Free Education Practices Essay Sample

Some of the President elect’s Donald Trump education policies were increasing the federal funding in support of school choice for the students including the 11 million school going children living in poverty. The quality of education and the attention given to the student varies with the teachers and students perception of students of color. People already have negative perceptions about the minorities in the society and often believe the whites are academically better than the minorities and that they deserve better schools. The essay outlines the implementation process of proposed education practices on the concept of culture and categorization of students on the idea of culture.

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Educational Practices that Challenge Stereotyped Categories of Students (Model Minority)

Student stereotypes by race, ethnicity, and origin have been rampant in the education set ups, and this brings up the need to develop strategies and practices which discourage such activities in the schools. The stereotypes affect inter students relationships as some view their colleagues as an inferior group which significantly affects their self-esteem and their academic performance. Implementation of the education practices which are against the stereotyping will adhere to a systematic plan: Identification of goals and a time span of implementation, the goals of the proposal are to discourage and minimize stereotypes about particular groups of people. Encourage and outline the importance of equal treatment of individuals despite the color and disregard the negative opinions people have or assume about the people they term as a minority. The proposing team aims to implement the policy in a span of three years through programs and forums of creating awareness on the impacts of the stereotyping actions.

Specification of theory for change, the change to be embraced in the implementation of this policy is an approach borrowed from sociology, the need to treat people with high levels of respect and acceptance since the development of a society depends on the contribution of all individuals. If people treat others as minorities, there will be gaps in the education process since the minorities will prefer to attend schools where they are the majority and avoid schools with the superior group who are the whites. Sometimes the almost white segregated schools are better equipped and thus the minority groups will lack the necessary exposure to education equipment. The next step would be to identify the resources and support growth strategy the proposal is being aired in an education task force under the leadership of the President-elect, and the government funding will be the source of income for the policy.

The plan is expected to cater for the large groups of immigrants in the country hence need for a better sustainable resource strategy. Most people tend to assume that children of immigrants are less academically gifted in comparison with the natives. However, this is not always the case. The stereotypes sometimes discourage the immigrants to give academics their full potential. Ferri and Connor in their article about the unspoken racial discrimination in school, outline the need to address the economic and social issues affecting groups which have already been grouped as minorities or marginalized. The items fall into the step of conducting a needs assessment test, the effect of stereotype has been a large challenge in the education sector pushing for the need of implementation of policies that address the issues at least for the minority groups to get some sense of pride of being in school. The process will help solve the problem of resistance of some students not going to school.

After conducting the needs assessment, it is important to design a communication plan to use in addressing the educational issue. Dealing with the subject of stereotypes requires efforts from all aspects of the society because some people develop the perception through peer influence others have grown to be taught that certain groups of people are inferior or superior. Teachers, parents, the society and the government will have a role to play in the fight against stereotypes in the education sector. The success of implementing the education policy will depend on the commitment and willingness of the political class. This proposal will seek to get the approval of the president and other political leaders for its implementation as an education practice. People are more likely to support and follow practices if they see their leaders doing and advocating for the issues, in this case with the assistance of the people's' democratically elected president, Donald Trump the citizens are most likely going to be more willing to solve the issue which will bring about its implementation success.

The proposal has given consideration to the likelihood of failures or risks in the implementation of the policy. The economic class differences of parents in a school are one of the leading causes of failure because the wealthy parents or kids might continue to view the poor as inferior in the society. The proposal addresses the aspect of sustainability of the practices, and the challenge will be dealt with through creation of mass awareness and campaign for people to shun away from treating others unfairly from the perceptions they have about a particular group of individuals. Encouraging teachers to avoid generalizing for example as troublesome rather treat the students individually. Often the minorities may seem to be the only ones with discipline issues in the school, but if treated with love and respect they are likely to rectify behavior which will enhance cohesion among students and the larger society. The last step of the implementation process is acknowledging that the policy will not be there forever and at some point plan for an exit strategy. Once the educational policy and practices are stable them, the government can withdraw some of the funding initially assigned to the issue of dealing with the teaching stereotype.

Implementation of Education Practices on Deficit Narratives around the Concept of Culture

According to Ladson-Billings, Some teachers often complain about black students being troublesome in class, children of the minority groups are not always very comfortable around their white counterparts because they have been made to feel inferior. The inferiority treatment translates to low self-esteem even when in class which affects their academic performance and participation in class. All black schools are less equipped and funded in comparison with the white segregated schools. The wealthy whites often say it is important for their children to attend the culturally diversified schools but in practical their children will go to the high-class institutions. The district schools with Americans, blacks, Hispanics and Latinos in New York, for example, conduct interviews for kid’s eligibility to talent schools and general education programs. Ferry & Connor state that that the whites will grab chances to attend prestigious talent schools and general education schools while the blacks may not get the chance.

The report by Rhoda and Wells give a picture of the differences in educational services given to the whites and the children of color. In global cities like New York, the expectation is that education programs are diverse. However, this is not the case on the ground as most of the G&T programs contain almost exclusively the whites while the general education programs have students of color. There are cases of offering advanced programs (AP) to students in the affluent schools, which are only affordable to the high-class Americans, these programs are not offered to institutions attended by the middle level Americans and blacks leaving them disadvantaged for college admissions. Education practices that will address such cultural differences and segregation should be implemented to change the sociological perspective that people have formed about individuals by race or ethnicity.

