Free Wedding Planning Essay Sample


This is the planning of a wedding ceremony that will involve family and friends of both the bride and groom. The wedding ceremony is to take place one year from now. The bride's family is footing the whole cost of the wedding. The budget has been agreed and a wedding planner has been recruited to guide the bride and groom and their family throughout the whole preparation process.

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The objective of this wedding planning schedule is to ensure that all the necessary items to be used on the day of the wedding are well documented for ease in buying and acquiring before the wedding day. All necessary prior preparations are to be well taken care of and confirmed that they will be ready and available for use as needed on the wedding day.

Scope of work   

Most necessary is to involve a wedding planner who will help with the recruiting of the relevant service providers. The wedding planner will be in charge of ensuring that the service providers have the necessary capacities to deliver services on the wedding day to the taste and as requested by the bride and groom. Some of the duties include but are not restricted to:

o   Collecting dresses for the bride's maids.

o   Collecting the groomsmen's cummerbunds.

o   Checking on the progress of the wedding cake from the caterer.

o   Ensuring the wedding grounds are well arranged on the wedding day in time.

o   Confirming with the transport provider of the availability and arrival of the cars.

o   Disbursement of wedding invitation cards as per bride and groom's invitee list.

Delivery requirements

The wedding planner will be required to give quarterly updates on any developments to the bride and groom on all progress.

Period of performance

The wedding planner will be expected to offer her services for a period of one year when the preparations for the wedding are taking place up to the last day when the wedding takes place.


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