Free US History Since 1965 Essay Sample

1. One of the reasons that Woodrow Wilson was reelected in 1916 was that he promised to _________d________.

  1. lower the tariff
  2. end the progressive reforms
  3. assist the Allies in the war
  4. d.      keep the United States out of war
  5. annex Cuba

2. Prohibition _______e__________.

  1. was most effective in restricting drinking in the cities
  2. began at the national level
  3. was most effective among the upper classes
  4. did little to decrease drinking
  5. e.      made it almost impossible to obtain alcohol in the United States
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3. What event finally led to American entry into the World War I?


  1. Germany's decision to resume U-boat attacks
  2. b.      the interception of a telegram that promised German aid in exchange for a Mexican invasion of the United States
  3. the suspicious behavior of German-Americans
  4. the German invasion of Belgium
  5. Great Britain's blockade of neutral trade

4. The Treaty of Versailles _________a________.

  1. a.      devastated the Germans militarily and economically
  2. was accepted by the U.S. Senate
  3. adhered strictly to Wilson's Fourteen Points
  4. included Russia in the negotiations
  5. was satisfactory to the majority of German citizens

5. What was the primary cause of the Red Scare?


  1. a rapid increase in the number of immigrants from Russia and Poland
  2. fear that the Russian Revolution would spread to the United States
  3. the Sacco-Vanzetti trial
  4. several WWI-era strikes
  5. e.      a rise in the number of elected Communist Party officials

6. A satirical examination of small-town life, morals, and culture of the 1920s was featured in books by which of the following authors?


  1. Ernest Hemingway
  2. F. Scott Fitzgerald
  3. T. S. Eliot
  4. Ezra Pound
  5. e.      Sinclair Lewis

7. Which of the following was not a writer associated with the Harlem Renaissance?


  1. Claude McKay
  2. Langston Hughes
  3. James Weldon Johnson
  4. d.      Upton Sinclair
  5. Zora Neale Hurston

8. Calvin Coolidge followed the policies of ______e___________.

  1. the Progressives
  2. the Hoover administration
  3. the Wilson administration
  4. the Republicans of 1901?1912
  5. e.      the Harding administration

 9. Contributing causes of the Great Depression included all of the following except ________a_________.

  1. a.      too many consumers
  2. overproduction
  3. corporate mismanagement
  4. unstable economic conditions in Europe
  5. rampant speculation

10. Before becoming president, Franklin D. Roosevelt served in which of the following capacities?


  1. vice president
  2. b.      governor of New York
  3. a college president
  4. governor of New Jersey
  5. secretary of commerce

11. Which two New Deal programs were declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court?


  1. the NRA and TVA
  2. the AAA and Social Security Act
  3. the CCC and TVA
  4. d.      the NRA and AAA
  5. the Wagner Act and the AAA

12. The Civilian Conservation Corps was primarily designed to _____e____________.

  1. find new uses for fallow farmland
  2. control flooding and generate electricity
  3. train skilled workers for the American Federation of Labor
  4. encourage a love of the outdoors
  5. e.      provide jobs and experience for unemployed young men

13. The main significance of the battle of Midway is described in which of the following statements?


  1. The Japanese destroyed what was left of the American Pacific fleet.
  2. b.      It marked the first American offensive in the Pacific.
  3. The Americans stopped a Japanese advance on Australia.
  4. It prevented the Japanese from capturing the Philippines.
  5. It granted Americans control of the Central Pacific.

14. The long-promised Allied second front became reality in June 1944, when U.S. and British troops landed in _____c____________.

  1. the Philippines
  2. El Alamein, Egypt
  3. c.       Normandy, France
  4. Sicily, Italy
  5. Warsaw, Poland

15. The Lend-Lease program was ____a_____________.

  1. a.      offered to Great Britain and the Soviets to help them fight the Nazis
  2. suggested by American isolationists, who saw it as the best way to stay out of the war
  3. requested by the Germans, who could not get supplies because of the British blockade
  4. what prompted Republicans to call for Roosevelt's impeachment
  5. an overwhelmingly unpopular program across the United States

Directions: After reading the commentary and your reading assignment in the textbook, answer the following questions. If you do not understand how an answer was obtained, contact your instructor for an explanation. A copy of your score will be sent to your instructor.

1. The U.S.'s traditional policy of isolation was abandoned when the United States became a member of the __________d________.

  1. Marshall Plan
  2. Warsaw Pact
  3. United Nations
  4. d.      North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  5. League of Nations

2. The United States was able to get a resolution from the United Nations Security Council to defend South Korea because _______e___________.

  1. Kim Il-Sung has asked the United States to propose it
  2. it feared a nuclear attack on South Korea
  3. China had asked the United States to propose it
  4. the Soviet Union was the primary supporter of the proposal
  5. e.      the Soviet Union was boycotting the Security Council

3. The Truman Doctrine allocated money to stop the spread of Communism in ____________c______.

  1. Iran and Turkey
  2. France and Italy
  3. c.       Greece and Turkey
  4. Italy and Greece
  5. Czechoslovakia and Greece

4. President Harry S. Truman's domestic program was known as the _________c_________.

  1. Great Society
  2. Square Deal
  3. c.       Fair Deal
  4. New Deal, Part II
  5. New Frontier 5.

The American expert on the Soviet Union who advised the United States to "contain" Communism was ________e__________.

