Free Cultural Health Beliefs Essay Sample
The traditional beliefs influence health promotion and restoration of most patients. The assessment of the social and cultural information about the patient is crucial. The analysis involves the critical examination of the health traditions of the patient. The societies in the world have diversified cultural beliefs, norms and practices that suit their respective traditions. There is a need for adoption of heritage assessment techniques by the health professionals to deal with this situation. The societies perceive the causes of diseases, illnesses and even death differently. This tool, therefore, enables the health professionals to make informed decisions regarding the health status of the patients.
For instance, it creates a pathway to proper and effective exchange of ideas on health issues. The technique allows the health professionals to understand the patients’ health improvements or deteriorations and adjust where necessary. The patients are assured of good care from health facilities. With proper assessment, the patient is able to derive full enjoyment of good health and get positive and long-lasting outcomes from health-care facilities.
Through this assessment, health-care providers are able to be conversant with patient needs and work across various cultures to provide health services of high. For instance, health facilities could provide interpreters to assist patients with limited English proficiency so that they get effective care from the health facility. It is useful to ensure that different values, preferences and expressed needs of the patients are efficiently met. This will assure them of proper health care from the health facilities.
In Hispania, everyone is covered with a national health care program which is free of charge for almost every citizen of the nation. Extensive research has been done on the fork beliefs about cures and causes of illnesses. It is very rare for citizens to forego their free national medical coverage solely depend on the fork cures. There is the use of herbal remedies and experienced midwives and bonesetters but under the observation of trained medical professionals. The country has a strong confidence in fork medical systems and beliefs.
Japanese believe that the health of an individual depends to a great extent on maintaining a harmonious relationship with the universe. One of their treatment methods is the use of massage which is believed to restore proper body balance and stimulate the immune system of natural ability of the body to fight illnesses. During pregnancy, Japanese woman is expected to work extra hard instead of pampering themselves. This was believed to make the expectant mother’s labor to be easier than it would otherwise have been. At the onset of labor, the expectant mother was assisted by a mid-wife, her husband’s mother and her own mother. They do not believe in organ transplant since they have a belief of life after death and encourage that a person should die with all their body parts intact. People suffering from mental illnesses or their families do not seek medical assistance to restore their sanity because those affected are stigmatized by the community and it is shameful.
African-Americans believe in herb medicine especially from roots. They also believe that good health depends on a person’s lifestyle and their carefulness in observing hygienic and ethical practices. Some families believe that certain disease prognoses are safer if not relied to the patients since this relieves the later from mentally disturbing information, which may hinder quick recovery. African-Americans mostly encourage proper care in order to maintain high quality health standards. The care is provided by families as opposed to formal health-care providers.
Most Hispania families attribute their good life enjoyment to the centralized health-care system. This is because it treats every citizen as equal by ensuring that all citizens get access to these national health services. They services are very popular since they involve no financial cost whatsoever on that they beneficially may incur for them to be able to enjoy the health-care facilities. This makes them have a positive attitude and not to seek health-care from any other facility especially the fork curers who are also prevalent in this country.
Japanese have a system where the elderly are to taken care of by their children who were also expected to respect the former. This shows the importance of family and social order in the country and thus the members highly value the system because it strengthened the family set up. In Japan it is rare to find arguments and discussions going on in a health centre between the family of the patient her/himself and the physician since this would be regarded as shameful to the family. This was highly accepted by the community since in Japan there was a stipulated order of decision-making. The father had the first priority in decision-making followed by the eldest son who got the advice from the mother.
African-Americans accept the culture of proper care taking by an individual in order to improve their health. This is highly regarded by the family since the family set up is usually the beginning of all virtues in human life. The belief of the sick and elderly being taken care of by their families is also quite identifiable with the beliefs of the African-Americans. They shelter the patient from receiving report on what illnesses they might be suffering from. This is attributed to culture of a family to keep family secrets inaccessible to the public.
Heritage assessment is a tool the every health institution should adopt. The tool creates a clear picture of the concerns that surround the improvement, promotion and restoration of health that can never be ignored.