Free Future of Nursing Essay Sample

The Work of the committee

The Robert Woods Johnson Foundation jointly with the institute of medicine forms a committee that has the main role in the discussion and implementation of a study on the future of nursing. They achieve this through application of programs that focus on studies of advancing health and possible leading changes. They are still responsible for the creation of hoc and ad committee that set up the review of the nursing workforce, and its capacity to effectively cater for the demands of the improved public health care system.

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The improvised committee sets up clearly defined national requirements on health these manly include a review of the nursing education system and addressing the performance of nurse’s delivery in places that there is a shortage of services. The joint committee is also responsible for providing a detailed report containing the outline of the way forward for the overall project, this include the recommended changes in institutions and public policies at the national, state and local level. In addition, they still offer alternative ways in which the shortage of nursing staff in the country should be addressed (Cipriano, 2011).

Their other main role is to design and give alternative ways of improving the health care system. This is by finding ways to make it more effective and efficient. This is by finding ways of attraction and retaining the professional nurses in different health care settings example the public health, long-term care, acute ambulatory care, primary care. The committee helps redefine the roles of nurses in the aspect of using available and future technology and help change the way society views nursing. They are still responsible for finding creative and easier ways of offering professional nursing education to the population with their focus being on delivery of services in health care system (Over Haul Nursing Profession to Improve Patient Care, 2010).

Importance of the IOM report in relation to the nursing workforce

The IOM report has brought many benefits to the medical practitioners and its implementation has greatly transforming the entire health care system. Some of the evident changes it has brought include the uplifting of the previously existing legal barriers that prevented advanced registered nurses from practicing their skills in line with their education levels. Through this change, the care providers can effectively implement their individual creative ways of handling the challenges the patients in the health care face (IOM Executive Office, 2010).

This freedom in practice has seen an increase in primary care and less of specialty care. In addition, it has helped increase the provision of better healthcare for the community as compared to the previous acute care system. The nursing care system has also greatly benefited from the increased recruitment of nurses and the adaptive knowledge of new scientific systems. Health care organizations and health institutions like wise greatly benefit from the nurses contribution of their knowledge in the institutions. The report has helped change the education system especially for the APRN’s this implementation allows the more qualified nurses’ better professional services than they had before.

Another significant advantage to the health care system is that through the recent debate on nurses’ roles, changes have been implemented that have greatly benefited the nursing profession. These changes include the nurses being trained especially for physicians and getting more significant roles in health care system in terms of both decision-making and delivery of care. In addition, the APN’s can now have independent roles in the health care system compared to their traditional roles as physician assistants. Within the new implementation, they can now access the client’s conditions, evaluate tests and order referrals, and can do social work, physical therapy and nutrition. Looking at these benefits it is clear to see the aim of the committee towards the nurses and the health system (Institute of Medicine, 2010).

Intent/rationale of the Future of Nursing Campaign for Action

The aim of the campaign has been to change the nursing care system mainly through education, more participation in leadership and practice. This helps build stronger and efficiently equipped working nurse staff. Through them, there can be an expansion of the health care services, ease of access to these health care services and reductions on medication cost, which will in turn promote a healthier population (Reinhard & Hassmiller, 2012).

Columbia District action group

The action implementation of the campaign involves professionals from both in the state and in national level that all share and want to meet the common vision of a better working health system. In over 50 states, the driving force behind this initiative has been the business leader’s educators, health leaders, groups of nurses. In the case of Columbia District, the mentioned group works closely with the policy makers to see the report suggestions implemented in collages, health care facilities and universities within their localities.

Most of these action coalitions have designed their own special strategies, but through their different organizations, they all work towards the common shared vision. The independent and unique action coalitions independently link with different collaborates from divergent sectors and through this action; they have raised money to fund their activities. In addition, this self-initiative and drive is what has seen them register overwhelming success in just two years since their start by the IOM, through their respective leaders they have effectively raised awareness and created structures that sustain and guide their organizations(IOM Executive Office, 2010).

Two initiatives that they are working on

The Illinois center for nursing (ICN) is an example of a one state action based coalition; its original purpose was to educate more professional and efficient nurses who are able to handle the health care needs in the Illinois State. It has worked effectively with the education institutions and professionals to offer care support to the population and the aging in Illinois State. Through its implementation, there has been a successful reorganization of the license process in the state. This has been achieved mainly through the joint effort of the Illinois police department, department of regulation, finance and the governor’s office. They recently announced the licensing, and approval of nursing application forms of over 800 applicants. Initially a candidate had to give a background check and through this the backlog of applicants had developed, by the enactment of these changes there has been improvement in the fingerprinting vendor’s guidelines for license by both the ISP and IDFPR, which has eased the backlog greatly (Cipriano, 2011).

Another achievement for the ICN is in its application of the nursing education program through the governor who signing it into law. The program has provisions that address the problem of nurse’s shortage through focusing on the increase of establishing nursing institutions and building a state center for research in nursing. Its main aim is creating a base for collecting the strategies and data, through this it ensures the state of Illinois has enough medical staff.

In conclusion, The Future of Nursing explores the responsibilities, roles and education of nurses as issues that are interrelated together and which should not be divided. It has transformed the healthcare by enabling nurses improve on their work by combining quality education and training. One of these cannot work on its own to develop a quality nurse who can deliver on the best of their ability. Therefore, the Future of Nursing ensures that nurses are well prepared for their work.


  1. Cipriano, P. F. (2011). The future of nursing and health IT: the quality elixir. Nursing Economics, 29(5), 286-282.
  2. Institute of Medicine. (2010). The Future of Nursing Leading Change, Over Haul Nursing
  3. Profession To Improve Patient Care. Washington, DC: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Press.
  4. IOM Executive Office (2010). The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health
  5. Reinhard, S., & Hassmiller, S. (2012). The Future of Nursing: Transforming Health Care. The Journal, AARP, http://journal. aarpinternational. org/a/b/2012/02/The-Future-of-Nursing-Transforming-Health-Care, accessed October, 9.

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