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Great Justice essay topics and free Justice samples

Innocent Until Proven Guilty essay

Every person placed on trial is usually considered guilty until being proven innocent. In the film 12 Angry Men, this hypothesis was almost considered as false for the jurors participating in a murder case. However, one juror upheld the “innocent un...

A Justified Killing essay

Some moral questions might look obvious, while other might seem not. Morality in philosophy is about question that are not obvious and sometimes question that might not be obvious, as they might seem. There have been several justifications forward ...

Gun Ownership Debate essay

Since the discovery of firearms, the world’s societies have been engaged in heated debates over the social, economic and political aspects of guns’ impact. Although guns have significantly enhanced the state of the world security, they ...

Best Evidence Rule essay

1. The Best Evidence Rule The rule as best defined It ensures justice because the original evidence is used 2. Implementation of the Best Evidence Rule into the U.S. system Unearthed hidden evidence for crucial cases Helped in wise judging 3. ...

Capital Punishment Debate essay

Capital Punishment or the death sentence has been an issue of concern in our society for quite sometime. It has further gone to divide our society with some supporting it and others calling for its abolition with both sides citing reasons as to why ...

Causes of Crime essay

Criminology theories help in explaining the way the criminal justice works, they help us understand why people commit crimes and help formulate methods of dealing with crime. Crime theories are developed to help not only understand crimes and the ...

Civil Action essay

Jan Schlichtmann (Travolta) is a cynical lawyer who co-runs a law firm in Massachusetts with his Boston partners. Eight families of deceased children sue a giant food conglomerate company and a leather company over the death of their children. The ...

Civil Disobedience Democracy Debate essay

Civil disobedience refers to a general act of peacefully disobeying specific government policies or laws that the citizens feel may violate their rights. This category of resisting citizens is ready and willing to face the legal consequences of ...

Administrative and Classical Decision Making essay

The classical decision-making model is a normative model and is based on economic assumptions. It gives the managers a guideline on how to arrive at an ideal conclusion for the organization; but does not, however, dictate how they should actually ...

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Classification, Security, and Counterespionage essay

Counterintelligence refers to gathering information and performing activities with an aim of protecting a nation or a country from sabotage, espionage, assassinations and other intelligence activities on behalf of or by foreign governments, or ...

Constitutional and Administrative Essay essay

The aspect of monarchy is a subject of contention everywhere, especially with regard to the centuries-old rules associated with the Royal Prerogative and Conventions. The Royal Prerogative refers to the customary privilege and immunity granted to ...

Controlling Organized Crime essay

Organized crime presents one of the biggest challenges to the global law enforcement agencies in the present times. This is partly attributable to the fact that the processes of globalization and technological advancement have contributed into ...

Court Observation essay

Name of Court & Judge Washington County Circuit Court, K. Thompson Trial information Date: January 19, 2012 Time: 10:30 am Courtroom: 202C Crimes:  Assault 2 and unlawful use of a weapon ORS: 163.175, 166.220. Name of Police Officer: Norm ...

Court of Appeal essay

A case brief/ court opinion is an analytical document that explores the salient features of an appellate court decision. It outlines all the relevant facts and legal issues that influence a court’s decision ...

Crime and Punishment essay

Individuals undergo various activities and aspects of life in an effort to maintain their welfare. These aspects can be either positive or negative, and the notable aspects are sacrifice and suffering, which are significant to a person’s well ...

Crime in Dallas, Texas essay

Dallas, Texas remains one of the most dangerous cities as compared to other neighboring towns and cities. According to Sunburn and Johnson, violent crime is on the rise in most of the US cities. Specifically, Dallas occupies the leading position in ...

Crime Investigation essay

Introduction Crime investigation is a process of gathering enough evidence of a crime that has been committed. The ultimate goal of gathering evidence is to determine the truth on how the crime occurred hence look for possible solutions. Crime ...

