Free Benefits and Challenges of Organizational Teams Essay Sample

A team is defined as a group of individuals working together to achieve organizational goals. Organizational teams can be classified as formal or informal. Teams are formed in order to achieve organizational objectives. The organization’s management formally or intentionally forms formal teams. Informal teams are those established by persons performing similar roles or by like-minded persons. These teams are formed independently. Some of the characteristics that can be used to identify an organizational team are: intent to create the team, common mission, selection of team members and the team leadership. Organizational teams are formed as a management tool and as a means of managing the wide diversity of employees working in the organization. This essay will discuss the benefits of having organizational teams and the challenges that face organizational teams.

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Organizational teams are formed to accomplish organizational objectives. The individuals in an organization generate output. The speed at which such output is achieved can be increased by having more employees working on the task. Teamwork yields more that the cumulative output by individual employees. Greater output for the organization is achieved due to organized actions and coordinated work processes. Teams enhance work efficiency as multiplication of tasks in the organization is eliminated. Greater output is achieved due to a team’s ability to brainstorm and develop novel ideas that could be used to achieve the organizational objectives. Teams provide a greater collection of skill and creativity. Organizational teams are crucial in providing a greater pool of information used for decision-making. Decisions from groups are of greater quality and are easily accepted by all members of the organization.

Organizational teams facilitate communication. The employees who belong to recognized teams feel a sense of belonging and this creates a sense of being a part of the greater mission of the organization. Organizational information is easily spread when employees can associate. As organizational teams comprise of members from the entire organizational structure, both vertical and horizontal communication is possible.

Organizational teams have great potential to increase the organization’s output and potential, however, the teams could be a source of organizational problems and thus inefficiency. Teams are a source of organizational power conflict and politics. Employees forming a team are often involved in competition as they endeavour to outdo other team members. Negative competition within an organization could be the basis in which the organization ends up not achieving yearly objectives. Power wars may come up in the organization that may create resentment and a sense of inadequacy among the team members.

Another challenge faced in the formation and the execution of team objectives relates to resistance of membership. Some individuals in the organization may opt to work individually. Having such members in a team could place the organization at a disadvantage as such members do not corporate in achieving team objectives. This problem is prevalent in organizations that formally had an individualistic culture. Individualistic cultures are characterised recognition of individual achievements.

Training of team members often requires additional funds by the organization in the form of seminars and leadership training. Leadership training is essential for the management of high performing teams. The additional costs associated with the training provide additional financial obligations for the organization. In addition to this, organizations have to work out reward programs for the teams as a means of motivating the team members to achieve the overall mission. The team packages are in addition to the individual packages given to the employees thus creates additional financial obligations to the organization.

I do consider myself a good team player, as I possess the qualities of a good team member. I do believe in open discussions and genuine appreciation of other member’s opinion. I am a good listener a quality that enables me to interpret and correctly understand opinions by other members. I acknowledge differences in individuals and am tolerant to such differences. Ideas evaluated and accepted by other group members are also acceptable to me.


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