Free GPS Application Essay Sample

GPS application was developed in 1973 by the United States government department of defence under the control of NASA and became operational in 1994. It included a satellite navigation method but has been improved to perform several functions (Bauer & Neilan 2005). This application was developed for military operations majorly for surveillance, intelligence military strikes, but has, however, been adopted by many civilians who use this application for many purposes including search of direction and location of objects. GPS is used as a source of online information to improve global productivity and economy and at the same time improve safety and protection of environment (Gan & Knight 2002). GPS works by sending radio signals from an orbiting satellite to the GPS receivers on earth, which collects and further convert the signals into specific positions like a street sign and name of the road, time information and velocity (Bauer & Neilan 2005). This positions and information are then stored in a Geographic Information System that can be accessed later by users. This information is widely used by intelligence organizations and crime detectives around the world to uncover security threats faced by different nations including accessing terrorism information. GPS, therefore, becomes a right arm in fighting international insecurity. This product idea of having GPS Application adopted is, therefore, a welcomed idea that should be embraced by all countries so as to share economic, environmental, safety and technologically related information to make the world a safer and better place to live. For this report, the application will be launched in Kenya which is a major target for the terrorist groups.

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GPS Tracking

This is the basic application of GPS which enables the military officer using a portable GPS application device to track where they are in order to retrace their way if lost, or to follow the same route again in the future. This can be used together with the other technologies like the GPS phones, to give room for other GPS later users to trace the paths of the initial user. This is highly significant to the soldiers operating in the thick forest cover areas. GPS tracking system is connected to other broadcast technologies like radio, capable of transmitting information even from extremely remote areas. The tracking system can be fitted with a GPS receiver capable of computing one’s position that can be tracked from the mounted control points, and also broadcast the position using a tiny radio transmitter (Bauer & Neilan 2005). These signals from the remote areas of Somalia are transmitted to a central command centre in Kenya where the GPS software systems are mounted. This technology is particularly useful in tracing the captured soldiers, injured soldiers in the thickets to mount a rescue operation in time. Equally, satellite surveillance of the area of operation in Somalia will allow the Kenyan, Ethiopian and AMISON soldiers to track ground movements of the Al-Shaabab militia men by tracking their vehicles, boats and individuals identifies and suspected to be members of the groups who pretend to be civilians.

GPS Vehicle Tracking

Vehicle tracking is extremely essential, when employed in GPS small units attached to the military vehicles, in case that they have unique identification such as chassis numbers. The same tracking technique can be mounted on secret parts of vehicles of the Al-Shaabab or the vehicles and boats suspected to be used by the terrorist group. Secret agents of the Kenyan government can use tracking to confirm and capture the terrorist activities. Other than tracking the terrorists, GPS protects extremely essential vehicles that are critical to the military operation. The vehicle tracking serves two purposes. On the one hand, it offers the driver combined GPS system, thus does not require acquisition of a separate navigation system for the military vehicle, or a PDA-centered GPS system (Bauer & Neilan 2005). The system also offers the opportunity to convey the information through a radio or mobile phone transmitter. On the other hand, in case that the military or civilian vehicle is hijacked, telemetry information regarding the status of the engine, time of last service among others is sent instantly to the military base of the police, who can then mount rescue or repossession operation. This application can also be used to advise the vessel’s crew to avoid a sea way that is covered with the terrorist groups, as captured from by the satellite GPS; thus it helps avoid piracy effects as well as alerting a war ship to intercept the terrorists or pirates in the Gulf of Aden area controlled by the Al-Shaabab (Hanson 2011). This application will be exceptionally beneficial to the Kenyan government and military in Somalia since it allows different units share information on operation status and their location in real time with absolute accuracy, at a time when it is not possible to use line-of-sight.

This GPS system can be used in cell phones and personal and armored military vehicles, typically in connection with a central command station, where information is relayed and is intended to keep trail of the location of the military vehicles and soldiers. This application is intended to maintain the cost of the GPS system unit as low as possible to ensure that consumers receive the best technology at an affordable price.

