Free Strategy Implementation Essay Sample

Planning is simply stipulating in advance the activities an organisation is going to be involved in. This is done by stating who, what, where, when, and how things are going to be done in the organization. For any management to succeed in its activities, it must form the goals which are achievable, measurable, and realistic. Planning goals in advance makes the company to have a common start towards what it wants to achieve at the long last. These goals should be as per the mission. It must also incorporate the issue which is at stake in the organization.

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Articulating the organizations visions values and then coming up with actions of how to achieve the planed structure by either the top management or the middle level management. Planning must be done by a body of specialist if it has to strategic planning. This is the kind of planning which is not for short run but in return is meant for the long term survival of the company.

From the goals of the organization, they should be goals which can be measured with the necessary measures. This is regarded to as controlling, that is comparing the set standards with the achievement of the organization. This can be done from period to period but with regard to the company policies. The most common method used is measuring of the performance is the score board. This is used to record what the organization is achieving in one week or one month’s time. Each company should use measures which are in line with the existing policy to the company. It should also put in consideration, the company’s financial position, size among other factors.

In any organization, human personnel are the most unique assets an organization can ever have. However, the best asset utilization is using the management to set the goals of the organization. Depending on the size of the firm the inventory of the skills depend on the education and experience of the organization’s personnel. These will vary with regard to the size of the firm. Some of the organization will have a commercial software while others will use the database system or otherwise the spread sheet if the size of the organization is small. Skills inventory is the simplest tool a manager can use to meet the organization goals, and to make better management decision. Depth and the quality of the employees should be in accordance with the areas of specialization. In every department there should be a pool of people with relevant skills. These skills should be aligned in order for the company to achieve the common goal and purpose. The most common goal set by the management is to achieve or attain a set level of standards.

The attitude of employees is determined by the level of satisfaction the employees have towards their position in any organization. In the practice of the skills, the employees should leap something as a reward to appreciate their contribution to the company. This can be done through provision of fridge benefits in addition to their salary. This recognition of their efforts will make them feel valued in the organization and in turn work towards the achievement of the goals set for them by the management. Their attitude is also influenced by the take the organization has towards their beliefs with regard to cultural backgrounds, the work situation they are engaged in, the level and type of the supervision may also determine the attitude of the employees in the activities they engage into in their daily undertakings.

Most of the organizations take bureaucratic system as their best and as the dominant one. Some of the organizations take only one dominant form of organization structure may put the economy of a country at risk. For example most of the companies in UK take only bureaucratic form putting the economy at risk. In this is a type of organisation structure, there is the flow of information from the top ranks to the low departments. For example in schools, the head is the principal narrowing down to the subordinate staff. This encourages monopoly of thinking especially to the long serving managers. They only tend to think that what they say is the only best thing in an organization. This has a negative implication to the employees who feel that they are not part of the decisions made in the organization. This may in turn put the company at a risk of low productivity which in turn affects the economy of the country to which they belong to. 

There may conflicts in every workplace, this may happen between the employees and management, employees to employees, or conflict between different departments in the organization. When these conflicts are not resolved they may affect the long term achievement of the long term goals in the organization. There are different ways of conflict resolution in the organization. They may be resolved through; mediation, arbitration, compromise, negotiation, brainstorming among other best suited ways, according to the nature of the conflict at hand. The conflict resolution process should be put into place to reach the best solution at the long last. This makes the goals achievable for, if they are left to persist, they may negatively affect the productivity of the affected individuals, or their respective departments.

According to this document, the author explains how organisations result to implementing the shelf or the ‘flavor of the mouth’ design instead of tailor making their own programs which precisely fits their organization’s specific needs. This mainly results from organisations designing compensation programs. This is mainly because the most effective compensational program aligns reward system with the business strategy, organisation culture and the organisation structure. This makes sense in that it takes time and a lot of efforts to customize reward programs.

The article further examines the different design choices which are most appropriate and can work for any combination of business strategies, be it prospector or the defender strategy. This also applies to the organisation structure, whether organic or mechanistic, and also the design choice appropriate for the organisational culture, regardless of whether it is involvement or traditional culture. This is very well illustrated in the article by the use of combination of case studies and also recommendations for reward system design and its implementation practices.

According to this section of the document, talent management is very vital. This has been the top agenda of the majority of HR professionals especially in the United Kingdom in the past few years.  This has been well reflected in a number of case studies based researches reports. These reports details a broad range of organisational practices while still highlighting some of the dilemmas and tensions that mainly arise when employees attempt to come into terms with the idea of talent management.

Some of the most useful summaries in this article have come from the ClPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) Roffey Park Ashridge and from the IDS (Incomes Data Services). These studies have given a fair and comprehensive overview of how some of the large organizations in the United Kingdom are facing the talent management challenges.

The issue of talent management has practically dominated management literature and reviews for a number of years. This has been done in line with organisations approach implementation in very many different ways. The article suggests that there are two key dimensions that require cautious consideration, this includes focus and fit. Focus mainly relies on a clear strategy of how effective talent management eventually contributes to organisational objectives. It also focuses on the parts of the organisation and job roles which will be priorities and on where the talent pools will be sourced. Fit ensures that the management process of the talent supports the strategic objectives, reverberate with but possibly challenges the organisational culture. Fit also takes into account the psychological contract that exists between the employer and the employees, and coexists well with the existing HR processes.

This article clearly addresses teaming as a strategic and tactical tool which when effectively implemented helps achieve positive performance results. With strategic plans well developed, teams should be included as a strategy and explain the reason for the strategy. For instance the article gives an example of using teams to improve processes and means to empower people. When teaming becomes an organisational strategy, the strategy needs to be executed in order to accomplish the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the organisation. The organisational structure must also be changed in order to accommodate the strategy.

According to the authors, it is clear that if the team leaders and their other team members fail to understand team requirements, they will eventually not perform their duties effectively. In this regard, team members and their leaders should be properly inducted into the theories, tools, and concepts that are vital for the success of their respective teams.

The article further analyses the causes of team failure and offers the tactical and strategic approaches that are necessary in the attainment of team success. In addition to this, the authors provide businesses and institutions examples which demonstrates how leaders can successfully integrate teams and teaming into their strategic and tactical organization’s plans

Strategies are mainly implemented using the organisational structure design, culture, people, and other control systems. The strategy must work successfully through these elements so as to produce effective performance. However well a strategy is conceived and the personnel cannot implement it, the culture cannot support it, neither will the structure coordinate it, nor will the systems measure or control it, the strategy will eventually fail.

This presentation describes the structure as the way line of communication and authority, and also as the manner in which work is divided up among organisational members, and also on how it is coordinated.


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