Crime Perception in the USA essay

Sasha Abramsky’s article, When They Get Out, dismisses the widespread perception that crime has deeply taken its roots to the core of the United States of America due to the marauding criminals of the American underclass as a baseless ...

Crime Terror Nexus essay

Crime terror nexus is composed of two separate bodies that are fused together.  First, it integrates direct involvement in illegal operations whereby terrorists provide funds for conducting such activities. Secondly, it defines the connection ...

Legal Privileges Overview essay

Privileges are among the fundamental freedoms or rights enjoyed by the persons to whom it is accorded, some of these privileges are established by justice systems of the society to ensure that the basic rights of the weak, the less fortunate or the ...

Criminal Justice Ethics essay

The issue of racial discrimination in the criminal justice has been widely witnessed and thus various theories have come up to give an explanation. Looking at the consensus view, various people share their individual values with the state in which ...

Criminal Justice System Paper essay

This paper seeks to take a holistic introspection to the criminal justice system. It will exclusively look at the components of the entire system and outline their particular functions. The criminal justice system can be said to be an exclusive ...

Criminal Procedure essay

Criminal procedure constitutes the constitutional provisions, court rules, statutes, and other laws that govern the administration of justice. This term encompasses the procedures that the criminal justice system must follow during the entire ...

Criminological Theory essay

A theory is simply a set of abstract principles or a body of facts used to explain a given phenomenon.  Thus, theories are important tools that enable us to “understand and explain the world around us”. Criminological theories try ...

Labeling Theory essay

Introduction Labeling Theory and Its Contribution to the Discipline of Criminology A. Kuper and J. Kuper (1996) argue that, the labeling theory which is also referred to as the social reaction theory dwells on defining deviance as a consequence of ...

Critic on Lifers essay

In the year 1952, Soledad prison received John Irwin to serve a five years sentence for armed robbery, having robbed a gas station. At 23 years he is already drawn to a criminal lifestyle. That began ...

Death Penalty Problem essay

When one is said to be given a death penalty, they are simply being told that they are going to be killed (murdered) in prison as a punishment for their crimes or actions. This is done through many ways depending on the laws of country which the ...

Distributive Justice essay

Nozick basis uses entitlement theory to analyze distributes justice. His argument is based on three major factors which include the flowing: firstly, justice in the process of acquisition where one has the right to own something that was not ...

A Brief History of DNA and its Impact on the Field of Criminal Investigation essay

Deoxyribonucleic acid is one of two types of nucleic acids, providing storage, transmission from generation to generation and implementation of a genetic program of development and functioning of living organisms.DNA is a complex molecule that ...

Moody Picture Analysis essay

This paper will appropriately try to explore the circumstances and happenings that a picture displays. A man is lying in bed on the far end or background of the picture with his front part of the body facing upwards but his head facing away from the ...

Drugs Courts and Community Programs essay

These are specialized courts that handle substance abuse offenders who are not violent.  Drug courts operate in a unique and specialized manner in conjunction with the community programs to help drug offenders become more productive persons. It ...

Evidence Rule and DNA essay

The best evidence rule is a familiar rule of proof with its roots dating back in the mid eighteenth century. The rule states that, in order to establish the truth in any evidence whether written, recorded or pictorial, only the original copy of the ...

Federal Correctional Complex Beaumont Programs essay

Introduction Correctional facilities are part of the criminal justice system that seeks to deter crime, punish the lawbreakers as well as enhancing the adherence to the rule of law. The institutions have the mandate to hold criminals and keep them ...

Federal Court System US essay

Federal court system works in US. There are two distinct and separate types of the judicial systems that cognizance over sundry and various legal matters and issues that come to effect from time to time and affects every day person living or even ...

Felony Disenfranchisement essay

Felony disenfranchisement is an act of prohibiting felons from exercising their civil liberties. This practice has been present in the society for a long time as demonstrated by the Roman and Greek histories. The people convicted for serious crimes ...

