Free Events Industry Essay Sample
The events industry has been characterized by rapid growth. The growth in industry has had what can be termed as positive and negative impact. The growth of event industry can be attributed to increase in celebration and public events. It has been significant to development of leisure related tourism. There is an increased corporate participation in events that has made the industry more complex. The governments have not been left behind, with legislation and policies to regulate being reviewed to address the emerging challenges associated with the events industry growth. With increase in the number of stakeholders, the events planning should be dynamic in addressing the needs and the objectives each player (Bowdin, 2011, p. 3)
Events industry has been important in stimulating economic growth. The government has used the disseminated policy to the civilians through events. Through events, civil pride is rejuvenated.
Events industrial requires professional managers with sound and relevant training. Event managers should be conversant with various aspect of the industry like planning, events management. Other aspects of training that needs to be addressed are: the human resource management and financial management. Events management is important to tourism and hospitability industry among others. Successful events should be properly designed. Adequate marketing should be undertaken before staging of the actual event (Wagen & Carlos, 2005, p. 67)
Research should be part of events management as various gaps in the industry can be identified prioritized. The event manager’s have to adequately plan and consider all the important things that will make the event successful. The events planning should start with adequate feasibility studies, where various ideas and concepts are identified and prioritized. Through proper evaluation of each concept, the idea which is viable operationally and financially should be selected. The selection should be through set criteria (Shone & Parry, 2004, p.80).
The role of the events industry has in recent times been undergoing evaluation based on what can be termed as community and moral judgment. This has marked a shift from previous value system that was based on the financial returns. Profitability is not the only driving force to the events industry operating in climate that values social accountability.
The events industry should be geared towards achievement of sustainable development. Sustainable events management is an important aspect of events industry. Proper event planning ensures that there minimal disruption of economic activities. Events planning should address the security of both the participants and event attendees (Raj & Musgrave, 2009 p.11).
Events planning must conform to the government regulations and policies. The events managers should be able to delegate. The events should fall within the stipulated
The events range in size and the number of the attendants. A common feature of all events is that there must be an attraction and people in charge of managing the event. The events management has also been characterized by growth and involvement of professionals. Professional events managers are responsible for identifying and selecting various agents that will be involved in the event management. The event management and planning requires entails conforming to the exiting government policies and regulations governing events management. The events management professional should therefore be familiar with the existing and emerging regulations that regulate the events industry. The event planning is guided by the objective to be achieved and the location of the event. Events planning will entail recruiting and training of staff. The events are dependent on the timeframe set in collaborations with other agencies. Appropriate quotation have to be timely (Conway D (2004, p.1).
The events industry has dominated the media, hotel industry and even transports systems. The populations of attendees vary, with some events attracting more than one million attendees. The industry covers smallest exhibitions to the large sports, and even entertainment events. The industry is estimated to generate billions of money to the world economies (Bowdin, 2011, p xxviii.).
The emerging market trends demands increased professionalism blended with the best practices. The market trend has there given rise to a new body of knowledge. The aim is to address various aspects of events including the social \ cultural aspect and the economic implication. The development of community art has had effect on the event industry. (Bowdin, p. 3). The emerging market trend is that event organization is no longer a routine undertaking. Events are detached from the normal routine of the organizations. The emerging marking trends demands that the organizers plan ahead (Shone & Parry, p.82). In prevailing making, an event should be planned in a way that addresses the leisure needs of the attendees. The organizers should consider the expectations that need to be met. The events vary from festivals to fairs, sporting at even arts activities. Events have become an avenue through which the organization can raise profile and create awareness. Event tourism is also constantly gaining momentum. Events are generating a wide range of media attention, at the national, regional and even international level. Most Capital Cities the world over are competing in becoming the choice for major events. The events industry is becoming more important especially in making cities destinations of choice (Kroneberg Et el, 2008 p. 176). Governments, the world over are offering financial support and legislation that is encouraging events industry. Efforts by government have been viewed as limiting public participation in major events planning. Successful events planning are geared towards what the market appeals for. The market determines the product that the organizations in industry are offering.
Event management must take into consideration the important of ethical responsibility that guides planning and management of any given event. Planning of events should take into consideration the impact on the surrounding environment in the long term. The events planning should undergo transformation so as to address negative implication to the environment.
The events industry should not overlook the issue of sustainability because of focusing primarily on making a quick profit. The industry should avail opportunities for sustainable development by identifying risks to the cultural as well as the natural environment. The events planning should take care of the host community. The events planning have been characterized by ignorance of government legislation and policies governing the industry (Raj & Musgrave, 2009 p.11).
Events management as a process is operating in an environment of a wide range of expectations. Such expectations have made the process more demanding and complex. (Bowdin, 2011, p.11)
Most events’ organizers make promises to the host community with aim of winning their support. The community support is pegged on the benefit of the event, like enhancing the position of the community. Event organization should include a post event evaluation on the vent (Bowdin, 2011, p. 117).
The external environment on conference and events management process dictates that an analysis be undertaken. The external environment is influenced by the prevailing economic situation. Other external factors are the policies and legislation government the event location. There are also the social and the political factors, and the international policies. The internal factors are largely organizational. Other internal factors are marketing. The personel involved in the event organization also determine the internal environment of the conference and event management. The success of event is influenced by the resources and the finances available. Internal and external environments, therefore impact on the conference and event management process (Phadtare, 2011, 45).