Free Abdominal Terminology Essay Sample
- Abdomin/al - pertaining to the abdomen
Prefix -
Root - abdomin - abdomen
Suffix - al - pertaining to
- Ab/norm/al - away from pertaining to rule
Prefix - ab -away from
Root - norm/o - rule/order
Suffix - al - pertaining to
- Bi/later/al - pertaining to two sides
Prefix- two
Root - later/o - side
Suffix -al - pertaining to
- Carcin/oma - cancerous tumor
Root - carcin/o - cancerous
Suffix - oma - tumor, neoplasm
- Cardio/pulmon/ary - pertaining to heart and lungs
Root - cardio - heart
Root - pulmon - lung
Suffix -ary - pertaining to
- Costo/vertebr/al -pertaining to rib and spine
Prefix -
Root - costa - rib
Root - vertebra - vertebra/ spine
Suffix - al - pertaining to
- Gastro/ente/ritis - inflammation of the stomach and intestines
Root - gastr/o -stomach
Root - enter/o- intestines (usually small intestines)
Suffix -itis - inflammation
- Gynecology - study of woman treatment
Prefix -
Root gynec/o - woman
Suffix -logy - study (process of)
- Hemat/uria condition of blood in the urine
Prefix -
Root - hemat/o - blood
Suffix -uria - urination; condition of urine
- Hemo/ptysis - spitting up blood
Prefix -
Root - hem/o- blood
Suffix - ptysis - spitting
- Inter/thenar - between the palm
Prefix - inter- between
Root - thenar - palm
Suffix -
- Intra/ocul/ar - within the eye
Prefix - intra- within; into
Root - ocul/o -eye
Suffix - ar - near, or pertaining to
- Lymph/adeno/pathy - abnormality of lymph relating to gland, abnormality of lymph nodes
Prefix - lymph/o - lymph
Root - adeno - relating to gland
Suffix - pathy - abnormality,
- Medic/ation - condition of healting
Root medic/o - to heal; healing
Suffix -ation - process; condition
- Splen/ectomy - excision; resection of the spleen
Root - splen/o - spleen
Suffix -ectomy - removal; excision; resection
- Spondylolisthesis
Root - spondyl/o - vertebra (backbone)
Suffix - listhesis - slipping
- Thrombocytopenia - dfficiancy of blood clots in cell
Prefix - thromb/o - blood clot
Root - cyto - cell
Suffix - penia -dificiancy