Free Interpersonal Ties and Media Essay Sample

1.Interpersonal ties

According to Forster, Interpersonal tie is the information carrying correlations that subsist between people. These ties are of three varieties: strong, weak and absent ties. The weak ties are responsible for the most of embeddedness and the configuration of social networks that exists in the society as well as the transmission of information through the accessible networks. In a precise way, much of the original information flows to the respective individuals through the weak ties than it does via the strong ties. This is attributed to the argument that individualized friends tend to coexist in similar platforms that one stays in, thus the kind of information received does overlap in a considerable manner with what these people already know. In contrast, associates are attributed to the knowledge of people not known to others and they thus are able to receive much novel information. However, the strength of any interpersonal tie is relative to linear combination of the amount of time as well as the poignant concentration and mutual confiding, as well as the shared services, which are taken as the general characteristics of each of the tie.

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Strong ties are similar to weak ties and are important to us. The strong ties enable us to prove the already existing information in our database and clarify facts due to coexistence in similar circles by the carrier of the original information. Secondly, strong ties revolve around interaction, affection and time, and the combination of such qualities provides trust hence the strong ties become the critical ones in the generation of trust and discouragement of malfeasance. Weak ties, on the other hand, help in reaching the audience that cannot be accessed via the strong ties.

In a recent research, it was found that the number of strong ties is declining in most of the Americans. This has been attributed to the changing economic and life circumstances, hence the need to have information that is novel in relation to the coping methodologies.

McPherson and colleagues suggested a weakening of strong ties. This suggestion has a firm ground and the arguing about weakening is attributed to the variations in many life factors as it requires the need to look for original information to be able to handle the situation. Strong ties as argued out by McPherson and colleagues exist between close friends and peers who share a lot of similarities. Due to many other factors, the information between them is common and the weakening of the strong ties in this case is attributed to the search of new and relevant information that is not readily available between the strong ties. In addition, the need to have more weak ties to have significant information is another factor that does contribute to the weakening of strong ties as argued by McPherson and colleagues. Thus the evidence presented in far much undeniable. Such findings are not worrisome; this is due to the fact that weak ties are more beneficial as opposed to strong ties.

Internet has the ability to build or erode a strong tie. It can build ties by making it easy to communicate and talk to each other in a simple way quite often hence strengthening a strong tie, and on the contrary, internet can erode a strong tie through making available chances to meet new more friends and establish ties which deny a strong tie and commitment hence it gets eroded.

According to Cass Sustein’s opinion, the Internet has some impact on building strong or weak ties. His argument is right and has basis that can depend on the effect of internet in the building of weak and strong ties. He argues that Internet has the most influential systems for information transfer and exchange between existing weak or strong ties; hence it is a mechanism that is able to see the building of either tie in a simplified way. Internet is thus, according to me and my support of Cass Sustein's opinion, has a significant approach and is platform that is able to build strong and weak ties amicably.

Online group polarization is a propensity to make decisions by groups that are more tremendous than the preliminary penchant of the group members. Cass Sustein's opinion on such matter would be that it is the power of the Internet that has given the group the ability to make correction on the errors that group members might have made in deciding the limits and scope of the group. Thus, in my opinion, Cass Sustein would opt to applause the tremendous Internet ability.

2. Changes in media

According to Mizuko, Horst, et al., in a resent research, changes have been witnessed in the broadcasting sector. Some of the American petite private channels are attributed to the enjoyment of some independence from the state while on the contrary the national television channels are under the control of the state. This means that the media freedom has been tampered within the recent years in America, leaving the only medium where the journalists enjoy acceptable levels of freedom as the internet. The existence of media and the jobs of its employees are jeopardized if they failed to adhere to the restrictions and opt to criticize the government. The press freedom is not any brighter in print media; independent news has become rare.

Media has changed from the cyber culture to new media in America. Under cyber culture, media involved the various social observable facts that are connected with the internet and the other association communiqué such as the blogs, new media has much interest in cultural objects and archetypes such as iPhones. In this context, it can be deduced that media has changed from the traditional cyber culture to more advanced technology tha embraces different approaches in America.

Media shift from cyber culture to new media or digitalized scope is the most significant change. The importance of this media is that it is attributed to the need to have in place the methodologies that are embracing the quick advancement and diversity of technology while communicating to the audience. The need to ember technologies, such as the iPhone, is a better approach that is far from the analog television and broadcasting. Thus, the embrace of technology and the advancement of the existing systems into digitalized scope is a significant step in American media.

Long tail is statistical property logic where a huge share of populace belongs to a distribution chattel tail as opposed to what is noted in a Gaussian distribution. Long tail does affect media production and consumption in that it does influence the value perceived by the consumer regarding the various media and the quality of production. A media that enjoys higher quality perception has favorable consumption levels in its productions as opposed to the media that is associated with low quality.

Media fragmentation is defined as the varying ways of using media. Media fragmentation has taken shape in marketplace, the ascend of cable viewing as an option and the upcoming of new tube networks, such as YouTube in addition to the media trouncing of the audience share on the networks. The fragmentation is also associated with the growth of market competitiveness, which does influence the operations of the media industry. For example, the adoption of various media scopes as a diversification approach has enjoyed the competitive advantages as opposed to sticking to the old single network and scope media.

Media fragmentation is attributed to technological innovations and diversity as well as the respective consumer relationship models that various media have in place. The other reasons attributed to fragmentation are competitive strategies and the media development theories such as fragmentation and interaction of the media and emergent of new media techniques.

Media reporting and interaction are other important changes which the phenomenon is subjected to. They involve the ability of media to coexist and utilize other player tools and research towards growth and development. The audience would benefit from more focused reports and interactions that will ensure quality signals and media delivery to the consumers. I decline to believe that these changes detract from the social capital and opt to adopt the argument that the possible effects will be a boost to social capital. The issues matters in a significant way, because the comfort of a specific media consumer addresses issues that affect the value of their networks. Thus, any media concerns matters to both the audience and the stakeholders in general. It is the goal of the shareholders in media industry to serve their consumers with a non-measurable qualities and standards that are relevant to current technologies and knowledge thus changing expectations of the clients. This and any of the above discussed and other left out issues do matter most.

In summary, media changes such as fragmentation, the kick out of cyberspace, better and quality reporting are some of the various media variations that are currently notable in the American media sector.


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