Free The Management of Jet Blue Essay Sample
The management of Jet blue should and must be committed to see relaxing great heights. Commitment is a very important principle of management. The duties of the management must be executed with a lot of diligence if success is anything to go by. It is important that the directors of the company fully support the activities of the company. In addition it is the function of the management to ensure that finances are well managed. In relation to this, the management must check on the accounts department to ensure that they are in order. The prepared statements must maintain high standards of professionalism as well as ensuring they disclose fully, truly and fairly all the underlying transactions. Further, there must be audits conducted on interim basis to ensure that money is not misused by employees. Accounting for money is an important factor so as to ensure all monies are put to useful gain. This will see the company soar to very great heights.
The employees of the company must also take responsibility for every action they undertake. It is important that they exercise high levels of discipline and commitment in all that they do. They must also ensure that they are diligent in the activities that they perform. This will see Jet Blue soar to very great heights. The employees usually are deployed to various departments within the company. These departments include the sales and marketing department, the purchasing department, the accounts department, the human resource department among many others. It is the principle responsibility of these departments to ensure that things flow properly. This prevents shortages and ineffectiveness. The employees are also required to be professionals. This helps in terms of quality of labor present. It also provides the company with workforce that works towards improving current standards. Employees must also ensure they follow the laid down code of conduct. This usually helps to avoid time wasting wrangles that work to the disadvantage of the company.
Voice of Employees
The voice of employees is important in an organization. It represents the thoughts of the employees and must be respected. In this perspective, it is important that employees be included in the process of decision making since this seeks to change a lot in the operations of the company. A democratic type of administration is used in Jet Free airlines and as such, workers are consulted during policy making. There are also meetings held in both at the department level and the organizational level. Departmental meetings are chaired by departmental managers and these aim at extracting important views from employees. During the general meeting, the employees are further asked to contribute on what they think is important and which may lead to organizational success. The consultation of employees plays a big role in motivating them. They do not simply follow policies because they were laid down for them. They follow them instead because they were part of the policy making process. The employees by this also feel more confident as they work since they know their affairs are well taken care of and that no decisions will be taken to their detriment.
Technology is one very important factor in any organization. Jet blue relies on technology such as aircraft and communication gadgets in carrying out business. The planes are there to transport passengers from one place to another. It is important that a research department be established within the company. The department usually works to help the company to research on any emerging trends. Technology always faces the risk of obsolescence. This is whereby technology fails to match with upcoming trends. The technology thus a lag behind time and with time is faced out of market. This may make the company to suffer losses due to customers preferring the company’s that match up quality using new technologies. In a highly competitive market, this may further drive the company out of market completely. It is important that all the technology being applied matches up with the emerging trends. This not only improves on quality and speed in which activities are done but also goes a long way in maintaining high standards of customer satisfaction. Planes must ensure customers are satisfied as they travel to different regions and as such reasonable profits are achieved.
The company must fully embark on increasing marketing its products. This is important if it has to achieve any reasonable improvements. Marketing strategies are important since they sell the company to the image of consumers. It is marketing that informs customers of any developments in the market. It also informs customers on whatever services are available for offer within the company. This makes sure that customers also remain loyal to the products which the company produces. In addition, marketing is done so as to reach a wide network of clients who initially were using other airlines. This helps the company to have a competitive edge in all that that they do. As a result, sales increase significantly. Marketing may be done through the print media, through television and radio and also social networks such as face book and twitter. The social networks are an emerging trend due to the much usage of the networks as forums of communication between people in different regions. The marketing department must engage fully therefore in creating the awareness required.
The quantas airline also as well as American airlines shallas well have to apply the same success strategies if they surely want to remain upbeat in the market. Competitive services will also help the companies to sell a lot more in the market. The market is very competitive. The amount of sales will largely depend on if the companies are able to provide better services to its customers. It is important that passengers on flight are handled with respect and recognition. Snacks may be offered during flight to induce customers on future preference. This is because they feel appreciated at this time and will therefore prefer these services even in the future. The customer care desk is very important in any organization. It works to the advantage of the companies if well used. It is important that this desk works towards improving the image of the business by advising the passengers accordingly and in a reliable manner. They should treat visitors within the company with high standards of professionalism. This will make the potential customers to come back in the future even if what they wanted is not available at that moment.
