Free Case Management Essay Sample

This paper explores the case management functions that should be carried out on a patient. The case management steps are explored in order. This is to done to provide the best care and a sense of satisfaction to the client. The paper examines Rothman & Sager’s (1998) in the following order. Client identification and outreach, intake, psychological assessment, goal setting, resource identification and indexing, getting general agreement by community agencies, therapy, service planning and counseling. Linking the client to needed services and support, monitoring service delivery, reassessment and advocacy are also outlined in the paper.

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The Main Steps of Case Management

The first objective involved in case management is client identification and outreach. This is done in order to enroll the most appropriate clients. It involves delineating the target population and identifying the individual clients within that population for whom the particular services are  especially suited. Case management functions must be embedded in a comprehensive program approach that is designed to change policies and influence allocation of resources. This in turn, creates options that address the real and felt needs of the client hence leading to successful identification and outreach. As a professional case manager, there is a need to identify and successfully reach out to the client. The clients needs have to be acknowledged and connected to case management services.

Intake is the second step that carried out on the client. It is the initial meeting with the client. During this time, the case manager gathers all the necessary information in order to address the needs of the client and encourage him/her to engage and remain in case management service. The intake process is the sole mechanism for comprehensive assessment of client needs. Here, the following information on Jack is obtained. Contact information such as Name, address, phone number and birth date, language spoken, marital status and confidentiality concerns. Also, a brief overview of the clients needs is carried out such as food, clothing, transportation and legal services.

A psychological assessment of the client is then carried out. Jack is provided with a form to fill. It includes demographic information, literacy, current financial status, insurance status, medical and mental health history and family history. In addition, the client is checked for any signs of depression or anxiety. The case of Jack is that of a person who is experiencing frustration and hopelessness. This is duly noted.

The next step is goal setting. Goal planning is a fundamental process in case management. The case manager together with Jack identifies specific long-term goals and then breaks them down systematically according to his needs. The case manager ought to have expansive knowledge in goal planning in order to help the client set goals positively that are realistic, easily understood and achievable. For both the client, and manager, setting and attaining goals must be viewed as part of a continuing learning process, rather than a success-failure dichotomy.

Resource identification and indexing are the steps carried out after setting the goals. Jack’s resources are identified and indexed in order of their value. This is carried out to help the client identify his assets and their value.

A general agreement by community agencies is the obtained on behalf of the client.

The client is also admitted for professional therapy to help solve his psychological problems. These include the hopelessness and the frustrations that he is going through. The case manager determines the period needed by the client to undertake therapy sessions.

Service planning is the next step carried out in the case management process. The element of planning and combining with the workings of all agencies concerned helps the client in the recovery process. It is in the authority of the case manager to come up with a service plan that is in the best interest of the client. The service plan is constructed on the strength of a comprehensive assessment of the client. The plan provides a direction for both the case manager and the client.

Counseling is later carried out on the client. It is a supplement to the client’s recovery process. When carried out alone, it is not sufficient to enable the client to continue living independently. The case manager can liaise with a professional counselor and discuss the course of action to be taken on the client.

The client is then linked to needed service and support. The case managers act as a link to expedite and follow through with the coordination and planning needs of the client. The resources of community and the agency may be used in carrying out this duty.

The next step in the case management process is monitoring of service delivery. It is the responsibility of the case manager to oversee the distribution of services to the client. A multidisciplinary and multiserve relationship is promoted to ensure appropriate service delivery of case-managed services.

Reassessment provides the case manager an opportunity to review the client’s progress, evaluate the previous case management activities. It also gives the case manager the chance to consider successes and barriers in the process. This is also the time to determine whether the current model of case management and level of service is appropriate, or the client should change.

Advocacy is the final step in the case management process. The case manager acts on the client's behalf to ensure that the needed interventions are obtained. The case manager also ensures that the client is making progress in the program.


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