Free Electrical Engineer Application Letter Essay Sample

Ghaleb Almutairi

9876 West 87 Street,
Carlisle, MA 76543
(212)-543 6543

Date: 1st June, 2008

Mr. Peter
Human resource manager
Haco Electronics
00987 Park Avenue South,
New York, USA 7654

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Dear Mr. Peter


Following your advertisement dated March 15 2012 in the Daily Express for an engineer in the field of electrical and electronic engineering, I humbly ask to be considered for the position through this application.

 I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering issued by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from which I graduated summa cum laude. It is there, both in class and in the laboratories that I acquired the basics of electrical and electronic engineering. My academic career also involved participation in various engineering events such as fairs and the inter universities engineering design competitions which honed my creativity, discipline and attention to details besides other qualities.

Besides my academic qualification, I have been employed for various jobs in the last five years that have further honed the skills that I got from studying and which back up my qualifications. I have worked as an electronic engineer at LKIR motors which exposed to the practicalities of electrical engineering in the mechanical context. This job involved designing, implementing, maintaining and improving electrical and electronic components of the vehicles. My second job, which was at KUH corporation had me providing directions and training to designers, drafters and amateurs, coordinating and assigning work, leading specific assignments and analyzing maps, reports, tests, drawings besides any other data that were involved in designing and planning. This exposure has been tremendous and fruitful and has inculcated in me the minute details of the electrical engineer working demands besides according me the confidence to work in any situation and produce nothing but the best results. This experience, I believe, will make me an asset in your organization as it is commensurate with the requirements that you advertised for the position.

My personal attributes are openness, integrity, altruism, and accountability besides being a hard worker. I am a natural leader with a penchant for practical ideas and activities, speed, time consciousness and the ability to inspire others besides having an eye for detail. I possess above par communication skills as far as writing and oral English are concerned.

I would be happy and humbled to have an opportunity to meet with you or your representatives in person at an interview in order to comprehend the specifications of this job better and to review my job profile so far.

I am grateful to you for taking your time to read this letter. Kindly accept my application as well as my attached resume which will affirm the various roles that I have been in since I began my career as an electrical and electronics engineer. My contacts are also given in the resume and in case you wish to contact me to find out more, I am always available.

Sincerely Yours,

Ghaleb Almutairi


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