Free Advancing Nursing Career through Master's Degree Essay Sample
For quite some time now, I have been practicing nursing and I have realized that helping sick people and nursing them into health is my passion. My interest in the field of nursing begun when still in high school and grew into a career of my choice. This is when my mother fell ill and needed round the clock comprehensive care. As I watched the nurses in the hospital give her with the concentration that she needs to improve her health, it dawned on me that without their help. The importance of the nursing profession was thus, shown to me through firsthand experience. Seeing my mother regain her full strength became a motivation to me and flickered my interest in curative the sick by caring for them.
I attained my BSC in nursing and started working with the sick by providing them with health care services needed. In the last few years in the field, I have enjoyed my work, and attained personal fulfillment by ensuring that the sick obtain the necessary care. My working experience has also helped indentify the gaps in my knowledge. In filling these gaps, I believe that by pursuing a master’s degree in the nursing field will serve this purpose. I have gained practical experience in providing patients with diagnose, examinations, interpreting their radiograph and laboratory results, prescribing medication as well as ,providing counseling to those in need. Nursing is far much more than just providing these services as I have come to understand that when working with patients (Aktan, 2010, p. 187). Through my exposure to healthcare system, I have seen changes every other day there are different diseases, complications, treatments and procedures continuously emerge. In the process, I have realized how powerful the health care services provision is. It keeps on changing hence there is necessity to keep up with the emerging changes and trends through learning. By further my education, I will not only benefit from higher degree, but also become familiar with the advances being made in nursing. In my experience, nursing has been changing every other day with the uses of advanced technologies being applied in health care system as they continue to emerge. This has made me realize that to remain relevant and competent I need to obtain the extra skills and my intelligence by advancing my education.
My interest to study for a master’s degree is to ensure that in the long run I acquire additional knowledge. It will also further help me to familiarize myself with the changing trends in service provision and advances made in the nursing field. This will benefit me by helping me advance in my career. In addition, this will also help my patients given that those with the best services through the knowledge gained. I feel that by advancing my knowledge in the field, coupled with my practical experience gained while working in the hospital. This will help me to become a better nursing practitioner.
My eventual long-term aim is to assist in an administrative capacity. To acquire the skills required I need to further my education by pursuing graduate studies. Administration roles in my experience does not only entail managing the services and the human resource involved but also mentoring and teaching those with less experience the requirements in nursing. To serve in this role effectively, I believe that one needs the actual experience, as well as the proper education degree.
Considering that the nursing field currently demands high competency and expertise from the practicing professionals. Furthering my education will allow me to gain the expertise as a nursing practitioner and fulfill my life long term objectives. An admission in your MSC program can help me achieve my dreams and prepare me for further service to our society.