Free Application for Transfer to Boston College Essay Sample

It has been rather comfortable for me to stay at American school here in Greece, but for some serious reasons mentioned herein I wish to submit my application for transfer letter. I have included below all details of my previous institution and my reasons for choosing your school from the list of the nearly six colleges I came up with initially.

Currently, I am a student at an American institute in Greece majoring in business. The reason why I chose business-oriented education programmes is that Iam business-minded and would like to venture into the private sector as a quality service provider once I finish college. I have educational reasonsfor applying at your institution as long as my college does not have key areas I would like. My dad, who is a businessman, is now operating in the United States, and he is my inspiration. I also participate in various co-curricular activities.

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As reflected in my transcripts, I have been performing well in my current institution. The impressive facilities at BostonCollege are Carroll School of Management and the programmes offered. I also considered the level of academic competition involved not forgetting various testimonies I have heard from people who underwent the Carroll School Core Curriculum. Going by my understanding of your institution, my current performance and educational goals, I think that I am capable of meeting the challenge and competition there.

If given the opportunity to secure a vacancy at your institution, I would wish to concentrate on areas of accounting, economics, and finance as those that make up my career projection. I also believe I could highly excel in areas that are within my capability, and be a whole rounded student when I graduate from the institution.

Also, the social scene in my current college is worth considering. The students here lack motivation I would require that my peers have a craving for success and ambition. I highly appreciate an environment where peers think about getting better grades in the campus and start shaping their career goals and lines early. That is one thing that is quite rare here.

Moreover, the atmosphere here is distrustful where most students seem to live for the weekends. Actually, I am not against it, and at times I genuinely enjoy it, but I prefer a more mature crowd.

As my father’s business is expanding in the USA, studying at Boston Carroll School of Management will give me a chance to learn more about the business and, eventually, when I take over, it will be easy to run the business. The atmosphere at Boston Carroll School of Management, from what I have gathered, encourages academic competition as well as develops minds of the career to pursue after college, its requirements, challenges, and benefits.

The benefits I expect to reap if given the chance to transfer to your college would include a higher level of academic competition and inspiration through the frequent addresses by Boston alumni especially those from the CarrollSchool. I am also interested in better specialty in the chosen areas of study, a heightened chance of getting into the career of my choice that would increase the possibility of impressing my dad enough to make him give me an opportunity in his business.

I would also wish to participate in one or two main sport activities where I can acquire some certificates, recognition, and self-pride as opposed to the current situation whereby I just have to take the few varieties offered. I believe that joining a new activity or simply majoring in a concentration I have would come in handy in helping me have a dream sport as well as bring some recognition for the Boston team, whichever one I would be a part of. I highly look forward for your positive response of securing a vacancy to study in your school.


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