GPS application is a highly viable idea that has a number of advantages for the users. The benefits of this application include that it can pick signals from any location with or without internet connection only at a press of a red button for easy access for emergencies, such as contacts of police, ambulance and fire fighters (Gan & Knight 2002).  However, it brings limitation regarding privacy of nations and individuals since GPS clearly identifies and monitors the private activities carried out by individuals. This same technology can also be utilized by ill minded people or organizations for tracking and executing their terrorist attacks and threat security (Best 5 GPS navigation systems). The benefits of the launch of this technology nevertheless outweigh the isolated disadvantages.

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Rationale for Selecting the Product

Based on the urgent need of reliable 24 hour security surveillance in the Kenyan and Somali regions where war against Al-Shaabab is currently going on, Global Positioning System (GPS) is the chosen best product that can be used to track movements of the Al-Shaabab militia men. GPS remains the best choice to aid the Kenyan, Ethiopian, AMISON and Somali transitional government soldiers flush out the militia men.          

Pricing of the product is a very significant variable that largely influence the decisions of the majority of customers of the product. Customers prefer paying for products where they, in turn, get value for their money through quality products at affordable costs, not much higher than prices charged by competitors. Effective pricing leads to maximization of profit, focuses customers on the satisfaction and value delivered, enables the business to have healthy cash flow, shapes competitive variation and delivers the business strategy (Nagle & Hogan, 2006). Besides the fair pricing, NASA’s GPS system needs to launch quality products differentiated from the system supplied by GlONASS, Automotive Navigation System and Marine Navigation System, among others.

Background on the Selected Foreign Country Market

The GPS system application will be launched in Kenya, an east African country that currently has military troops in Somalia to fight and wipe out the Al-Shaabab, which is one of the terrorist groups affiliated to Al Qaeda (Branch 2011). The eastern African region including Kenya, Ethiopia, and Eritrea critically needs the services of a GPS application system, both for satellite surveillance and ground tracking of the militia men whose style is a hit and run.

According to the news hitting the international headlines, there have been several abductions along with grenade attacks on the East African Country. Al-Shaabab terrorist group linked to Al Qaeda are suspected, before and after the Kenyan military invasion to Somalia to eliminate the terrorist group (The New York Times). The abductions have included both Kenyan citizens and foreign nationals. Presently, there are AMISON, Kenyan and Ethiopian troops in Somalia who need to use the GPS tracking application to identify the hideouts and movements of the Al-Shabaab militia members to ensure success of the operation (Branch 2011).

Rationale for Introducing the Product in Kenya

There is the common need in Kenya and the rest of the world to stop the terrorist attacks, including abduction carried out by the Al-Shaabab on Kenyan and foreign nationals operating in the region. The reason behind the introduction of the GPS system application in Kenya is to boost surveillance and intelligence activities. Moreover, GPS allows track the suspected Al-Shaabab militia men during the war and to make military strikes on the terrorists hide outs accurate. The product has several applications and can be used by civilians as well as military and government intelligence agencies. Launching this product will bring safety benefit to the whole of eastern and central Africa.

NASA needs to use all elements of promotion to inform, persuade, and influence the Kenyan government customers to make a decision to consume certain products. It ensures that messages concerning services and products offered reach the intended customers (Semenik 2002). In the GPS application, promotion will be used to reach, inform and win customers against other competitors. Promotion is aimed to expand market share, maintain the current leading positions of NASA, improve security details and protection of the Kenyan citizens and the foreign nationals operating in the Al-Shaabab threatened area, and to create positive public image from the corporate and personal viewpoint (Branch 2011). The major objectives of promotion are the provision of information, differentiating the product from those of the competitors, improving and stabilizing sales, and positioning the products in the minds of prospective consumers through emphasizing the value and unique features of the product in terms of accuracy and speed. The overall goal is to secure Kenya and the Eastern African region, which suffer from threats and continued attacks of the Al-Shaabab, Al Qaida and other illegal groups (Hanson 2011).  GPS promotions can be done through public relations efforts between the two governments, as well as advertising in the mass channels and stressing the significance of having personal phones tracked and microchips, direct marketing, sponsorship and point of purchase and the use of internet platforms (Belch & Belch2009, Sengupta 2005).


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