Free Management and Data Mining Business Plan Essay Sample

This report proposal plan for Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, New Brunswick, NJ is creatively developed and written down out of the confirmation supported by facts and figures that were collected from the hospital. Data that has been collected was from the hospital’s most recent cost reporting period and it is for the period that ended on December of the year 2010. Also included is the data from the various related sources with effective periods included to prove the authenticity of the data. The data collected has proven how the various types of the patients admitted into the hospitals’ nursing and other facilities have perceived their experience during their entire period of stay at the hospital. As it is commonly known, there are various ways of data collection and among them there are those that are very efficient while others are not. From the data mining consulting firm, it was ensured that the best method of collecting data was used, the questionnaire method that involves the use of set and carefully planned question used to get the feedback from the concerned respondents. The respondent of this questionnaires were the patient of the hospital. The data that was collected was the most accurate if not 100 percent accurate.

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How the data mining company will provide specific insight on the patient’s rate and perceive their experience

The data mining company has different resources which include: the use of data warehousing personnel, data miners and business experts. These resources will help the hospital in a very big way by doing away with the money collection headaches that arise after the patients have been discharged. They will ensure that all patients shall be entitled to filling questionnaires that will provide software data which will help in assessing the health insurance and life insurances, the patient’s income, their credit reports and their ownership of houses. These things will help in determining the likelihood of the hospital receiving payments from the patients. There have been very high debts at various hospitals mainly from the patients who pay for themselves. The company will therefore help this hospital in figuring out how these patients can afford their bills which will prevent the hospital from suffering any losses.

It will ensure that the patients will take care of some costs like deductibles during the time that they are receiving services from the hospital. This data mining company will ensure that people will find ways of paying their bills for example if a patient for go’s an elective procedure as a result of being unable to afford a specific bill, the company may discover a medical codicil in the policy of a patient’s life insurance, something that would be impossible to be discovered by pure chance. Codicil may end up covering a significant part of the debt owed by the patient thus helping the hospital in a very big way. This shows that the data mining company will help in taking care of the poor and vulnerable patients. This might also help the patients who come to the hospital and may in turn lead to an increase in their number thus bringing profits to the hospital. The company will also help in saving more lives as it will help in making better decisions whenever a patient is brought to the hospital. This will enable patients have a better experience with the hospital a move that will increase the number of those who will come to seek treatment from the hospital.

How to use the company’s resources to win the business venture, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital.

Data mining will help the hospital achieve more accurate data thus helping the hospital have a big advantage. It will help in the improvement of the hospital’s internal process by providing both the clinical and financial data to the hospital’s administrators. If a hospital is faced by a disaster data warehousing, one of the company’s resources, shall provide high speed and instant access to the backup data. Data warehousing will enable the hospital stay competitive as it provides the ability of copying transaction data for questioning and reporting more specifically. This will be of great help as the management of information is very vital in hospitals and health systems. It will provide a reliable internal source of data to the hospital which will produce many advantages to the hospital. These advantages include: providing efficiency in the hospital, providing satisfaction to the patients and providing profits. Data warehousing will also help the hospital in other different ways that include: providing solutions to issues facing the hospital, providing services for the creation of knowledge and discovery, providing support to any decision made by the hospital and also helping in how the hospital manages its patients and diseases. All this will enable the hospital achieve its goals. Data warehousing will therefore have long term benefits to the hospital.

Another resource that the company provides is the availability of data miners. This will have a positive impact to the hospital as it will help it in the following ways: helping the hospital establish a better relationship with its patients by providing it with good decisions, helping the physicians identify and use the most effective treatment, helping patients receive better and affordable services in the hospital which will lead to the patients satisfaction. These resources will also help the insurers detect abuse and fraud.

The company will also provide the hospital with business experts who will ensure continued growth of the hospital. They will provide the hospital with different ways of delivering good and better patient care which will help the hospital distinguish itself from competition. They will also help in differentiating the hospital in the market place, providing better patient outcomes, ensuring good staff recruitment and their retention and enabling the hospital to act as a role model to other hospitals. This shows that the data mining company shall provide many strategic advantages to the hospital.

