of ideas. There are various other structures of the rhetorical analysis that need to be considered, the collective observation looks at; simplistic, complexity, compound, shortness, long, dissipation, period, balancing and parallelism. A combination of the above also occurs. It has proved immensely crucial to identify the writers ideas with the structures put in writing.

Rhetorical analysis has been involved in the usage of dialogue. Dialogue is necessary in that it indicates the lines spoken by the characters in the writing. It portrays the significance of conversation. The use of quotations has also been cast at critically. Quotations look at short notes recognizing the source of information or a quoted passage. Well quoted pieces of work demonstrate the earnest of the author in delivering the desired results in time and the right format.  The effects of quotations and the dialogues are critically analyzed in rhetorical analysis.

Another considerable detail of rhetorical analysis involves the checking of diction in the work.  Diction involves the articulation of speech regarded from the point of view of its integrity to the readers. It is simply the manner of expressing something in words. Formal articulation involves the writing that follows a definite pattern. Informal diction involves uncontrolled writings. Technical diction involves showing skills in writing. Jargon diction is the manipulation of expressions in a group of people in the society. Slang diction involves writing that indicates language that is not accepted formally. Diction is also expressed in connotative, denotative, powerful and language variations. A writer may choose skillfully express his/her work using different dictions.  There is no requirement that regulates the practice of the dictions. The writer has the sole obligation ensuring that the paper is well balanced.

Rhetorical analysis eyes of the pensions applied in the writing. Punctuation involves the utilization of marks that clarify meaning by indicating separation of words into sentences and paragraphs. Dashes are well recognized in creating a moment of breathlessness The other sections of the paper analyzed involve; the checking of repetitions. Repetitions are associated with prominence. The images created in the mind of the reader must rhyme with the thesis of the writing. The comparisons applied in a piece of work indicate the relationship of different variables and portrays the act of examining resemblances. The use of languages that define humor or a moment of depression is essential in any written work. This defines the mood of the piece of writing which is essential in writing. A mood is a distinctive state of feelings in the psychological state; any writing must have an influence on the state of mood.


Rhetorical analysis has been associated with the critical look at the styles and the language presentation that emphasizes the thesis of the writing. A thesis plays a significant role in the script as it brings out the main aim of the writing.  Rhetorical analysis is concerned with the application of language in displaying the message to the writer. The writer has the sole responsibility of making sure that the styles applied in the piece of work agree to the intended message addressed by the author.


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