Free Effects of Insulin on Weight Gain Essay Sample
The issues of human health are farfetched. It can never be possible for one to fully exhaust the whole aspect of human health. This is because it may never be easy to identify some of the human habits that we so much cling on as either healthy or unhealthy. Most of the things that we do on a daily basis may seem less dangerous as far as the health of an individual is concerned. However when given a deeper thought and approach, one might well realize that some of these activities pose as great threats to our health. A number of conflicting ideas have been put forward concerning the contributions of insulin to weight gain. This discussion shall therefore seek to explore the validity of the above statement. Insulin gets released in the body even when one thinks about food. We therefore ought to explore the truth behind the idea that insulin can end up causing the body to store up energy instead of using it.
To begin with, insulin can be described as a hormone which is central to the regulating carbohydrate as well as the metabolism of fats in the body. This hormone cause cells in the muscles, liver as well as the fat tissues to absorb glucose from the blood. The glucose is then stored as glycogen both in the muscles and in the liver. The glycogen in these organs is usually stored in large amounts hence the need to use them on a continuous basis. However, when the body system to effectively harness the glycogen it may lead to the under use of energy. This is because most of this energy is stored in the raw form and cannot be converted. This may be a factor which can account for a gain in the weight of an individual.
According to the results obtained from a series of studies carried out on different animals, it can be confirmed that a sweet taste can cause an insulin response. This can be explained using the release and storage of sugar in the body. The release of insulin in the body leads to the storage of blood sugar in the tissues. This also includes fats. As a result of that, there is the possibility of an increased food intake the next time an individual eats. This is because when the body responds to an artificial sweetener by producing insulin, there can be increased hyperglycemia due to the fact that blood sugar does not increase. Increased food intake is one obvious factor which can lead to an individual gaining weight so easily. This happens when the fat in the food is not converted to give energy but is instead stored in the tissues.
In line with the above discussion, it is therefore possible to confirm the fact that sweeteners can actually lead to production of more insulin. This happens in the following chain, the sweeteners through the production of more insulin in the body get to trigger an increase in calorie intake. This in turn leads to increased adiposity which is actually the accumulation of more fat in the adipose layer. As a result of increased adiposity there comes a gain in weight. According to a research in The University of Texas in the Health Science Center, obesity as well as increase in weight was associated with increased use of diet soda. The study was population based and the results actually revealed that diet sugar which is a substance that greatly leads to the production of insulin caused weight gain and /or obesity to the users
It is therefore clear that weight gain is a possible side effect which may result from the use of insulin by the body. This use varies from one individual to the other. For instance, in some cases, some people produce so much insulin that the body is unable to absorb it all. The inability of the body to balance the production and absorption of insulin can also lead to weight gain. This is because most of the fat will be deposited under the skin and in the muscles yet only a small portion of it will actually be converted to give energy.
In a nut shell, insulin can cause people to gain weight in so many ways. Insulin may reduce the rate in which glucose is removed from the body. The excess glucose stored as fat may then result in the weight gain. Secondly, insulin can lead to a condition in the body comprising low blood sugar levels. This may cause an individual to overeat in a bid to correct the low blood sugar levels. When such a habit is not controlled then the body might end up receiving more than it necessarily needs. Consequently, the overeating can lead to the gain in weight. Furthermore, some individuals think that so long as they take insulin then they are able to eat anything they want. This is a misconception that can easily lead to individuals taking too much for the body without even realizing it. The consequences are therefore manifested only when the side effects of careless consumption begin to cause weight gain.
From the above discussion, it can well be possible to conclude that insulin can be linked to weight gain in a number of ways. Individuals should therefore monitor their intake of food and of substances that may lead to excessive production of insulin. The production and use of insulin should therefore be maintained at a balanced level. This alone can be the surest way of enhancing the security of a person's health.