Free Shakespeare Close Analysis Essay Sample
Theme is the most fundamental and a universal idea in the piece of extract. Illusion of Justice is eminent through Prospero’s presentation as a victim of injustice. The play develops a highly subjective idea of justice since the extract represents the idea of one character that is in a position of controlling the fate of other characters. Even though Prospero is working to make right whatever wrong that was done to him, his idea of injustice and justice seems hypothetical. He is furious with his brother because he had taken power from him. In passage one he appears to have no qualm about enslaving Caliban and Ariel to achieve his intentions. In the extract Prospero’s idea of justice is one sided and only involves what is good for him but not others. The extract is more and more based on creativity and art. Prospero’s role explicitly mirrors Shakespeare’s role in developing a story around him. He becomes a surrogate for Shakespeare where his sense of justice begins to seem least sympathetic if not perfect.
The ways and means by which Prospero achieves his idea of justice reflects the machinations of Shakespeare who enables people to see his view of the world around him. Portrayal of justice from Prospero’s point of view has become less of a commentary on justice in life than on the author’s nature of morality in art. He had taken the art of dramatic verses and sharpened them to perfection. In the Elizabethan stage, the artist did create characters in the Tempest that were most vivid and his language was the loftiest and low one because it showed extraordinary subtlety and wit.
William Shakespeare exercised enormous influence over a generation of Shakespeare students. It is interesting how the writer develops major upon the pages to the extend that one cannot take out his eyes from the pages of the book. He brings out the major piece that has been studied and puts as some a finest masterpiece of the English language. This creates the interesting bit because it encourages scholars and readers to find much of the work he did. He had taken the art of dramatic verses and sharpened them to perfection. In the Elizabethan stage, the artist did create characters that were most vivid and his language was the loftiest and low one because it showed extraordinary subtlety and wit. The author wrights on Tempest because of his themes, he says that the themes used were the most universal ones since they transcend generations and cultures to stir the imagination of the readers and audience. The influence caused by themes employed by Shakespeare still stirs imagination and attaches readers to his work up to date.
The other visible theme in the extract is the difficulty of distinguishing “men” from “Monsters.” Before the extract we were able to see that Miranda and Prospero said very little showing they considered Caliban human. Prospero says that he gave Caliban “human care”. This implied that the action was something Caliban did not entirely deserve. From the extract Ariel talks more about the devil having left hell and are on earth from the statement “Was the first man that leapt, cried, ’Hell is empty, and all the devils are here”. When Stephano was beating up Trinculo saying, “Do I so? Take thou that. As you like this, give me the lie another time”. Trinculo responds and explains that he did not give the lie to out wit Stephano’s wits and hearing. He answers that murrain be on him a monster and “….the devil take your fingers!” in later act in Caliban plot, Prospero refers to him a devil born of devil on which nature cannot stick. Miranda and Prospero both think that the education they gave Caliban has lifted him from brutish status he was formerly at. They felt that his devilish nature could not be overcome by nurture.
Evil nature of man is eminent through the conversation where Caliban says he was kind to Prospero but he repaid him by imprisoning him. Prospero on the other has follows the argument by claiming that he had stopped being kind to him because he tried raping Miranda. All the actions brought out by the argument depict Shakespeare’s ability to justify his theme of the difficulty of distinguishing “men” from “Monsters.”
The allure of ruling a colony is also another theme that is highlighted in the extract. It develops from earlier exploration of kingship where when Caliban was alone on the island as Prospero’s slave, he laments that he had been his own king. As he tries to comfort Alonso, Gonzalo pictures a utopian society over which he would rule. Characters here envision the island as unrealized potential and a space of freedom. Only the best has the hope of becoming a colonizer. Gonzalo’s vision of utopian society is undercut by a sharp the foolishness from Sebastian and Antonio. This is seen in Gonzalo’s statement that there would not be commerce or work in his society. Sebastian on the other hand replies that “yet he would be king on’t”. Gonzalo’s daydreams revolve around him ruling the island while appearing not to rule it. He therefore becomes a parody of Prospero. Miranda and Ferdinand’s conversation also depicts allure of the ruling colony. Ferdinand says that he would not play false for the sake of the world and Miranda adds that “Yes, for a score of kingdoms you should wrangle, and I would call it fair play.”
Conflict is a major plot development in the extract. Initially, the tempest put villains that had Prospero in the depicted situation in the island. The peace that Prospero and Miranda have known is shattered by the presence of strangers but Prospero eventually wins the villains to him. With them around, he feels like he had a conflict to resolve. Despite his seemingly in control of actions around him, the reader becomes unsure of whether everything will turn out well.
Complication also develops the plot from the dual murder hatch to the fake love complications Prospero created. He seems to have drawn all the wicked people to the island in a bound to create unanticipated problems in controlled situation. Prospero is creating complications for Ferdinand and Miranda by pretending to hate Ferdinand so that they can so that the couple could take their seriously. He is surrounded by complications but does not add up to them for his own end results.
In passage one he appears to have no qualm about enslaving Caliban and Ariel to achieve his intentions. In the extract Prospero’s idea of justice is one sided and only involves what is good for him but not others. The extract is more and more based on creativity and art. Prospero’s role explicitly mirrors Shakespeare’s role in developing a story around him. He becomes a surrogate for Shakespeare where his sense of justice begins to seem least sympathetic if not perfect. In the current society and literary works, life and death are depicted to exist together because in the event of bringing life into the world, someone else departs from the world. The view about life and death changes according to religious and cultural a belief which in turn connects us to the past generations.