Free Contemporary Management Issues Essay Sample
It is very evident that changing demographics have been sighted as main causes of greatest long term issues that constantly facing society and business. These changes in demographics have increasingly prompt to debates both in national and local level. Demographic issues on management constantly raise the concern of ensuring that it needs a broader societal approach. In this paper we are going to focus on main issues, whether negative and positive which are currently facing businesses over both medium and long term periods. It should be clear that older generation standards of poverty is not a major issue either socially, economically or physically in the day today. It have been noted that the right to development has constantly be denied, with the older working force perceived as the minority interest when the issue of organizational management is raised. Poverty and social exclusion still remain the major stumbling block towards the current realization that the ageing work force are human beings and are therefore protected by human rights or professional ethics in both developing and developed counties.
Rapid increase in population and demographic across the world has been known to factor out the various changes that are been associated to management issues. Due to the increase of numbers in older people expected between the year 2006 all the way to 2030, has created the concern of trying to find out how this older generation can be incorporated into management system that are currently facing mismanagement and embezzlement of funds by the younger generation.
In bit to recognize the importance of talent which usually plays a very important part in the management issues both in societal level and during business activities . On a certain survey there was an indication that there have been great focuses to hire older generation into organizational management positions since they tend to do an excellent job on these positions. Following a line of investigation, done for AARP, highlighted that there was greater need for employers to reflect on the full collected works on economic implications linked to the older generation of the workforce, taking into account both expenditure and yield factors.
It is important that we try to understand that growing old can no longer be termed as a national problem but also that problem which is widely affecting managements issues both in businesses and communities. The ageing societies are considered to be forces which have widely contributed to the growth of certain policies with the aim of doing away with inequality in gender. It has been noted that ageing continues to become relocated when it comes to trans-national agencies and in communities because of the growing trend in globalization.
It is very evident that globalization has and is continuing to be a key factor when it comes to the issues of management both in societal and at business level. Globalization has been linked to have such an alarming stage defined in the social history especially when it is linked with population ageing. With the raising tension between anxieties in individuals on issues of growing old, it has been important to formulate issues on management so as to capture global institutions. It is very important we first understand what globalization means; globalization is defined as that process which nation state are widely influenced by transnational actors an example being the united nations in matters that regard to the shaping of this particular nations.
It has been noted that ageing continues to become relocated when it comes to trans-national agencies and in communities because of the growing trend in globalization. it is important that we try to understand that growing old can no longer be termed as a national problem but also that problem which is widely affecting managements issues both in businesses and communities. The ageing societies are considered to be forces which have widely contributed to the growth of certain policies with the aim of doing away with inequality in gender.
Bartlett asserts that it is very evident with the constant demographic transition, it has been seen that there greater needs to incorporate new age structure within management of our communities and businesses. It has been a major concern that we are able to do away with stigma and stereotypes normally issued out to the ageing population. For instance, in European nations some public service thought of paying an individual for being young within the working station. Most of developed countries have seen that it is important that they try to incorporate older generation on issue of management due to the fact that there are more experienced as compared to the younger generation.
It is very important to note that goals within the society and businesses can not be reached by without having a clear understanding of the kind of implication brought about by "society of all ages". When it comes to the issues of being role models, it has been noted that the older generation is largely been identified as positive role models as opposed to their younger generation counterparts. In terms of public contribution to issues of management, the ageing population a re known to handle this issue with great wisdom and a lot of knowledge.
When addressing ageism, knowledge and wisdom within young children can be positively b identified so as to do away with stereotyping given to older generation. The younger generation should be made to understand that6 the older generation is more experienced when it comes to issues of managements ant therefore, it is very important that they take in the advice given to them by this people.
Population ageing have been noted to be associated to social changes within communities. For instance, it is noted that divorced individual in the united state constitute of a small proportion of older generation taking to account of the current status. It is argued that none married men as compared to an unmarried woman asserts due to proper management where they are able to have a secure future. It has been a major concern that we are able to do away with stigma and stereotypes normally issued out to the ageing population. For instance, in European nations some public service thought of paying an individual for being young within the working station. Most of developed countries have seen that it is important that they try to incorporate older generation on issue of management due to the fact that there are more experienced as compared to the younger generation.
Following a line of investigation, done for AARP, highlighted that there was greater need for employers to reflect on the full collected works on economic implications linked to the older generation of the workforce, taking into account both expenditure and yield factors. In bit to recognize the importance of talent which usually plays a very important part in the management issues both in societal level and during business activities. On a certain survey there was an indication that there have been great focuses to hire older generation into organizational management positions since they tend to do an excellent job on these positions.
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As previously indicate that in this paper we are going to focus on main issues, whether negative and positive which are currently facing businesses over both medium and long term periods. It very vital that we tend to find out on how various employers especially in the developed countries such ads USA and Germany are able to responding to the emerging issue especially on demographical shift. According to survey from Society for Human Resource Management, most United States employers have accepted that there is demographic shift and it is an important issue especially in the sector of management.