Female Juvenile Offenders Program essay

It has been shown by research findings that women offenders have a higher likelihood to commit minor sexual, emotional, and physical abuse, and suffer from prolonged mental illness as compared to their male counterparts. Women are less likely to ...

Fingerprinting essay

The desire to enhance justice in the society explains the birth of fingerprinting as a form of biometric security. The 19th Century saw significant development in fingerprinting especially in the Asian Countries; the Asians have a great degree of ...

Forensic Analysis of Micro-evidence: Looking Closely at a Crime Scene essay

The field of forensic analysis of micro-evidence has evolved over the centuries in response to the changes in the levels of criminal sophistication around the world. The ability and intention of criminals to conceal crime has meant that forensic ...

Forensics Investigation essay

A forensic investigation is the exercise of lawfully providing evidence and facts which are to be laid out in a court of law. Forensic is a word derived from the Latin word forensis which means 'of or before the forum.' This exercise found its ...

Global Justice Movements essay

The global justice movement underlay that of the emergence of a global civil society idea. This has made some scholars argue that the new wave of ‘protest cycle’ attests to the emergence of a collective behavior and social movement ...

HAL Crimes Examination Report essay

Theories that examine the crimes committed by HAL are presented in this report. The purpose of this examination report is to define the extent to which various courses of action can be classified as crimes in the case of HAL. The theories differ ...

Hate Crime essay

Hate crime happens when someone targets another because he/she belongs to a certain membership or group. It may be a social group defined by a race, nationality, or issues such as class. This kind of crime is biased on motivated violence like ...

United States Supreme Court essay

Over the years, United States courts have gradually developed to be among the reliable judicial systems in the world. The court system in United States branches to the federal court system and the state government. In addition to this, each of these ...

Illegal Search Incidents essay

For the first scenario where officer Kojak found Barney driving while drunk and recklessly spending the car, Kojak and his colleague had no right to search the interior of the car because Barney had already admitted that he had been drinking and the ...

Impact of Female Incarceration to the Community essay

Incarceration is one of the forms of rehabilitation and punishment for committing crimes. Prisons are institutions that are designed to house inmates securely usually on long term basis. Offenders who have committed serious crimes are imprisoned for ...

Incarceration in America essay

Incarceration in the United States occurs more often than it does in any other developed nation. They claim that incarceration helps in reducing crime but the truth is that it raises the intensity of criminal acts. In this paper we analyze the ...

Ineffectiveness of Incarceration essay

Introduction The criminal justice system is mainly meant to ensure that justice is served to the culprits and victims of criminal activities. From time immemorial, the major correctional method for most countries has been incarceration, or confining ...

Forensic Accounting Importance essay

Forensic accounting is an accountancy specialty area which describes engagements  usually resulting from litigation or other anticipated disputes. This is where  forensic accountants who are commonly known as  forensic auditors often ...

Judge Greg Mathis essay

This is a descriptive essay about Judge Greg Mathis. Judge Greg Mathis was born in April 5, 1960 in Detroit to a single mother Alice Mathis who worked as a nurse's aide at night and a cleaner during the day. His father was estranged from him .He has ...

Judicial Activism essay

Principle Judicial activism principle outlines the judicial ruling that is suspected of using political and other individual based standards other than the rule of the stipulated laws. It is a philosophy related to the decision making in the ...

Justice in the United Arab Emirates essay

Seven Emirates of the Arab peninsula namely Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah and Umm Al Qwain made a coalition in the year 1971. This coalition was given the name of United Arab Emirates (UAE). The area before that time was ...

Juvenile Delinquency essay

Introduction The issue of juvenile delinquency has existed in the whole world for a long time. Children often go beyond the limits and boundaries set by parents and other authoritative personnel. Rebellious character in adolescents has always ...

Juvenile Justice essay

Individuals who commit offenses at, or below the age of 18 years (the majority age) are tried and judged in juvenile courts. The juvenile justice system refers to the network of agencies dealing with the juveniles, who conduct themselves in ...

