Free Detmold Packaging Group Essay Sample
The Detmold Packaging Group’s main activities include: making papers and board packing. The company is based in Adelaide, Australia. Thus, the company is involved in sales and marketing of its products. In addition, it offers food services.
The interview’s management status is excellent. This is because; the organization is divided into subdivisions where each department is assigned a given duty. Management is arranged in a hierarchy manner. This ranges from the chair of the board, chief executive officer, chief operating officer, and departmental head as they move down the hierarchy to the team leader. This shows that the organization uses vertical method of management where the juniors are answerable to the high authority.
Organizational size and period of operation has affected the organization’s culture. This is due to the fact that the organization is big in size. Therefore, it is bound to have large number of employees leading to diversity of cultures. For example, it employees about 200 people during part time and in full time a minimum of 20 staffs. This compels the interviewee to spend most of his time managing and coordinating activities within the organization.
The organization’s culture involves the following: first, the organization has developed initiatives that encourage innovation and creativity. Second, key values that hold people together are highly esteemed. They are intensely held and shared by every individual within the organization. This makes it possible to influence positively every employee within the company. Due to this, the organization has a low staff-turn over rate. The way things are done within the organization ensures that every one is included and everyone’s views are put into consideration. Criticisms are unheard of. When every worker is motivated and considered, he or he knows his or her job without being pushed. One knows what is expected of him and the outcome of his actions. Everyone bears the responsibility for his or her actions. This makes the overall staff to develop high sense of commitment to the affairs of the organization.
The organization’s goals are well organized. Goal setting is done depending on the urgency and importance. Goals are categorized in the following manner; not important, moderately important as well as very important. Thus, the most crucial matter affecting the organization is prioritized. The organization design is well developed. Moreover, the organization has developed work specialization and division of labor. These factors make the organization more successful and productive. Every employee does the job that he or she is best suited. In addition, everyone has a given part of job that he or she can accomplish without difficulty. This is more convenient rather that engaging all employees in the entire task. Therefore, the organization is made up of several departments that have various jobs and functions making it possible to achieve the overall organization’s goal. On the same, expertise, skills and talents are prioritized. Work activities such as marketing, accounting as well as human resource departments play major roles in the way the organization is designed. Departments also specialize in a given line of production according to the regions that they serve. Moreover, they are divided according to territory, region as well as state. Therefore, production process is done more easily leading to the creation of customer relations for the benefit of the organization. There are also a number of staffs who are assigned with other duties such as sawing, assembling, inspection as well as shipping of the products.
The organization is highly decentralized. They have low managers who have the capacity and experience to make decisions. Their say is also put into consideration. However, low level managers are not experienced at making decisions as it is the case with the upper-level managers. The environment in which they operate is reasonably stable, complex as well as uncertain. Therefore, they operate in geographically dispersed environment. This makes enables the organization to implement and achieve its goals more easily. The strategies used in management are made in such a way that everyone feels comfortable. Thus, the organization is flexible in its operations. This organization is therefore mechanistic as evident from the way the operations are done.
Formalization is very important in the organization. It plays the role of ensuring that written policies, rules, procedures as well as job descriptions are followed. Although this formalities may be limited in a number of ways, they help the organization to establish what is to be done and how.
Job enrichment is one of the criteria that Detmold Packaging Group uses to motivate its staff. This is evident from the fact that they have developed a working environment where everyone has the chance to participate and voice his or her views. Management of the employees involves dividing the employees in teams to facilitate communication. Moreover, they give them freedom to make their choices including planning. This enables them to work together hence achieving their goals as planned. Employees have developed close relations with each other as they are given an opportunity to work closely. Therefore, they have developed strong team. Participation of employees in making decisions affecting the company is vital. They are able to come up with strategies as well as future plans. Rewards ceremonies are held. This is after every work’s performance is evaluated and the credit given where it is due. This helps to improve the input of the company. The organization has adopted a team based structure that is boundary less as it carries it operations across the state and geographical regions.
The interviewee is a manager. This evident from the following: first, he was appointed from outside the organization after emerging from an internal group. He is able to influence people towards achievement of the organization’s goals from a position of authority. He also has formal tertiary management qualifications. His main focus is on systems rather on people as well as the ability to accept the status quo as he extensively influences others embers of the organization.
The manager in this context uses a democratic style of leadership. He sees that his staff is lifted to new levels of motivation. Thus, he has developed close relationships with his subordinates. They use a two was process of communication hence influence each other. He is also able to accumulate power through personality as well by the use of his position. He accepts organization’s culture, gives his employees space to grow and meet their expectations. This facilitates the achievement of the organization’s vision. A leader should understand that power emanates from people. He should not push people. He should delegate duties rather that controlling and being a dictator. He should use his knowledge and skills for the betterment of the organization. A leader should respect the views of others and give them room for growth.