Innovation will also take the airlines far. The quality of adverts on the papers, television, radio and other forums dictate what it becomes in future. This is because the adverts must maintain certain degrees of innovation to catch the eye of the viewer. Innovation and creativity also should be seen in the provision of services. Introducing such things as snacks during travel is one sure way of attracting customers even in future. Innovation is further expected in the passenger planes. This is in relation to their appearance. They should be colorful and with attractive writings on them. Jet Blue Airlines is known for its “letter ads”. These include things such as “Dear New York” and “Sincerely Jet Blue.”
Market segmentation is also a very important strategy. This includes the division of the market such that various branches are opened in different regions. This helps in reaching a wide coverage of customers. Market segmentation further involves the accordance of independence to these branches. The branches only report to the headquarters on important matters such as those affecting finances. Market segmentation allows all branches to operate and submit their financial statements to the headquarters. This keeps the branches on their toes in the sense that they want to work hard enough so that they perform better in the market compared to other branches. The company has started focus city operations at Fort Launder dale, Holy wood International Airport, Orlando International Airport, Luiz Munoz Marin International Airport in San Juan. All these are independent branches that work towards achieving success for the company as a whole.
Executing these factors requires among other things financial resources. Funds are required in recruiting staff that are competent enough. It is also important to have funds also to acquire technology that suits current needs. Money is also important in expanding existing facilities. It is important that there always be some capital in reserve in every financial year. This is the amount of money that is required for future growth.
Commitment is also important at this point. It is important that the employees of the company fulfill their toes in the most diligent manner possible. They should embark on working without looking upon each other and laying unnecessary blames when things go wrong. The management must also be committed in dispensing their role. They must ensure that each action is aimed at improving the state of events in the organization. They must ensure that supervision is done in the most professional manner possible.
Time is also an important asset the company. The acquisition of assets, marketing and general improvement of the image of the business requires time. This ensures that things are not done hastily and thus in an ineffective manner.
I would still invest in Jet Blue Company if it went public. This is because by buying shares to I will have the chance to own shares in the company. I will therefore become one of the share holders and as such, with certain rights of ownership bestowed upon me. I will be happy to associate myself with the company and what happens in it in the future. Further, being a shareholder in the company will make me raise money from dividends obtained.
After the company goes public, it shall have the necessary financial base to engage in future expansion. The expansion projects will bring more and more money into the company which will translate into increased dividends for the shareholders. The financial base is also important for the company to acquire assets. This will change the phase of the company altogether. Further, the company will have increased sales due to increased marketing. This will be achieved after marketing is intensively increased.
The company will also have wide expertise surrounding it. This will result from the available shareholders who will also provide various recommendations during an AGM. Increased concern by the shareholders will also result into the management becoming more conscious. When a company goes public, it is supposed to publish its audited financial statements to the registrar of companies and as such, it helps since everyone works towards improving the performance of a certain period compared to other periods.
In 2007, Barger was appointed the chief executive officer of Jet Blue Airlines. He was also supposed to replace Née leman as the president of the company. Née leman was named the executive chairman of the board. He was concerned about developing the long term vision of Jet Blue. He also wanted as much as possible to work towards remaining on a competitive edge in the ever increasing competition. The next financial period saw remarkable increase in profits. They increased for $ 612 million in 2006 to $ 730 million.
Since then, the company has engaged in such activities as expanding services to other places such as the Caribbean. The addition of Orlando, Florida as a gateway focus to international destinations came to pass at a strategic time. It has long since seen the profits of the company rise to higher levels.
In 2008 Jet Blue incorporated the idea of replacing recycled pillows and blankets with an “eco friendly pillow” that passengers would have to purchase. This was o be sold at a cost of $7 including a coupon of $5. This was a recent move by the company to increase its profits since the project would inject more income to the company.
The Human resource perspective is important in the airlines. The human resource department is important since it deals with all the issues that pertain to staff. Such issues include recruitment which has to do with hiring of new employees. It is important that the department is very fair as it hires to ensure that only professionals are hired. The department is also charged with the responsibility of motivating employees. Motivation is the process of inducing employees to work harder through provision with incentives. This encourages the employees to work even harder in way of achieving better results.
Designs are very important to the airlines. This ranges from design of aircrafts to all other architecture such as the buildings. The designs must be such as to attract customers. The aircraft must be painted with attractive designs. The same applies to the fronts of the offices. These bear important information which communicates a lot to the customers. In this perspective, customers usually prefer travelling in aircraft that is appealing and attractive to them.
Jet blue Airlines is a company that is a going concern and with intentions to expand into the foreseeable future. It has been engaging in a lot of activities to keep itself upbeat. However, challenges are ever present. It has not been easy especially with rising inflation and an increase in inflation. The cost of fuel has gone up tremendously and this has affected the level of profits of the company a great deal.