Free Cultural Studies Essay Sample
The debate on continuities is based on the fact that both the discussions on the war on terrorism as well as the legacies of cultural studies seem not to have an end. The continuities raised in the debate on the legacies of cultural studies come about in the sense that cultural studies are based on the theories raised in the various aspect of human life. The aspect of continuity is brought about by the fact that the various aspects of human life that influence the legacies of cultural studies are liable to change over time thus affecting the influence that the aspects has on the legacies.
In this regard the continuity is brought about by the fact that the changes that occur to the various aspects of human life influence the perception that individuals have in relation to the generation of meaning from the cultural perspective. The aspect of continuity in the discussion on the war on terrorism is created by the fact that the war does not seem to end. This as Thucydides attributes is based on the fact that the war lacks fronts in space as well as an end. In this argument terror is addressed as a force that has existed in the society for as long as the state has existed. The discussion on the war on terrorism describes the war as one which has a terrorist nature in the sense that it is not only a war against an enemy but one which produces terror as well as its accumulated artifacts. The underlying argument is the fact that the continuity aspect of the war on terrorism is brought about by the fact that the war has a side effect on the community of terror as well as its accumulated artifacts. These are argued to have a massive impact on the community which in the long run propagates further acts of terrorism.
In this regard the comparison of the discussion on the war on terrorism as well as the legacies of cultural studies shows a similarity in the two based on their characteristics of continuity. The continuity generated in respects to the legacies of cultural studies is brought about by the alterations that occur to the aspect of human life that influence the perception of cultural studies in respect to meaning. In regard to the debate on the war on terrorism, the aspect of continuity is brought about to a large extent by the side effects that the society faces as a result of the war. These effects are viewed in the sense of terrorism as well as its accumulated artifacts that have an impact on the society which results in further acts of terrorism. This aspects makes the war continuous based on the fact that rather than bringing about a lasting solution to the conflict the war meant to resolve the conflict creates more conflict that making the war continuous.
This is an argument that is aimed at highlighting the various aspects in the debate on the war on terrorism as well as the legacies of cultural studies that portray discontinuity. The legacies on cultural studies are drawn upon theories that are to a large extent related to varied aspects that entail the human aspects of an individual. The implication of the legacies is that cultural studies is finished raising a characteristic aspect of cultural studies that shows discontinuity. This is to a large extent a factor that is influenced by the cultural setting that engraves the discussion of the legacies. This is based on the fact that the cultural aspect of human life which the discussion on cultural studies is based has to a large extent been influenced by aspects of modernity. This is an aspect that has to a large extent affected the cultural setting in which the field of cultural studies is highly centered.
This brings about the characteristic aspect of the legacies of cultural studies that portrays its discontinuity. Much speculation is given to the fact that the influence brought about by modernity affects the cultural setting within which the academic fields seeks to draw its understanding of meaning. In this regard the scope of the field is changed thus affecting the dimension of the academic field creating its aspects of discontinuity. The argument is based on the fact that modernity affects the cultural setting in the sense that it challenges the cultural attributes with which individuals offer interpretation to meaning. Consequently, the debate on the war on terrorism has an aspect of discontinuity though it is viewed as momentary. This is based on the fact that the war on terrorism offers an aspect of discontinuity in the sense that it puts an end to a current conflict. This is based on the fact that the war entails waging a war to fight a targeted enemy thus ending their terrorist activities.
However, the debate on discontinuity in the context of the war on terrorism is not highly evident. This is based on the fact that the war on terrorism offers a greater sense of continuity in the sense that it creates aspects of terror within the society which later triggers acts of terrorism. This has the implication that the debate of discontinuity cannot be highly discussed within the context of the war on terrorism. As is with the argument on the war on terror discontinuity is as well brought about by other aspects which take into consideration the judgment that individuals have on the war. This is based on the morality as well as justification that is given to the war. In this regard discontinuity is brought about with arguments that seek to raise justification of the war as well as its morality. In this regard discontinuity is created when the war is deemed as just as well as moral in offer a solution to the conflict of terrorism that is faced at the moment. This has the implication that the war is viewed as just and moral when fighting the enemy based on the conflict faced at the moment. In this regard discontinuity is created in the sense that the war brings about an end to the existing conflict thus the characteristic discontinuity aspect of the discussion.