Implementation of these programs is more efficient at the k-12 levels as it molds the perceptions of the citizens from a tender age through the learning process. Embracing the idea of cultural diversification is essential in preparing young children for the life after school where they can quickly adapt to interracial working places. The segregation of students and the differences in the education programs offered in schools is likely to cause tension among the students and humiliation of those who are regarded as inferior and this is a disadvantage to the economy of the school. The Economic ability of families should not be used as a basis to evaluate an individual’s academic ability rather policies should be put in place to ensure that even the people living in poverty are a given reasonable school choice. My proposal is an implementation of education policies for the k-12 grades which will incorporate practices geared towards removal of the deficit narratives associated with culture. The policy enactment should be procedural so as it give good results and meet the expectations of both the government and the citizens.

The proposal for the plan follows the steps below. Cultural differences affect the quality of education programs and classroom treatment of students. The goals of the policy are the provision of funds by the government to support the education of its citizens irrespective of their school choice, provide quality education to all the people despite their cultural or economic orientation, and provision of education practices that are not discriminative by race, ethnicity or origin. Another goal of the policy is to discourage negative perceptions about particular groups of people on their academic ability, provision of fair assessment grounds as students join the talent and general education programs. The result of these will practices will be beneficial to the government as education is a means of economic uplifting, when people receive the right skills they become viable for employment which means they can meet their basic needs reducing the burden on the government to cater for the poor in the society. The economy will also have increased skilled workforce hence an increase in the different sectors of the government. The education levels are likely to move higher for all students in the country both the immigrants and the natives of the country.

Identification of the audience, the relevant audience of the education policy proposal are the citizens of the country, high-class, middle-class and the low-income earners together with the elected officials and the appointed education committee members. The presidents together with his appointed education committee are the final decision makers on the implementation of the policy. Parents and students are information consumers who will listen to the proposal buy it or criticize then wait for the final decision. Human right activists are also likely to air their input on what they feel about the proposed educational practices to deal with cultural perceptions that are evident in the country.

Provide a clear message to the relevant audience: According to Nieto, there exists a complex relationship between culture and education and often an expression of these issues are through institutional discrimination on the basis of language, color or ethnicity. Several factors affect an individual’s perception of other people’s culture, and these include socio-economic factors and political factors. Many people are deprived access to different education institutions and programs due to their “culture." The treatment of whites and other minority groups in schools is a culture that has been cultivated over time, and only people can change it. The most significant element of change is the government; implementation of the policy will help people learn and apply the new culture provided. The education given to the children and the youths says a lot on our authorities stand on education. It is important to create a culture of providing education to all people irrespective of their economic status, color or ethnicity.

Identification of ways through which to engage the target people and groups. Mobilizing people's support for the proposal is significant into acceptance of the motion by the government; gaining support from the fellow members of the task force will be an advantage in advocating of the proposal, the working group comprises of different people with independent views and ideas of the issue. To get the support of those not for the notion of the first approach can be attained through an elaborate explanation of the likely positive impact the policy would have to the economy at large. Assuming this step can contribute to the downfall or disregard of the idea by the president and other leaders. The target groups for this policy can be parents to the minority, affluent white parents who advocate for cultural diversity in schools, human rights activities and other groups who share the same opinions.

Most private and public organizations may ask why they need to be part of the supporting groups for the idea, but an insight on the importance of the provision of education to all would change their opinions. Once the people acquire the education, they will get the relevant skills and qualifications that the organizations require as a human resource in improving or maintain the productivity of the teams. The president-elect pledged to increase the funding of federal government with the aim of providing education even to the people living in poverty and advocating for school choice of all school going children whether in private, public schools or other vocational training centers they should enjoy government institutional funds. Such an incentive would provide quality education to more citizens which will have both economic and social benefits.

Outreach methods. Just like any other proposed policy in a task force before it is implemented or even passed by the panel members, there is a need to get the public feeling about the issue and whether it should or should not be applied. The available platforms to reach to the citizens and probably rally their support about the issue vary with according to the target groups. The proposal will also include the white children to enlighten them on the importance of educating their minority counterparts to facilitate acceptance and harmony in the learning process; this can easily be achieved through addressing the children while in school or areas which attract masses of children and the youths. Press conferences with the decision makers and the information consumers provide an opportunity to give a better highlight of why it is important to change from certain practices. It is a one –on-one platform whereby you can answer questions concerning the proposal. Most people today use the internet regularly and the social media also a method of reaching the young people and express the need for implementing the policy of providing education to all.

Measures to assess progress, timeline, and implementation. Provide a precise evaluation of the proposal, what are the expectations of the proposing team, give a tool that will be used to assess the effectiveness and progress of the policy so that the government can be able to tell whether the plan is yielding positive results either on a short or long-term basis. The system will first be implemented in the areas with low-income earners within a period of 1-year which will ensure that children in the school going age can enjoy the benefits of funding for school choice and access to quality education. An understanding of the needs of the audience, methods and tools to engage the citizens will facilitate effective implementation of the education practices policy by the education task force under the leadership of President Trump.


The function of the education task force in the government is to advise the president on the functioning of schools and progress of important projects. Providing valuable proposals that will improve the education sector of the country, such projects include the above discussions on implementation of education practices that challenge the issue of categorizing students with certain presumed stereotypes and disregard notions of culture concepts in schools. An outline of how to implement each of the proposed education policies is provided. The policies aim at providing education to all people in the country irrespective of their color, ethnicity or origin. A society with individuals who possess the necessary skills and qualifications becomes more economically stable and developed. The education policy on stereotypes is essential to the lives of the students once they join the workplaces, they will have good relations with colleagues who might be from different countries, language or color. The students learn to accept people for their ability and impact in the society but not treat them as inferior due to generalized perceptions of individuals of particular cultural background.


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