Leadership Skills for the Criminal Justice Professional essay

The criminal justice system just like any other organization also employs leadership and management to help in guiding the system. Due to the size and complexity of the Criminal justice system, its leadership has to be enriched with specialized ...

Legal Foundations of Criminal Evidence essay

Following the implementation of more laws into municipal, county and state codes, the issue of comprehending the text comes by the court more frequently than in any other time in history. Specifically, cases are turning out to be more complex. To ...

Malicious Prosecution essay

According to research, an intentional tort describes a civil wrong that occurs due to an act committed intentionally particularly the tortfeasor. It is a tort that results from the failure of the tortfeasor to take the effective protection in ...

Michael Crowe Case essay

Stephanie Crowe was murdered on 21st January, 1998, by being stabbed severally in her chest while she was asleep in her bedroom. The Crowe family realized this incident early in the morning and they immediately called the police to the crime scene. ...

Motivation in Criminal Justice Organizations essay

The criminal justice organizations face a lot of challenges with some being in the area of shift work and supervision. Shift work has always been a stress related factor in the police divisions and so the organization must come up with programs that ...

Nature of the Judicial Process essay

All service providers in the pre-trial diversion departments are expected to adhere to the highest standards of ethics as well as professional behavior. They are expected to avoid any appearance of improper behavior either when a student, at work or ...

Negotiated Procurement essay

Negotiated (RFP) Process refers to any non-sealed bidding procurement in which proposal and offers are made through a Request for written or oral proposals from viable suppliers. Negotiated Procurement has a closing date for RFP offers undergo a ...

Noah’s Arf Executive essay

Noah’s Arf executive is indeed worth reflecting upon since it introduces the reader to the concept of animal care. There are several organizations that offer services but few tend to take customer satisfaction into account. For instance, the ...

Criminal Justice Agency essay

Many criminal agencies are structured and organized in a way that resembles the hierarchical structure of the military. Each department has its own organized chain of command. These individual sections are then link to a general umbrella of a ...

Patrol essay

For a case to have a probable cause there must be facts forcing the police interfere with ones liberty. Therefore, I had a probable cause to seize cocaine from a suspect’s car because there were a number of facts behind my search. First, I had ...

Physician Assisted Suicide Law in Oregon essay

Introduction Physician assisted suicide is a hotly contested topic in the United States and overseas. In 1997, the United States Supreme Court made a major decision that lead to the enactment of the Death with Dignity Act in the state of Oregon. ...

Plight of Juvenile Delinquents essay

Juveniles are children who are involved in criminal activities or other activities that render them unfit to live together with the rest of the society. These children usually ran away from their homes and as a way of supplementing their daily basic ...

Police Community Relations essay

Nowadays, law enforcement agents face many issues while trying to establish productive and positive relationship with the community. Many of these challenges emerge due to the fact that police departments have poor communication skills, different ...

Police Procedure Analysis essay

Introduction This paper seeks to study police investigation procedure and analyze a few cases that have caused problems .It is also seeks to study and analyze the cause of the problems and what needed to be done differently in order to avoid making ...

Police Officer Duties essay

Police perform a wide variety of roles in society. Discuss the multiple roles they must play in the course of their duties. In your opinion (and supported by evidence from the text and other sources of your demands of they choice), how do police ...

Policy Analysis essay

The United States of America has suffered a lot due to the problem of illegal aliens. They have directly affected criminal justice system due to the expenses involved when they commit crime. This paper discusses the issue of illegal aliens in USA ...

Pretrial Publicity essay

The sixth amendment of the U.S constitution guarantees a defendant the right to a free trial by a legal court thus the right of the media to publish information pertaining to a defendant is also guaranteed in the First Amendment of the constitution. ...

Probable Cause essay

Distinction between probable cause for arrest and probable cause for a search Probable cause can be defined as “a reasonable amount of suspicion and belief or suspicion that a certain person as per prevailing circumstances during a particular ...

