Free Behavioral Essay/Contract Essay Sample
Behavior is a term used to refer to an action a human being. It commonly relates to the environment where one stays and the people around him as well. Behavior is a response. Individuals tend to respond differently to stimuli or input be it internal or external, voluntary or involuntarily, overt or covert, and conscious or subconscious. Behavior is in every aspect challenging. Not only does it deal with changing humans' nature but also changes with time. The scope of behavior is very huge and its impact on the society and people is very wide. To understand the behavior in human beings the individual interested has to dig deep into many research to understand the functionality of the brain together with its model.
Nature of behavior
Behavior in its on way is indistinguishable and generic in that it changes with time and age. Constant elements in the nature of human beings are genetics, degree of curiosity, dissatisfaction and sense of recognition hence making it so unpredictable. It changes with the situation and the surrounding it is subjected to. Behavior itself is a reflection of human nature that keeps changing as individuals norms change, whether the norm is acceptable or not in their society.
Conventionally behavior is what an individual does physically, such as smoking, taking a walk, or hiking. Despite these physical activities behavior can be subtle, non-physical activities such as thinking. Some other behaviors are also considered to be directly instinctual and designed into the system of human condition. Examples of such include an infant suckling; this is very instinctive since the infant is able to orient its mouth to the breast. Behavior occurs when one engages in these actions. The capability to learn to speak in the human language is another one. According to the principle of learning theory, all animals from the most complex to the least complex have their own basic needs that they desire to meet and are designed in away they are capable of meeting these needs.
The effects of behavior vary depending on the type of behavior shown by different individuals. Far reaching effects of a behavior depends on whether the behavior is reinforced or discouraged. Some of the effects of behaviors include interference of an individual's view of the reality and the capability to make good decisions. This inability to make decisions may prove problematic especially to young people who have not mastered the skills of solving problems. For example if a child who has stolen is rewarded for being able to bring that precious item to the family there is the likelihood that the child will continue with the act, on the other hand a child who is punished for having brought the item home without the permission of the owner will not engage in that behavior again.
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Other effects are; it contributes to laziness and lethargy. Many researches shows that television addicted people are at risk of being lethargic and lazy since they spend most of their time just watching it. Hence there is no time left for them to do any other constructive things. Television addiction also leads one to lack of the ability to think. Games, programs and news are some of the activities presented in the television. Television addicted people watching these programs much causes their ideas and thoughts to be synthesized. People taking most of their time watching it lose their ability to think since they only receive information and do not allow their brains to reason and work. Years later, their brain cells will decrease and this leads to scarcity of thinking ability. However, television can give people a sense of humor from the programs like comedies. Many diseases are caused by stresses and may lead to death hence comedies being amusing activities help to relief stress. These effects therefore should make people to be able to study behavior keenly and decide on how those behaviors with negative effects are eliminated.
Triggers that provoke and stimuli that reinforce behavior
There are various triggers that provoke the behavior of individuals such as fear, anxiety, regret and revenge. Recent studies have come to a conclusion that those students that show good percentages of engagement behavior have a huge benefit from elevated amounts of exposure to relevant academic resources. Teachers have a major role to play in determining the behaviors of students in the classroom. Behavior can be reinforced using various stimulus which include, use of rewards either verbal or tangible gifts. The use of terms like 'good work' or presentation of an item to an individual with good behavior is stimuli that reinforce behavior.
Behavior elimination
The idea of eliminating a behavior may prove to be complex as it requires various techniques to be applied. Behavior elimination takes a very long time. To eliminate a behavior one has to have a goal which is to do away with a certain behavior. An individual first has to reinforce a certain behavior which is almost similar to the desired behavior. Once that is achieved, you find out various other behaviors that will come closer to the desired behavior. This action is repeated until the undesired behavior does not show up. Hence the use of both rewards for the individuals who comply with the terms of the contract will be applied while on the other hand for those who does not comply an aversive stimulus will be introduced for example use of punishment.
One of the easiest ways to eliminate lying is to insure you do not ask a lot of questions. A lot of questions increase the urge to lie. Another way to do so is to restructure the way one asks his or her questions.
Behavioral contract to eliminate unwanted behavior
To eliminate any form of unwanted behavior one may decide to engage in a behavior contract whereby the people involved are, the individual who possess the behavior to be eliminated and the one who aims at eliminating the behavior. Fear of heights that an individual has can be one of the unwanted behaviors. A child who has fear of going down a slide may be used. In this case, the child may be placed at the end of the slide and asked whether she was comfortable at that point. If he is, then he can be asked to jump. On jumping successfully, he should be showered with praises and asked to repeat the action.
On another time, the child should be put some meters high and asked if she is okay and whether he can jump down from there. If he can't he should be supported. This action has to be repeated until the child reaches the highest point and be able to slide. After the whole exercise is complete the child can be asked to climb up the ladder himself and slide. If he can't, the whole exercise can be repeated. The individual aiming at behavior elimination has to devote time to ensure that the undesired behavior is eliminated as it may take a very long time. This contract will utilize the use of reinforcement both positive and negative reinforcements according to the behavior shown.