Free Sustainability Presentation Essay Sample

Sustainable tourism is an attempt of making a low effect on the environment with an aim of generating future employment for the local people. It is one way of practicing tourism activities while being environmentally friendly or ensuring the environment is well preserved. It is one way that ensures that development creates improvement to the local people. Page and Connell point out that sustainable development aims at meeting the present needs of the local people without compromising for the future needs. Therefore, many tourism areas have tried to adopt green tourism. The idea behind green environment is that activities should be carried out effectively while taking into consideration the environmental effects. The sustainable tourism covers the services offered to tourists and the way they can cause an impact on the environment. This is in case they are not carried out effectively. Practicing code should be established and training programms should be developed in order to preserve the environmental resources for the present and future use.

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Adopting principles of sustainable tourism is crucial because it will lead to sustainable tourism achievement. One of the principles is establishing a practicing code for tourism activities at all levels. It is crucial to establish a practicing code in the tourism sector from the local to the national level basing on the international accepted principles.  This can be done through creating an acceptable change by monitoring and carrying out assessment programmes. Secondly, educational and training activities directed towards improving tourism should be carried out. This is vital because it will contribute to the improvement of natural resources and better management of natural heritage. Another principle is initiating broad-based community participation and encouraging the local community to maintain and control tourism development. This can be achieved through employing integration approach in the management and planning of tourism. The last principle is ensuring that tourism activities provide quality job opportunities to its community. Additionally, a linkage can be created between tourism and local activities what is the achievement of sustainable tourism. 

Green tourism is one way of creating sustainable development in the CrealyAdventurePark in Devon. It is an essential way of conserving the park by working in accord with the surroundings. Green tourism has been successfully applied in the CrealyAdventurePark because they have created environmental awareness. In the business sector, Crealy created a highly sustainable tourism in its business sector. It was awarded a silver medal when the assessment of green tourism business was carried out. This is because of the way they carry out their activities in a sustainable manner. Cheesebrough points out that sustainability in the tourism sector is vital to the well-being of the future. Therefore, CrealyAdventurePark’s guests support their environmental efforts. The managing director, Angela Wright, and the entire staff members take the environmental responsibilities seriously. Moreover, they are committed to the green tourism and they believe that environmental sustainability is essential to the entire business sector.

CrealyAdventurePark in Devon employs business approach in managing tourism impacts. This is achieved through carrying out training and educational programs in order to manage and control the activities in a sustainable manner. According to Clayton, providing education programs to employees especially in sustainable management is crucial. This is vital because it will enable them to work towards preserving and maintaining the environment. Through training programs approach, Clealy succeeded in creating a Green Team through working together with the environmental consultants. They worked together with their suppliers, some of which are the locals, ensuring that their efforts achieve better results. Moreover, through the creation of environmental policies, they increased the recycling and saved energy whereby the annual electricity and water reduced to 10% and 15% consecutively.

Jurys Inn hotel in Exeter is another tourism sector that takes into consideration sustainable tourism. They were awarded a gold medal according to the assessment of green tourism business. This is because they actively participated in activities directed towards reduction of social impacts and other negative impacts on the environment. They supported their tourism business through adopting what is known as the Green Tourism Business Scheme. This benefited them in fulfilling the customer’s needs in business while looking after their environment sustainably. By choosing the GTBS, they were guaranteed that they are committed to green tourism, thus reducing the environmental damage. Moreover, it enabled them to carry out business through following relevant environmental laws, thus achieving sustainable tourism.

Additionally, Jurys Inn hotel uses business approach in managing tourism impacts. One of the approaches they employed is the establishment of a practicing code for tourism activities at all levels. This enabled them to improve the service quality, public image, and customer experience. Through applying this principle, Jurys Inn hotel was able to meet the required good practice standards in the entire sustainable development indicators. Moreover, they reassessed their business sector basing on regularly set updates of sustainable development principles. The qualified professionals carry out auditing programs in order to ensure that the required business management programs are well maintained. This has enabled them to employ sustainable tourism in the business sector.


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