Property Crime essay

Property Crime, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Uniform Crime Reporting Program, refers to offenses such as larceny-theft, burglary, shoplifting, vandalism, arson and motor vehicle theft. In such offenses, property or money ...

Rehabilitation essay

Prison rehabilitation is a way of giving new life to offenders through providing training or education programs. It is defined as a process through which programs are carried out with an aim of creating reformation to criminals. Rehabilitation ...

Scottsboro: An American Tragedy essay

The Scottsboro: An American Tragedy was a case where rape allegations against the nine black boys were not true. However the youths were tried and convicted of crimes that no evidence shown they were guilty simply because they were black. This case ...

Searches and Seizures in School essay

Generally every citizen is protected by the fourth amendment against unreasonable search and seizure. The term "reasonable" is however not clearly defined and depends on the context. Schools are expected to adhere to the restrictions that have been ...

Sexual Coercion Awareness essay

The issue of sexual coercion can be described as employing alcohol, pressure, force or drugs to establish sexual contact with a person against his or her consent. In other words, it is to be persuaded to engage in a sexual activity, ...

Death Penalty Debate essay

Should death penalty be mandatory to people that kill others? This is one question that has been the centre of debate among religious leaders, medical practitioners and the legal fraternity; each of these groups have mounted arguments and tabled ...

Juvenile Criminal Justice System essay

Introduction It is important before embarking on this discussion to ask ourselves a few questions in order to get a clear picture on what we are getting into. When a child kills, rapes or steals, does this action transforms him or her into an adult? ...

Social Justice vs. Criminal Justice in Trifles essay

Trifles, is a well organized display of male insensitivity and arrogance written by Susan Glaspell. Following a man's murder seemingly by his partner, the Sheriff and his wife, a neighboring farmer together with his wife, and the County Attorney, ...

Fourth Amendment Violation Case essay

Opinion by the District Court Ninth Circuit of the UNITED STATES FACTS: Vincent Huff, a student at Bearmine-Jefferson high school, Burbank, CA, was allegedly accused of writing a letter threatening to ‘shoot up’ the school. Some students ...

Teresa Foster’s Third Party Custody Case essay

In January 1991, Luke Warm wife and mother of Paul and Rachel Warm died of cancer.  After his wife's death, Mr. Warm became despondent and his employment was terminated since he was intoxicated on the job. On February 15, 1993, the Circuit ...

The Capital Punishment essay

Criminal correction integrates various forms of punishment that include incarcerations, public service, capital punishment and fining. The correction form of capital punishment, commonly known as the death penalty, is the constitutional warranted ...

The Chapdelaine and Gravel v. Air Canada Case essay

In the Chapdelaine & Gravel verses Air Canada cases that was filed on 19th September, 1979 and 26th February, 1980 respectively, in the Canadian courts and the tribunal to hear the above mentioned case appointed on the 16th of April, 1986.The ...

The Court of Appeal essay

A case brief/ court opinion is an analytical document that explores the salient features of an appellate court decision. It outlines all the relevant facts and legal issues that influence a court’s decision ...

Racial Disparity in Juvenile Justice essay

The minority youth are represented unduly in the juvenile criminal systems in almost every state of the United States. This happens when the juveniles are involved with the criminal justice system at higher rate than the whites. The youth of the ...

Criminal Justice essay

Introduction Criminal justice system is defined as a set of social and legal institutions, which enforce or help in enforcing criminal law in respect to the set of rules and procedural regulations. As will be discussed later in the paper, criminal ...

The Criminal Side of a Police Officer essay

Not all police officers who commit crimes boast of such creditable reason of safeguarding the status of the disciplined forces. Some of them are after their own purposes best known to them. Just like any other human beings, police officers at times ...

CSI Effect essay

The CSI effect refers to the hypothetical effect of the commonly recognized CBS crime drama known as Criminal Scene Investigation (CSI). CSI first appeared on the television network in 2000 and emerged as the second most watched program in ...

