Free Training Project Essay Sample

Initial research studies have confirmed that most of the companies did hire employees and at the end of the day declared that the recruited staffs did not meet the expectations of the company in the first few months of the year. This was actually based on their productivity rating since their inception in the company depending on every company's way of assessment on their staffs.   Most of the management have had challenges in the allocation of duties to certain staffs within the organization as a result of may be lack of approach to the issue. Some have actually been unable to address the issue of the terms and conditions to the staffs who were new and even old resulting to lack of awareness on the functionality of the company regulations.

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According to Bratton2001, companies used to hire staffs but they don't train them on the procedures applied in their companies and they would stay on duties forever without the knowledge of this particular company's way of operation. So one could stay in the company for quite some good time and it would take him a long time to know what is entailed in the companies' mode of operation before he would catch up. This has really affected the top management for the longer the newly appointed staff's took to cope up with the mode of operation, the much the company wasted on productivity.

Most of the managers too were unable to realize the potential in their staffs to an extend that it was hard for them to motivate them. This also negatively impacted on the progress on any new employee in the organization. Lack of exposure to the companies operation limits the potential of any employee to grow within that particular environment of the organization.  Due to this, most of the employees have failed to know their rights as workers in those firms which is projected to have led to the mishandling of most of the staffs in the firm. Development could not be realized easily under such circumstances and therefore demanded for more than just an employment chance in any organization. Most companies were rarely seen developing due to the inability to realize that the company's development was based on the development of the staffs it had.

The paper aims at showing the importance of equipment and training as indicated in chapter 7 of Erickson book, "Emergency response planning for corporate and municipal managers." It's the role of the managers to ensure that proper planning in the organization has being done in order for the employees who work in risky environment to be protected in times of emergency. In the recent times, disaster management has become an important aspect of the management that ensures that the possible accidents are averted and in case of the occurrence of the disaster, the losses are as minimal as possible. Disaster management involves people being trained on how to handle emergencies and also what to do and not to do in case of the occurrence of the emergency situations. Emergency situations in the organization may be occurrence of fire, personal accidents as a result of injuries caused by the machines and chemicals he is working with in day to day operations of the organization.

Chapter 7 of Erickson book "Emergency response planning for corporate and municipal managers" talks about the personal-protective-clothing-and equipment (PPC and PPE). According to Erickson, PPE are selected by the corporate manager after careful scrutinizing the level of risk that is posed by the environment in which the employees of firm work in. The selection of personal-protective clothing and the necessary equipment needed to reduce the risk to employees is done after the management has accessed the level of risk that is posed to the employees in their line of duty. The management efforts are geared toward reducing the exposure time to hazards and other procedures that are required in order to minimize the instance of the occurrence of risk. It should be noted that PPE and PPC are the last resort efforts that are directed toward reducing the risk of the employees in the company. In a nutshell, the failure on the management to provide personal-protective clothing would lead the employees of the company to be exposed with some events and circumstances that would be life threatening to the employees.

Although protective-clothing and equipment are meant to reduce the level of exposure to the hazards on the side of the employees working on the hazardous environment, they also pose another a risk to the user which may include movement difficulties, impaired vision, and difficulties in communication as well as psychological and physical stress to the employees who have to use this equipment in day to day activities in the organization. It is therefore the role of the management to reduce the risk that the employees of the company face by providing them with the protective equipment and the same time to reduce the risks that are as the result of use of the equipment; the management must strike a balance between containing the occurrence of the hazard and thus providing protective equipment and the risk that come as a result of the use of the equipments. Thus there should be no instances of over and under use of personal-protective equipment.

Many factors therefore should be considered in the selection of personal-protective equipments that include general considerations such as durability of the equipment and the personal comfort of the employees to specific consideration that include whether the material is able to withstand things like chemicals and other risky condition that the worker come across in his day to day activities in the organization. It's the role of management of the organization to train their employees the importance of using personal-protective clothing that is to reduce personal injuries that are caused by the occurrence of hazards. The training of employees on personal-protective equipment ensure that the employees are comfortable in using them and that there are not coerced by the management in using them.

The items on the checklist need proper record of the areas in the induction training received and confirmed that were counter signed. They should be in a right sequence or order

Pre-employment entails the joining instructions, conditions of employment and the literature of the company. The human resource officer must ensure that he or she has received the confirmation of their acceptance of employment and other related issues like the terms of reference of their employment. Let them know where to come, the arrival time and the best person they can ask for when they arrive and remind them of what to carry when they arrive. Set up their offices, furniture and other office requirements depending on the type of work. Also organize the people in the office on when they should expect a new person. The company can also select a person they believe he can mentor or orient the new employees in the company. The timetable and the induction pack should be prepared at this particular time.

In the methodology, the study also seeks to outline possible purposes of the effect on the induction process to the recruits in any given company. The study indicates that most companies have been incapacitated in the preparation of the induction programme and even ad challenges with the proper running of the induction process. This paper therefore seeks to clarify bon the issues too concerned with the preparation and the running of the induction process programme. This research paper also seeks to provide a sample of an induction checklist that could be used to sensitize other management personnel on its features and how they can prepare one in the future. The study also highlights the opinions of the Chattered institute of personnel development views in regard to the positive effects of the induction process in any firm hoping for a future.

The study also gives a sample data collected and sampled, and analyzed in regard to the study of the induction process giving results to the sampled data of the employees who had experience from the induction process. The results of the data sampling are thus given using the spss format with the aid of a histogram. The appendix at the end of the study also lists some of the sample questions used to interview some of the participants that were interviewed.

According to the chattered institute of personnel development, it vital for any given organization to put in mind the challenges their staffs go through at any time in the different stages for instance during application for the available vacancies in the company, as those joining, in their duty delivery and till the time they leave the company. It states that the image portrayed by the company's management to any new person in a new working environment leaves a long lasting impact to the person's opinion about this particular firm. In addition, the induction process should not be taken as just a go-through activity, but an important opportunity to welcome new staffs system of a company and with proper induction, it will help the newly employed be more productive in their chosen fields.


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