  1. Dwight Eisenhower
  2. John Foster Dulles
  3. George Marshall
  4. George Patton
  5. e.      George Kennan

6. In the decade after World War II, the United States experienced _____d_____________.

  1. a serious decline in economic productivity
  2. a significant decline in consumer-goods industries
  3. a significant increase in immigration
  4. d.      a significant increase in population
  5. a significant decline in energy production

7. The 1960 election was __________c________.

  1. a landslide by popular vote
  2. decided in the House of Representatives
  3. c.       the first to have televised presidential debates
  4. decided by the Supreme Court
  5. decided by third-party divisions

8. Which of the following choices lists events of the early civil rights movement in chronological order?


  1. student sit-ins, Brown decision, Montgomery bus boycott, desegregation of armed forces, Little Rock crisis
  2. Montgomery bus boycott, student sit-ins, desegregation of armed forces, Little Rock crisis, Brown decision
  3. Brown decision, Little Rock crisis, Montgomery bus boycott, desegregation of armed forces, student sit-ins
  4. d.      desegregation of armed forces, Brown decision, Montgomery bus boycott, Little Rock crisis, student sit-ins
  5. Little Rock crisis, desegregation of armed forces, Montgomery bus boycott, Brown decision, student sit-ins

9. In Gideon v. Wainwright, the Supreme Court ruled that __________a________.

  1. a.      defendants had to be provided lawyers
  2. altering the borders of election districts without federal approval was unconstitutional
  3. defendants could not be interrogated or induced to confess a crime without defense counsel being present
  4. school prayer was unconstitutional
  5. defendants had to be informed of their constitutional rights

10. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 did all of the following EXCEPT ____________c______.

  1. include gender as an unacceptable basis for discrimination in hiring
  2. create the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to lessen racial discrimination in employment
  3. c.       protect the voting rights of African Americans
  4. outlaw racial segregation in public facilities
  5. outlaw the use of racial profiling

11. Calls for "black power" first emerged from the ______b____________.

  1. Southern Christian Leadership Conference
  2. b.      Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
  3. Congress of Racial Equality
  4. Urban League
  5. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

12. The modern rise of the gay liberation movement is associated with ______a____________.

  1. a.      the founding of the Gay Liberation Front
  2. the Stonewall Inn riots
  3. the founding of the Gay Activist Alliance
  4. the founding of ACT UP
  5. the first National Coming Out Day

13. Ford's first presidential act, which shocked the nation, was ________c__________.

  1. ending the war in Vietnam
  2. moving to limit the powers of the CIA
  3. c.       pardoning Richard Nixon
  4. boycotting of the Soviet Union
  5. renewing the national commitment to the Great Society initiatives of the Johnson administration

14. The seizure of the American embassy in Tehran occurred following _________b_________.

a. the freezing of Iranian assets in American banks

b. the fundamentalist Muslim revolt ousted the Shah from power

c. an American treaty with Iraq

d. the Shah's treatment in an American hospital

e. an American attack on Iran

15. In 1976, Jimmy Carter campaigned against _____a_____________.

  1. a.      Washington insiders
  2. the SALT II treaty
  3. Lyndon Johnson's domestic policies
  4. the restoration of Panamanian sovereignty over the Panama Canal
  5. the extension of the Voting Rights Act 1.

Which of the following is the fastest growing ethnic group in the United States?


  1. Middle-Eastern Americans
  2. African Americans
  3. Asian Americans
  4. d.      Hispanic Americans
  5. Mexican Americans

2. The image of the U.S. as a __________b_______ has recently replaced the traditional image of the country as a melting pot.

  1. string quartet
  2. b.      mosaic
  3. flower garden
  4. quilt
  5. fast-food buffet

3. In 1992, H. Ross Perot was _______a__________.

  1. a.      a third-party candidate who won a considerable percentage of the popular vote
  2. a third-party candidate who did not win any significant percentage of the popular vote
  3. a third-party candidate who won a considerable percentage of the electoral college vote
  4. a Democratic candidate troubled by Clinton's lack of political moderation
  5. a Republican candidate who sought to replace George H. W. Bush as the GOP nominee

4. Even though George H. W. Bush had the advantage of being the incumbent in the 1992 election, his campaign struggled because of the _______a__________.

  1. a.      economic recession
  2. fall of the Soviet Union
  3. Iran-Contra scandal
  4. outcome of the Persian Gulf War
  5. war in Kosovo            

5. In the opening days of the war on terrorism, the United States invaded _________________.



  1. Iran
  2. Sudan
  3. c.       Iraq
  4. Afghanistan
  5. Saudi Arabia

6. The Bush administration used new powers granted by _________________ to conduct a broad crackdown on possible terrorists.


  1. al Qaeda laws
  2. b.      a UN resolution
  3. the Means of Unilateralism
  4. the war on terror
  5. the PATRIOT Act

7. For which of the following attacks was al-Qaeda NOT responsible?


  1. the September 11 attacks
  2. the attacks on the USS Cole in Yemen
  3. the anthrax mail scare
  4. the bombing of two American embassies in Africa
  5. e.      none of the above

8. The election of 2000 was decided by which of the following?


  1. a.      the United States Supreme Court
  2. recounts in key counties
  3. H. Ross Perot
  4. Florida's Republican secretary of state
  5. the Florida Supreme Court

9. The 2008 election resulted in which of the following?


  1. Democratic control of the presidency
  2. b.      Democratic control of the House of Representatives
  3. Democratic control of the Senate
  4. a and c only
  5. all of the above

10. The economic crisis that began in 2008 was due primarily to which of the following?


  1. the collapse of dot-com bubble
  2. b.      the collapse of the housing bubble and the mortgage crisis
  3. the decision to sharply increase taxes in 2004
  4. declining oil prices
  5. all of the above

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