The implication that is raised by legacies of cultural studies implying cultural studies to have been finished can to a certain degree be agreed upon. This is based on the fact that the study as a field of academics has its scope based on the influence that culture has on an individual during the generation of meaning. However, over time the cultural scope of many individuals has been affected by the trends of globalization. This is based on the fact that globalization has to a large extent influenced modernity that has affected the cultural setting of most individuals within the society. This has affected the ways in which generation of meaning is made on an individual basis by affecting the influence that culture has on the process. The agreement to the implication brought about by the legacies on cultural studies is based on the fact that the studies take into consideration the cultural aspects of an individual that are affected by globalization.
This can simply be understood in the sense that the cultural setting plays an important role in influencing the judgment that an individual making thus affecting the process of gaining meaning. In this line of argument the cultural setting of individuals has to a large extent been affected by the fact that modernity as well as globalization affects the cultural setting. The impact on culture is brought about by globalization in the sense that the increased interaction of individuals affects their cultural setting leading to the assimilation of new culture. As a result the cultural aspects that laid a foundation for the study end up being affected thus affecting the continuity of the field of study. This is seen in the sense that modernity has resulted in a society that does not have a vivid cultural setting to influence their judgment as well as perception of meaning. This resulted in a situation in which human judgment and perception of meaning is drawn upon influence that is created by varied cultures.
This is based on the fact that globalization facilitates the spread of cultures a factor that allows individuals to draw their beliefs from varied cultures. This in turn influences the judgment that individuals have as well as their perception in respect to meaning. This draws the understanding that the fact that the cultural scope on which cultural studies is based is affected by the wave of modernity as well as globalization thus affecting the continuity of the study. The war on terrorism is viewed as a war that is highly regarded as lacking various aspects such as a scope of space as well as an end. This is based on the fact that the war has been viewed as to propagate acts of terrorism in the sense that it results in feelings of terror as well as its accumulated artifacts. The debate on the war on terrorism as the writer argues is to a large extent based on the argument that an individual has in its regard.
This is in respect to the morality as well as justification of the war a scope of argument that as well contributes to the continuity aspect of the argument. The debate on the morality aspects of the war are based on the dimension on which the argument is approached and to a large extent the religious front. From a ideologist's point of view the war is viewed as be waged on an enemy that is bent on the destructive as well as evils goals of the communist enemy that precedes it. This has the implication that the enemy that the war seeks to fight is regarded as based on their destructive acts which they make in retaliation to their communist enemy arguing against the evils goals of their communist nature. This creates an issue of morality in the sense that the war on terrorism is in a way viewed as moral in the sense that ends the destructive acts of the enemy while seeking to offer justice to those affected by the acts of the enemy.
In the war on terrorism the concept of the war being just draws upon the speculation that the fight of the enemy is aimed at bringing justice which has the implication that a just nation needs to fight the war. However, this raises a grave issue in respect to the offering of justice and revenge thus questioning the just nature of the war. The debate on just war is however clouded with the understanding of a just war as a war that is aimed at putting right the political order while restoring the right of bestowing virtue upon the world. The argument raised in the concern of the war on terror bring about as aspect which I support to a large extent of the war being continuous and lacking aspect of morality as well as justice. The continuous nature of the war is brought about by the fact that the war in its quest of maintaining peace and justice within the society ends up in perpetuating feelings of terror. This is as well coupled with an accumulation of the artifacts of terror among the citizens and in the long run sparking further acts of terrorism.
In this regard it is an agreeable fact that the war lacks morality as well as justice. The underlying argument is the fact that in as much as the war is necessary in ending the terrorist activities the nature in which it is conducted as well as the mindset behind the war affects the outcomes of the war. The result of such a war is series of other wars which are waged as a response to attacks. The argument in emphasis in this case is the fact that the war on terrorism is waged to fight an enemy while at the same time it creates an enemy thus in the long run creating a series of wars. These are wars that are waged in the context of morality and justice. However, this creates a string of revenge thus making the war loose its sense of eliminating the enemy by creating more enemies thus propagating more war.
Cultural studies are an academic field that is to a large extent determined at understanding the process through which meaning is arrived at on an individual basis. As a field of study a scope of focus is required with culture taking the centre stage in this discussion. The aim is to understand from a cultural perspective the attributes gives to meaning. The war on terrorism is viewed as a war to fight an enemy whose destructive activities are aimed as highlighting the evils goals of the precedent enemies. This has the implication that the war on terrorism is viewed as continuous in the sense that offers temporary solutions to the current conflicts of the days while propagating other conflicts of the future.