Free The Impact of Varied Fruit on the Incidence of Obesity Essay Sample

Causes of rise in obesity

Jeff Levi, who is the executive director of Trust for America's Health (TFAH), stated that a State with the most reduced rates of obesity rates today would emerge as the highest rate in the year 2000.  The executive insisted that, the national weight gain over the last twenty years was a comprehensible tipping point, and people should no longer ignore the impacts of obesity on health and spending on health care. Ignorance was one cause of the rise of obesity followed by eating foods such as fructose corn syrup which is high in sugars. The other cause is over consuming foods that are high in calories. Family influence is also another cause which over the years has been the key contributor of obesity.

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Statistics on obesity in the United States as of 2011

According to the National Centre for health Statistics in 2011, more than a third of the adults in U.S are obese. 17% of children and the teenagers aged 2-19 years are obese. A study of CDC data proves that the obesity rates in this year have reduced. The total overweight group being 68%, where 17% of children aged 2-19 are obese and only 32% of them are overweight.  Statistics show that there has been a reduction in the rate of obesity this year from the 2010 statistics.

Consumption of fresh produce vs. unhealthy food

People are not getting the fresh produce that they should eat because most have no time or means to grow such foods. The produce in the economy has its direct link to foods that are canned and frozen foodstuffs. Consumption of unhealthy foods is cheaper in U.S than consuming fresh produce. The impact of the fast foods Industry on the public population is dynamic. The fast food industry’s growth in the last few years slowed down the food and energy prices. Energy food inflation corrodes the spending activity in consumers which affects economy negatively.

Food Pyramid: Then and Now

Food pyramids originated from Sweden's National Board of Health and Welfare in 1972, amid the high food prices that were there at the time. It got developed with an aim of developing an idea of the basic foods which would both be nutritious and cheap. The aim was to add the missing nutrition in the basic foods.

Changes made in 2010

Changes made in 2010, to the food pyramid so as cater for the differentiation that existed in the group of protein rich foods. The pyramid has not succeeded in reducing obesity and diseases.

Nutritional Value of Fresh Produce- Apples

Apples are low in calories as 100gm of apple slices provide only 50 calories. Apples contain remarkable quantities of beta-carotene and vitamin-C. Vitamin-C acts as a natural antioxidant in the body. They boost one’s immunity by providing resistance against the harmful radicals.

Nutritional Value of Fresh Produce- Grapefruit:

Grapefruits are an exceptional source of vitamin C.  They boost the immune system of a human’s body. They assist in the same way like apples and are better assisters in reducing colds.

Nutritional Value of Fresh Produce- or a vegetable

Vegetables are nutritious more so when they are readily and consumed when they are fresh. They can be expensive to purchase in some countries, but are cheaper than the medical bills that accumulate when one does not consume them.

Health risks of Obesity

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus can be referred to as Diabetes which is a metabolic disease, where a person who has a high blood sugar due to lack of enough insulin in body or because the cells in the body do not respond in producing insulin. Body fat, referred to as Adiposity, is a known risk factor of diabetes among young adults and the middle ages adults. The BMI baselines, age, weight, circumference of waist are all related to the risks associated with diabetes. Increasing quantities of Adiposity result in an increased rate of diabetes.


70% of men and women in U.S who are 60years and above are overweight or obese. There is an advantage in maintain the optimal weight during an individual’s middle age. Weight control is crucial as individuals’ age, for prevention of diabetes.

Cholesterol LDL [bad] & HDL [good]

The fact is that cholesterol cannot dissolve in blood; hence, it is usually transported from one cell to the other by carriers known as lipoproteins. The LDL is the Low density Lipoprotein, also referred to as the “bad” cholesterol. The HDL is the High density Lipoprotein also referred to as the “good” cholesterol.  These are two lipids, in addition to the triglycerides, which make up the total cholesterol count of individuals.

People with a weight deposit that is concentrated around their stomach region are usually at a greater risk of developing diseases related to obesity than those whose weight is concentrated on their hips.

LDL circulates in blood, and too much of it builds up slowly on the inner walls of arteries. Arteries feed the brain and heart. The clots formed are the cause of stroke and heart attacks. One-third or one-fourth of blood cholesterol is carried by the HDLs. Cholesterol may be referred to be good due to the fact that their high levels protect against heart attacks. The medical experts believe that the HDL are carriers of cholesterol away from arteries and carry it to the liver to be removed.


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