Free Joining a New Organization Essay Sample
Joining a new organization is an activity that virtually takes place every day as people continue to look for jobs in different organizations and companies. A person could be changing from one job to another job in different companies. Again, an individual could be joining a new job in a new organization. In joining a new organization, an employee will be able to meet and interact with other like minded individual who can be sources of information and support. This may increase the productivity of an individual. More so, some business organizations offer benefits to its members such as discounts on specific services and products. Additionally, many potential customers consider membership in relevant organizations as a sign of that one is established and accepted by the industry.
An employee in a new organization is faced a various issues that he or she needs to cope with to suit in the new job in a new organization. A new employee has to win the confidence of the employers by doing their jobs with the highest levels of skills to prove their proficiency and professional skills in different fields. Above all, there are professional pre-requisites that an individual needs to posses so as to perform efficiently and effectively at work place. For instance, an employee should well conversant with ways of managing stress at work place so as to perform well in an organization. More so, employees must possess emotional intelligence quotient to help them make sound decision at work place. These among others help an employee who has just joined a new organization to be successful in their endeavors.
Job stress
A new employee in a new organization can encounter stress at the place of work. Job stress results from the interaction of the worker and the conditions of at work place. Stress at work place is detrimental to emotional and physical response of a worker at workplace. Job stress occur when we have poor match between tasks demanded and their capabilities, resources or the needs of a worker. Stress is worse when workers feel they are supported least by their supervisors and colleagues as well as little control over work place.
Stress at work place may lead to dismal performances at job place or even injuries at work place. Work place stress may be linked to various biological reactions which may lead to a health peril. For instance, it may lead to diseases like heart complications which in severe cases may lead to loss of life. Stress is a common and more costly problem in most work place. Most workers in new organizations have reported a high level of stress at the work place some claiming that the jobs are the cause for their job stress .There are numerous causes of stress at job place. Work stress may result from the interaction of the worker and the condition of work in an organization. The differences in individual characteristic such as personality of a person and adjustment to the required skills may be used to foresee stress. More so, particular working conditions are stressful to most people. These conditions can be avoided by redesigning that particular job. Furthermore, an individual’s position at the work place can also affect the level of stress at work place. The less powerful workers are highly susceptible to job stress as compared to those at management level of an organization. More so, managers including other workers are susceptible to overload of jobs. For instance, the introduction of computer technology and other modern communication technology has resulted to a corresponding increase in production. The higher productivity, however, has caused higher expectations and greater competition. This, in turn, has put the management as well as other workers in more stress. There are several economic factors may lead to workplace stress in organization. For instance, when investors rapidly remove their money from stock suddenly may lead to management stress at workplace. Secondly, the absence of trade and professional associations in the work place could also be considered a cause of stress at workplace. Finally, the inter company rivalry caused by the efforts of companies to compete worldwide can cause management stress at job place. The work place stress is characterized by the psychological, distress mood disturbance, sleep disturbance headache among others. Additionally job stress can make a victim to develop chronic diseases and psychological disorders. There various ways in job place stress can be countered. For instance, combination of organizational change and stress management is often the best method of preventing stress at work place. An organization can make structural changes that can prevent job stress at the place work. For instance, if work load is in line with the worker’s capabilities and resources, job stress may be prevented. Jobs should designed in a way that it provides meaning, stimulation and opportunities for workers to use their skills appropriately. More so, workers role and responsibilities should be clearly defined. Furthermore, workers should be granted a chance to participate in the decision making process of an organization. Finally, the management should establish a work place schedule that is compatible with the demand and the responsibilities outside the work.
Intelligence at work place
Employees in a new organization require emotional intelligence so as to perform their jobs effectively and efficiently. Therefore, emotional intelligence may be defined as a set of competencies showing the ability one has to recognize his or her moods, behaviors, and impulses to manage them appropriately according to the circumstances. Emotional intelligence includes emotional empathy, discrimination of one emotion; attention to; mood management; balancing of honest expression of emotions against courtesy; consideration and possession of good communication skills and social skills. Ideally, emotional intelligence is a pattern of those individual’s biases in their thoughts that leads them to think one thing or make a wise decision, as well as clarity in distinguishing within those biases to exercises clear and sound judgment.
