Free Whistle Blowing Essay Sample

A whistle blower program is one that allows employees or workers to report infringements on the law to a superior for instance an agency of the government without any dread of retaliation. Nations countrywide has whistle blower programs to make sure that employees are not uncomfortable with reporting violations. Some companies also inculcate whistle blower policies in their management so as to encourage their employees to voice the problems they encounter in the organization or company.

A company does not lay off or fire a whistle blower. Whistle blowers can also not get penalties like wage reductions, refusal of benefits or short hours. The company of an employer who penalizes a whistle blower may face detrimental legal consequences. Many agencies of the government have put in place whistle blower hotlines that allow employees to report any violations in their work places. The agencies mostly ask for the whistle blower’s name while conducting their investigations. If a company owner learns of his employee’s whistle blowing activities, the employer may legally file for an appeal.

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It is not a guarantee that all whistle blowers face protections from these whistle blower programs, in other cases somebody may decide to raise an issue regardless of whether he is under protection or not. Since all companies are under the pressure of putting up whistle blowing policies, some fail to educate their employees about the policies when the policies are in the employees’ handbook. Communication of policy information is principally the responsibility of the department of human resource. Basic questions to consider when communicating policy information are: what details of the policy can we communicate? How best should we relay this information?

What Information to Communicate

The human resource has the duty to communicate the company’s commitment. This enhances ethical work conditions and that the policy of whistle blowing is a vital constituent of the organization’s culture. This education should also include how the employees will utilize when under the confrontation of possible wrong doing. Employees should gain knowledge on the steps to follow when reporting.

They should also be aware of other alternative channels of reporting, such as anonymous systems of suggestions, office officers and telephone hotlines. Employees should learn the types of issues the whistle blowing policy addresses. They should also be aware of their responsibility to confirm their allegations before they consider utilizing the policy. The employees should also be aware of the procedure the company will go through to investigate the employees’ claims.

 How Best to Communicate Policy Information

Written media is one method though may prove inefficient when it comes to addressing difficult, ambiguous and sensitive information that requires immediate feedback. An effective method is oral communication, which has a larger capacity to address and answer comprehensive policy details. The key of appropriate communication is matching the channel of communication with the relevant information. Routine information that are straight forward and simple can get to employees through memos, bulletins, fliers and letters.

Whistle blowing is a complex ethical and legal issue that requires intense communication and education before employees trust and understands their organization’s policies. However, whistle blowing intentions are both negative and positive.

Pros of Whistle Blowing

Whistle blowing exposes companies that pose health risks to its workers who may not be operating in favorable working environments. The labor and industrial requirements will ensure improvement of the employees’ working environment. Public safety is a vital aspect to consider and employees should report when company activities could lead to mental, physical and environmental damage.

Secondly whistle blowing ensures that companies adhere to the regulations and rules that look into employees’ rights. For example, bosses who seek sexual favors from their employees and threaten them with a sack if they do not comply may be a thing of the past with the introduction of the policy. Whistle blowing minimizes bosses’ engagement in unethical and morally unacceptable behavior like oppression of employees through violence and by over working them. Whistle blowing is an effective method of airing problems that may be of grave concern to employees.

Many whistles blowing activities may serve to improve companies’ activities and productivity. Employees may learn of potential problems that may negatively influence the productivity of a company. Addressing the issue will help save the company from destruction or other losses. Whistle blowing identifies one as a person of integrity who does not fear doing what is right. Despite all intimidations and threats just to protect others from harm.

Cons of whistle blowing

It is hard to differentiate a gossip from a whistle blower. Many employees gossip a lot thinking that they are helping in raising ethical and moral concerns. If the employee does not disseminate such information to relevant authorities, employers may assume that they are maliciously spreading rumors for the purpose of revenge.  Normally there is no means of verifying the truthfulness of a whistleblower’s claim when they do not supply sufficient evidence for scrutiny.

The retaliation a whistle blower faces from fellow colleagues and management may be another disadvantage. Federal protections do not offer the support an employee may need when he has to face resentment and hatred from co-workers. Whistle blowers should be aware of mental and physical escape plans in case of such consequences.

Conflicting interests is another setback when addressing whistle blowing. An employee may face a dilemma when weighing the damage whistle blowing may impact on his relationships at work and career against possible advantages of whistle blowing in given situations. Many employees may not engage in whistle blowing due to their loyalty to companies and employers others may fear boldly accusing their employers

Many people face threats, intimidations and even lose their lives all in the name of whistle blowing. It is unattractive and dangerous when such consequences befall whistle blowers. A whistle blower who is wise will document, research on the best authorities to approach and make sure that her accusations are correct. Whistle blowing gives one a peaceful mind unlike keeping quiet.

Responsible Investment

Responsible investment is the employment of any investment strategy that will consider social good and financial good. In general, investors who are socially responsible encourage [practices that enhance human rights, consumer protection, diversity and environmental stewardship. The above four practices are crucial considerations of responsible investments.

Diversified investments including into organizations that community based. They aim to finance and guarantee loans to organizations or individuals that do not have access to financial help. The funds assist in community development. Investing in higher education is one of the strategies like that in Yale University.

Responsible investing encourages environmental stewardship by refraining from activities that pollute the environment and only utilizing those that conserve the environment. For instance, the use of bags that can be recycled, introduction of mobile phones that are eco-friendly, and the use of electric vehicles that do not emit green house gasses, these gasses may lead to global warming. Protecting the environment is a fundamental goal of investments that are socially responsible.

Responsible investments encourage consumer protection by refraining from activities that produce unhealthy products to consumers and campaigning against companies which produce them. They tend to protect consumers from counterfeit products or activities that may lack a license. They are like careless distribution of pornographic materials and consumption of unhealthy foods that have genetic modification.

Protection of human rights is another key concern of responsible investment. They try to educate employees on their rights to proper working environments and their right to voice out their violations to relevant authorities.  Investments that are socially responsible have positive social and environmental impact that aim to outperform investment standard benchmarks while maximizing financial returns.

In conclusion, employees have a right to voice their problems through Whistle blowing policy. They should not fear the consequences of speaking out as they will be under the protection of federal agencies. Lastly investments that are socially responsible aim to engage in activities that are socially and environmentally sustaining and discourage those that affect the society and the environment. 


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