Free Iron Deficiency Anemia Essay Sample

Anemia is a condition where the human body does not have sufficient and healthy red blood cells. Iron is a very crucial element for red blood cells. When the human body does not have sufficient iron, it will make less red blood cells or small red blood cells. This is what amounts to iron deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency anemia is a very common anemia. Red blood cells transport oxygen to the tissues of the human body. Healthy red blood cells are manufactured in the bone marrow. Red blood cells move through the human body for a period of between 3 to 4 months. Parts of the human body are then responsible for removing old red blood cells. Iron is a very essential part of the red blood cells. The lack of iron in the body causes ineffective transportation of oxygen. The human body normally gains iron through the diet taken in and using iron from the old red blood cells again. Iron deficiency anemia is realized when the iron stores of the human body run low.

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Generally, iron deficiency can be realized in the event that more blood cells and iron are lost than the human body is in a position to replace. Again, when the human body does not function well in iron absorption, iron deficiency can result. Another situation is the point where the human body is in a position to absorb iron while foods with iron are not being taken in. The human body requires more iron than ordinary for instance in the case of a pregnant or a breastfeeding mother. Iron can also be lost through bleeding. This bleeding can be realized through long, heavy and frequent menstrual periods, stomach, colon and esophagus cancer, the use of certain medicines like ibuprofen, aspirin or arthritis for a long period or even through peptic ulcer disease. The absorption of iron by the body may also be hindered by celiac disease, gastric bypass surgery, Crohn’s disease and the consumption of very many antacids with calcium. A strict vegetarian may also not get enough iron. An older adult who does not eat a full diet may also not get enough iron.   

Iron deficiency anemia can be managed and treated by taking supplements as well eating foods rich in iron. All the same, an individual effort and the health care provider should first seek to establish the cause of the condition. Iron supplements usually ferrous sulfate are required to build up the stores of iron in the human body. Patients who can not take iron via the mouth can inject it into the body through the muscle. Breastfeeding and pregnant mothers can take in extra iron since their usual diet normally will not offer the amount required.

Cardiomyopathy and Congestive Heart Failure

For Mr. P, needs more than he needs more than the prescribed treatment. Drugs like ACE inhibitors could be useful and other invasive procedures like pacemakers. However these measures can only improve survival and not essentially the quality of life. Vesnarinone therapy could be useful in improving quality of life at the expense of having long life. Mr. P is contemplating suicide. Automatic implantable cardioverter delibrillators (AICD) and cardiac pacemakers are common therapies that can be applied to him as they deter death from lethal arrhythmias. The deactivation issue of AICD could come up in Mr. P. Preferences of either survival or quality of life however, will be imperative when discussing the treatment options for Mr. P. At this point, survival is important for the wife who shows sadness due to Mr. P’s condition.

The management of this condition needs an interdisciplinary team to deal with psychological, spiritual, medical and social needs as demonstrated by Mr. P. A care model with a collaborative effort that coordinates care along with the positive wish of the patient, management of symptoms to deter exacerbations, sustenance of function and quality of life with good hospice care, education of the patient with concentration on management prelerences, and support from the family, particularly in this situation where Mr. P is contemplating death. In this treatment approach, adequate coverage on a 24-hour basis will be included.

Apart from the care directed to this condition, Mr. P needs palliative and end-of-life care. There are quite a number of issues that come with the planning of end-of-life care for patients with CHF like Mr. P. Hospice care was conventionally given to patients of cancer. However, hospice agencies have started to tailor prognosis standards for other chronic diseases like CHF. A prognosis of about six months would be useful in enrolling Mr. P in a hospice program. All the same, the patient must consent to non-aggressive care. However, predictions of death timings for CHF can be difficult. Deaths can emerge from strokes, arrhythmias, infection or myocardial infarction. For hospice care to be provided, the patient should consent to palliative care. This terminal care is normally exclusive mutually and different from treatments that cure the main disease or treat the underlying pathophysiology.

It would also be important to educate the patient and the family while providing logical reasoning on CHF. This will help in being positive towards treatment. The teaching plan will entail the following.

Heart Failure Process: it means that the heart is not pumping as required and that continuous treatment coupled with good lifestyle can correct the situation; Rationale: - Many old age people and other adults don’t comprehend the chronic disorders concept that cannot be cured and continue to seek for a medication to deal with the problem.

Blood Pressure Monitor: Mr. P should be encouraged to use home blood pressure device. Blood pressure parameters should be obtained from health care provider while records of the same are kept. Rationale: - Parameters of blood pressure differ with persons. Heart failure could be out of control when blood pressure is higher or lower than normal.

Plan and eat foods with prescribed sodium limits: salty foods and high-sodium foods like anchovies and processed meats like sausage should be avoided. Pepper, lemon, or garlic can help.  Rationale: - Sodium makes the human body hold on to fluid. Therefore, the heart has to work tirelessly to pump the fluid that has been added.


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