Business Plan

Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, New Brunswick, NJ is the clinical campus of Robert Wood Johnson Medical School found in New Brunswick, New Jersey that provides various health care services. It contains a trauma centre which acts as New Jersey’s regional trauma centre. It also provides the city of New Brunswick with Emergency Medical Services. It has a mobile intensive care unit which ensures that there is an advanced life support in a large portion of Middlesex County. It is responsible for the operation of its own regional emergency medical dispatch centre and specialty care transport unit. It is the central base of the New Jersey’s Emergency Medical Service Task force. 

The data mining company plans to achieve the following goals

a)To know the various feelings of the patients while they spend their life in the hospital while receiving treatment for various diseases best known to them and the concerned parties i.e. the doctors and the relatives. The various feelings of the patients are given under the various categories. These categories were used to get the feedback from the patients and show how they feel about the various services provided by the hospital.

b)To describe the various operational activities that takes place in the hospital. This gives the operational costs of the various activities that are undertaken in the hospital. Some of the services whose cost has to be calculated in the end were inpatient routine services, ancillary services and the operational cost of the outpatient services.

Plan of Action

The plan of action involves the use of the questionnaire method to get the real and accurate data feedback from the respondents. The laid out plan included the following:

  • Recording the percentage of patients who reported how their nurses communicated to them.
  • Recording the percentage of patients who received help whenever they wanted it.
  • Recording the percentage of patients who claimed that their doctors “at times”, “usually”, “always” or “never” communicated to them.
  • Recording the percentage of the number of patients who claimed that they “at times”, “never” or “always” received help as soon as they wanted.
  • Recording the total number of the patients who reported their pain was “sometimes”, “never”, “usually”, or “always” well controlled.
  • Recording the number of the patients who reported that the staff “sometimes”, “never”, “always”, or “usually” explains to them about the medicines before giving them.
  •  Recording the percentage number of the patients who reported either “YES” or “NO” if they would recommend the hospital in future.

The relationship between the patients and the various nurses, doctors was to be determined. The patients were given questionnaires where each one of them filled according to the treatment he or she had received from those who were treating them. The number of the patients who responded to how they had been treated by their nurses was recorded. From the questionnaire, it was also determined the following: the number of patients, who had received treatment when they wanted it, the number of the patients who had received communication from the doctors, the number of patients who had pain in their bodies controlled by the doctors and nurses, the number of patients who received some explanations when being administered drugs and also the number of patients who would or would not recommend treatment from the hospital in the future.



Patients who reported how their nurses communicated well.


“Usually”=56%, “Always”=64%

Patients who reported how their doctors communicated well.


Usually”=45%, “Always”=48%

 Patients who reported how they received help whenever they wanted.


Usually”=56%, “Always”=78%

Patients who reported how they received help when they wanted.


Usually”=55%, “Always”=8%

 Patients who reported about how doctors told them about medication before giving it to them.



Usually”=38%, “Always”=44%

Patients who reported that both their room and bathroom were clean.


Usually”=19%, “Always”=55%

Patients who rated their hospital on a rating or lower on a scale from 0 (lowest) to 10 (highest).

Rate of 6 or below=22%

Rate 7 and 8=67%

Rate 9and 10=56%

Survey Response Rate Percent


Models that explain the Business Process

The goals of the company are to ensure that there is better treatment to the patients who come to Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, New Brunswick, NJ. From the results obtained above, it is clear that not every patient receives the treatment that he or she should receive which in the long run could lead to a loss in the number of patients who visit the hospital. The company thus wants to ensure that every patient gets affordable medical services, quality treatment and the hospital in large gets profits and grows strategically. This will also ensure that the patients get good experience from their encounters with the hospital.

The presence of data mining will help provide the doctors with the most efficient mode of treatment that they will administer to the patients. This will reduce the cases of dissatisfaction from the patients as shown in the above results. It will also provide the patients with better access to the hospitals services as they will be cheaper and affordable. It will also provide the doctors and nurses with good decisions that will help create a better relationship between the doctors and the patients. This will avoid the loss of patients from the hospital in future and will avoid the complaint received from them. The business process will help the hospital moved forward in a very big manner.


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