Parliamentary Assembly emphasizes that because of the ever raising regulatory impediments on retirement programs, the united state employers have seen the need of implementing innovative strategies whereby retirees who seem to posses required skills especially in the management sector are reabsorbed in to the job market. Other than there is reabsorbing of older generation into work force, there has been needed to create part time re-employment for the workers who have been retired from a certain company for about six months. This is very important since this aged workforce is able to work at there own specific time without so much pressure placed on them.
On the other hand, the western nations have seen the need to educate organizations on the importance of hiring retirees due to the raise trend in the shift associated to demographics. This is very vital since these retirees have been noted to acquire skills that enable them into establishing good management skills that are very useful in the running of business both locally and internationally. Incorporating mentoring programs have proven to be successful in retaining portion of knowledge that at times may go to waste if retirees are left to go and stay at home.
It is a very concerning that various organizations try to find out how they can largely make the most use of their talents in changing people perspective on the aging workforce especially when it comes to the issues of management. From their experiences leading organizations are able to come up with ways in which the ageing society should have training sessions where the younger generations are taught management issues that will assist them in the future. This training opportunity has been found to assist in the alignment of company staff and customer demographics so that the chosen employer can be seen to have a positive impact to future generations.
Feinsod & Davenport explains that t would be a vital role when these companies are able to be in a better position to attract new talent and retain good old talent within its workforce so as to be able to tackle the issue of demographic shift. Moving quickly may mean doing away or neglecting the competitive elevated ground when it comes to taking utmost benefit of the age fifty and above year's old workforce.
For instance, many companies have been able to escape the anticipated talent display by the ageing generation due to the fact that fifty and above years old workers are able to come together in the realization that proper management within our societies are needed as well as in businesses. It is very symbolic that we the greater growth in globalizations, the trend of towards early retirement is reversing especially in western countries. However, there has been constant debate on issue regarding whether different organization can be made to retain their baby boomer talent so as to effectively manage all needs that may required by the older generation workforce.
Powell & Cook observe that it is very clear that from various researches undertaken, there is a clear indication that competitive health care and other benefit associated to retirement has widely attributed to success that was been experienced in olden days when the older generation was in possession of all management issues within our organizations. Tangible effects such as work schedule and work location should be in such a manner that favors employees so as to achieve satisfactory results. Walker & Naeghele add that some ground breaking approaches already are taking shape to ensure that the ageing work force are not stigmatized due to their age but rather to be embraced so as the company should attain its maximum goals. A few of these ground breaking approaches have been widely been noted in this paper.
The most important advice and simplest task to practice is that in order for companies to achieve its desired goals, it would be a vital role when this companies are able to be in a better position to attract new talent and retain good old talent within its workforce so as to be able to tackle the issue of demographic shift. Moving quickly may mean doing away or neglecting the competitive elevated ground when it comes to taking utmost benefit of the age fifty and above year's old workforce.
Health-care and retirement remuneration top the list of what fifty and above year old working generational large communities and businesses look for and in deciding whether to stay with an association, even though intangibles like work-life balance, the opportunity to work with high competence colleagues and on the job acknowledgment also play significant roles. An employer is required to certain things in order to ensure that his older generation continues to be productive in management sector through several ways. These ways include; there older generation due to there instability in their health they should be allowed to choose suitable hours that they will be comfortable to work in, it is very important when opportunities of training occurs so that this older generation can have a new experience and to be able to come up with new ideas in management sectors, it is also very important that this ageing work force is able to access good benefits within the organization as a way of appreciating them and lastly it is very essential that organization that allow fifty and above individuals to have a choice on the longest period they can decide to work in that particular organization.
To sum up the whole discussion, since accepting the fact that demographic is shifting, companies are by now moving assertively to catch the attention of workers between the age of fifty and plus through normally targeting the recruitment and other programs that educate organization the importance of keeping older general in some marketing positions . Some ground breaking approaches already are taking shape to ensure that the ageing work force are not stigmatized due to their age but rather to be embraced so as the company should attain its maximum goals. A few of these ground breaking approaches have been widely been noted in this paper.
The most important advice and simplest task to practice is that in order for companies to achieve its desired goals, it would be a vital role when this companies are able to be in a better position to attract new talent and retain good old talent within its workforce so as to be able to tackle the issue of demographic shift. Moving quickly may mean doing away or neglecting the competitive elevated ground when it comes to taking utmost benefit of the age fifty and above year's old workforce. it is also very important that this ageing work force is able to access good benefits within the organization as a way of appreciating them and lastly it is very essential that organization that allow fifty and above individuals to have a choice on the longest period they can decide to work in that particular organization. It is therefore very important that as much as organization are trying to come up with new work force that constitute the younger generation, it is good that they consider that the older or ageing work force posses a lot of knowledge on management issues as opposed to their counterpart. Part time jobs should constantly be given to the retirees so that there can be readily available especially in case of risk or disaster management.