Role of Deciders in Democracy essay

The desire of all citizens is to have institutions that govern in a democratic manner. These citizens hope that all difficult issues will be resolved by legislatures that are democratically elected. Disagreements according to citizens in a ...

The Federal Criminal Process essay

Introduction The federal criminal process has termed the presentence investigation report as the most important document. This paper will highlight the importance of the PSI as opposed to just reporting on the crime itself. The next important thing ...

Prison Religious Accommodation essay

It is useful by The Supreme Court agreeing that the state prisons must accommodate the beliefs of witches, Satanists and other followers of the mainstream religions. It is unfair that a portion of inmates are treated as a special class because of ...

The International Court of Justice essay

This court is not the first world court as it was preceded by the Permanent Court of Arbitration which was formed towards the end of 19th century. The permanent Court of Arbitration was formed after the codification of international law in treaties. ...

History of Jury System essay

The genesis of the jury can be traced back in time in the 12th century in England. It played a role in public matters where traditional decisions were made by a group constituting a majority of twelve people (jurors). The jury therefore acted as a ...

The Juvenile Justice System essay

Rehabilitation as Means of Juvenile Justice System The juvenile court system has for years been faced with confusion on the appropriate method of punishment to adopt in punishing the juvenile court convicts. While some believe that juvenile justice ...

The Murder Case of O.J. Simpson essay

The murder case of the former American Football superstar, Orenthal Simpson, was considered one of the most publicized trials of a criminal case in the history of America. In this case, OJ Simpson was charged with the murder of her wife Nicole Brown ...

US Democracy Analysis essay

Democracy is a term that is considered the underlying-principle of the US government. The government system is instituted on the constitution of USA that was initially written in the year 1787 (Bagossy, 2008). A constitution ought to create a ...

The Prison Department essay

The prison department in any state is charged with the responsibility of confining inmates and executing judgment, as pronounced by the court of law. It is, also, charged with the mandate of looking into the affairs of inmates, such as providing ...

Supreme Court Sodomy Ruling essay

In 2003, the United States Supreme Court making its ruling regarding the Lawrence v. Texas case, abandoned the rule of stare decisis and found the Texas anti-sodomy laws unconstitutional. In this regard, the Court overturned its previous ruling that ...

The U.S Supreme Courts essay

The supreme court of the United States is the most powerful court in the United States. It is headed by the Chief Justice together with other Associate judges. It mainly known for, practicing appellate jurisdiction though it has original ...

United Arab Emirates Justice System essay

The purpose of this assignment will be to evaluate and analyze the justice system in the United Arab Emirates. In order to bring home the matter, it will be wise mentioning the states that comprise the Emirates. I will discuss its mode of leadership ...

Understanding Violent Behavior essay

Current studies in psychology have examined a lot on people with psychotic disorder. These studies have led to the numerous studies on individuals who exhibit violent and non-violent behaviours. This research provides insights on the interventions ...

Tribunal essay

Introduction The general definition of a tribunal is that of a person, a special institution set up to look in into cases or disputes. They are usually set up on short-term basis and do not necessarily represent formal court proceedings. They are ...

War on Drugs Failure essay

For decades, many governments in the world have declared war on drugs. Resources drain into this war; as governments try to save their citizens particularly the young people against the adverse effect of the use of these drugs. It is the mandate of ...

Women and Crime essay

Women are everywhere casualties of systematic prejudice, tyranny and sexual abuse. They are regarded as the weaker and hence more vulnerable. In several parts of the globe, women are relegated almost exclusively to the home. They belong to the ...

Workplace Security Unit essay

The Fourth Amendment was enforced so as to strike a balance between the liberties of individuals and the rights of the society. This Amendment forbids unreasonable searches and seizures to the U.S community. It is an outgrowth of the British ruling ...

Great Justice essay topics and free Justice samples