Personality, on the other hand, refers to the thought, emotion, and behavior patterns unique to a person. Personality, influences an person‘s tendencies like fondness for introversion or extroversion .It is important to note that personality can be used to foresee intelligence quotient. However, the intelligent quotient can be used to recognize both biases and clarity in a person’s thinking patterns that allow them to make good sound choices. The difference between Emotional quotient and personality is that; EQ identifies both the biases and clarity in an individual’s whereas personality only refers to the biases in the behaviors themselves. In a business scenario, it is advantageous that sales people to be unrelenting, because this permits them to have energy, develop, and close new business. However, less effective, adamant salespeople block out their potential buyers. A business usually wants a sensor, an outgoing person, intellectual and judger .It is hard to tell which leaders will make sound judgements under stress and those that will harm others in their path when under stress. An employee with good personality may be interactive, active, and outgoing. However, good personality doesn’t automatically result to success at work place. It is important to note that a good personality doesn’t tell everything an employee. For instance, good personality can’t tell one whether an employee can make mistakes in judgment issuance due to lack of clarity when making decisions at job place. Therefore, workers with different personality can perform the same job. This can only happen if they have the capability to exercise sound judgments in situations their jobs presents regularly.
Employees with Emotional intelligence display various competences at work place. This include: Social competences that determine how workers handle relationships at work place. Social competencies include empathy and intuition which is being aware of others feelings, needs, and concerns. Secondly have we, political and social skills which refers to our depteness at inducing desirable responses in others. It helps in influencing individuals at work place; it helps in communication and helps in leadership of an organization. Also, we have personal competences which determine how we manage our selves at job place. More so, we have self regulation competencies which refer managing one’s internal states, impulses, and resources. These competencies are important at work place because it enhances self-discipline, honesty, and flexibility at workplace. Finally, we have self expectation and motivation competence which refers to emotional tendencies that direct or make it easy to reach goals. High EQ employees in an organization produce twice the as much as those with lower EQ.
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Motivation at workplace
It is inducing other employees in definite way towards achieving certain aims particularly stated by the motivator. These act as goals as the motivation system. Therefore, they must be conventional to business policy of the organization. Motivation entails treating of work colleagues as human beings and respecting their human dignity in all forms, at work place. Motivation makes employees more productive and creative. In absence of motivation, employees will disheartened and most of them will be less productive and less inventive. Job performance is given by:
Job performance =f (ability)(motivation)
Ideally, there are generally seven strategies in which employees at workplace can be motivated. These include: Positive strengthening, treating individuals fairly, effective discipline and punishment, satisfaction of workers needs, setting reasonable work related goals offering g reward those employees who have performed well, restructuring of jobs among others. Transport allowance given to workers motivates them to report early for jobs. More so, rewarding the best performing employees will motivate to double their efforts at workplace. Additionally, increasing employees salaries at job place may motivate workers at work harder. Finally, paying worker foe the extra time they have worked for will motivate worker to work for longer hours. These strategies vary in different workplace situations. Motivation of employees at workplace translates to higher productivity of an organization.
Perception a workplace
Perception is a very significant element at work place. It's the cause of success of business in the world. People with Asperger tend to ignore this as they take it to be insignificant. Observing perception element at work place can result to bigger tangible benefits. Perception entails few common things that are usually overlooked at our workplace. For instance, an individual should pay attention to the way they appear and act in front of others. An employee should try to place themselves in the shoes of others and identify how they are likely to perceive you in return. Additionally, an employee should adopt practices that are in line with acts of others in an organization. Finally, an employee should aware of the perception being formed of them at all times and they should never assume that they can avoid be judged by others. Employers together with other employees should realize that perception is a reality. Perception is often reality and once people get an idea in their head about someone or something, it can be difficult to get them to think differently. So workers joining a new organization should ensure that they possess a positive perception of themselves in an organization. They should show that they are good time keepers; they can beat set deadlines and can work under minimal supervision.
A workers attitude in the workplace can be used to tell how other workers in the company look at you and feel about you at workplace. A new worker in an organization strives to create a good reputation at the workplace to win the confidence of other workers and management at large. If a worker presents himself as being lazy, a slacker, it can be hard to get rid of that image. Creation of a good reputation in an organization is imperative since a worker can be entrusted with variety of tasks since the management has confidence in that particular worker.
Worker joining a new organization should be ready to exhibit certain traits in the organization to win the confidence of other employees and management at the work place. For instance, workers should show the capabilities of handling stress at workplace so as the productivity of the organization is kept constant. More so, workers should exhibit high levels of Emotional intelligence to enable them make wise decisions and sound judgments at workplace. Moreover, Workers should ensure that they create positive perception of themselves at the workplace. This way, they will be trusted by the management and other workers at job place.