Free Swine Flu Impact Tourism Survey Essay Sample

To determine the effect of the outbreak of Swine Flu on the tourism business in the South America and U.S, a survey was conducted of member industries. Tourism businesses were asked to complete a questionnaire to report what affects H1N1 Swine Flu had on their industries and whether they have noted any related cancellations or changes to forward bookings. Tourism industries were also asked to give details of actions that are taken in response to the Swine Flu and make suggests on what more the tourism business could react towards the outbreak.

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The sample taken is representative of all tourism industries thus the findings are not regarded as indicative.

Research questions

  1. What industries believe the tourism business can do in order to respond to H1N1 Swine Flu?
  2. What anecdotal information is provided by businesses that have had no current impact?


Anecdotal information is going to be taken from businesses that do not have immediate impact.

Anecdotal information will also be taken from businesses that that rated current impact as 80 or 90 out of 100.

Cancellations or changes to Forward or Existing Bookings

The majority of tourism industries reported that H1 N1 Swine Flu had not brought any

Cancellations or changes to forward or existing bookings. Any cancellations or changes have affected a small proportion of industries (29%), while the remaining 4% still believe that it is too early to tell.

Results and findings

  1. Majority of tourism industries within U.S and South America have reported that H1 N1 swine flu has had no effect on their business (70%).
  2. 68% of tourism industries in the U.S and South America region haven’t experienced any cancellations to forward bookings, while 29% have reported a few changes or cancellations. The additional 5% of industries believe that it is still early to tell.


The results of the survey indicate that H1 N1 swine flu has so far had no effect on 71% of tourism industries surveyed in the U.S South America. Though this, strategies are being made to take care and 29 % that is affected.

Question 2

Federal Bailout to Financial Institutions                                                            

The federal government has been engaging itself in the controversial practice of bailing out financial institutions. One of the reasons is to prevent further lack of confidence in the American credit markets. The assistance can be in form of backing of business debt, capital injection and co-signing in new-loans acquisition. The federal government believes that failure to bailout the financial institutions could result to disastrous repercussions such occurrence of another economic depression. The government officials reason that by bailing out banks the economy will be stable, there will be improved liquidity and investors shall have confidence with the banks

Though the federal government has been trying to bailout the failing financial institutions, some of the financial/banking institutions have misused or/ and abused the funds. Ethical implications have surfaced in the media concerning the abuse of federal funds distributed to several key financial institutions. The American people feel that the Wall Street financial firms do not deserve a bailout. The Americans reason that the financial institutions have caused their bankruptcy and therefore, they should suffer the consequences. People believe that the federal government should stop bailing the financial institutions because by bailing them out, America acquires further debts. Most Americans do not support federal bailouts to banks because they use tax payer’s money to support the banks.

Despite the misuse of federal funds by the financial institutions, the federal government has continued to distribute funds. The government believes that failure to offer support to failing financial institutions will result to instability in the financial market. The private business sector is not happy with the federal bailouts to financial institutions. The government has borrowed too much to bailout financial institutions. The borrowing has American financial system taking on irresponsible levels of risk. The decisions have led to enormous suffering, and the most affected are the ordinary Americans and private-business owners. The public are angry since the government has been using the tax payers’ money to bail out the failing financial institutions.

 In order to prevent misuse and abuse of federal funds, in the future, the federal government should avoid intervening in the failing financial institutions and instead let the financial market deal with the weak or mismanaged institutions. In future, the government should let the weak financial institutions be absorbed by stronger financial firms. By the government not intervening, it will allow the banks and other financial institutions to bear the consequences of their own actions. This will ensure that the ordinary Americans and the private business sectors are not affected by the actions of the failed financial institutions. Allowing the weak financial institutions to be absorbed by the stronger firms will ensure that the taxpayer money is not at risk.

In future, the federal government should let the weak financial institutions sell its assets or let the firm be taken over by stronger financial firms. The government should also let the failing financial institutions face bankruptcy. This will cause lose of the firm’s autonomy but ensure its existence. The main advantage of allowing the firm to face bankruptcy is that taxpayers’ money will not be used and that the firm will look for alternatives to deal with bankruptcy since bankruptcy is expensive to the firm.

Question 3

Roles and functions of leadership in a merger

A New Entity

This requires that everyone acknowledge that a merger will convert two firms into a new, one entity. It is therefore a leadership role to ensure that all the components of this new entity fit swiftly to the new system.Many mergers easily do not exploit this “new organization” with a “new tradition” as a chance to develop and form a yielding, goal oriented organization for long run success.

A New Vision

A new merger requires a new vision statement about what the new entity expects to be. It is a major forward-thinking strategy that an entity must formulate before it starts working to achieve its objects. It entails concepts of what it expects to offer over time to consumers, ownersand employees.

Determine that Vision

The vision statement of the new organization may be to become the leading magazine in the United Kingdom, the most efficient and reliable power provider. The firm’s leadership must lay out a tradition that may address that vision. This tradition may be founded by having employees from the acquired firms fill questionnaire or survey

Leadership Characteristics

Leadership characteristics that favor the vision have to be implemented by the management at every level as well as working forward to create the ideal culture. Leaders must communicate ideals to the firm prior, during and shortly after the merger. They need be particular in outlining the way they intend to take the formed organization.

Measure Success

Evaluation of success assists workers feel assured that management is on there to convert the new firm to all that it can be. Usage of a survey to evaluate the state of affairs in a firm will show if its tradition is yielding the expected results for workers, leadership and the firm.

Possible impacts of the merger between Chrysler’s

Vital achievement for the Obama governance, in its bid to restore the American auto sector a period of retarded sales. Chrysler workers, who were at a time included amidst the sector’s most vibrant and innovative, currently face the prospect of adapting to their third bunch of shareholders.          

Team Building

This is a project focused strategy building and developing universal objects, trust, interdependence, commitment among team members.

Question 4


This paper considers the creation of five virtual working teams. It addresses the issues of recruiting, hiring, and training the members of the working teams. The teams do it activities in Washington, DC; Paris, France; Lima, Peru; Cairo, Egypt; and Moscow.

Working teams

The team that will be formed will discuss the processes and rules that will govern the team projects and meeting. Virtual teams will be no exception. In the real sense, adhering to goals and ground rules and also establishing them will be a bit complicated in the virtual teams that will be formed than in those where members might have the various opportunities to meet in person. If by any chance it become difficult to face time with each other, it will be very difficult for all members to touch the base and retain a unified purpose. The need to behave this way is very clear. If different teams do not have a shared understanding of their welfare, they will never achieve their goal. Virtual teams of all these different regions will therefore hold an orientation meeting where team members are going to acknowledge not only the team’s purpose, but the importance of their team's purpose for the company in which it operates. Understanding their objective, members of these different teams should then set goals to achieve and assign tasks to fulfill that purpose. Every team member will come away from the first orientation meeting with an understanding of the purpose of the team as well as the role that they should hold as individuals.


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