Free Regulatory and Accreditation Body Essay Sample

Over the many years, the regulatory agencies and accreditation agencies have been key players through the scope, purpose, similarities and difference between them as shown in the nursing community. The two have had a significant role in the protection of both the nurse and the public alike by ensuring quality in healthcare services.

Regulatory agencies mainly comprise of state nursing boards who work directly under the supervision of the state government directly and indirectly, by the legislature and governor’s office. Regulatory agencies are under the state board for nursing that belongs to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), where the agencies mainly function independently in their duties (NLNAC, 2011).

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National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) is a regulatory agency mainly involved in ensuring public protection, especially when they are accessing treatment. It ensures that the nurses have successfully qualified to be registered as nurses in order to deliver quality healthcare service. Cannon &Boswell (2011) affirmed the commission’s role in the issuance of practice licenses to entry-level registered nurses once they had successfully passed their exams and completed their courses. National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) serves as a body that ensures quality service providence to the public when they seek medication in the hospitals.

Another, regulatory role that the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) plays is the monitoring and enforcing standards for nurses’ education. Standards of nursing education enforce the standards preparation of curricula that ensures appropriate coverage of syllabuses. Addition of necessary topics that according to the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) is necessary to the coursework (NLNAC, 2011).

National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) has a crucial role in monitoring and enforcing standards of nursing practice. The commission monitors the nurses by ensuring proper supervision as they are handling patients when they begin to practice. After the university education, nurses are under probation for a year in order to assess their competence. In addition, National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) plays a significant role in giving support and assistance to professional members (McDonald. 2007).

Another role that the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) plays is that it sets and enforces standards of nursing practice for entry-level nurses who do not have expertise in the nursing field. Therefore, examination that the nurses sit for is beneficial as it is the basic measure of the level of competence of the newly registered nurse’s capability to handle and take care of the patients safely and effectively.

Accreditation of institutions of higher learning in the United States is by the United States Department of Education. Its main goal is to ensure that the education offered in these institutions meets the acceptable level of standards. It is essential to understand that the standards applied could be set either by professional accrediting bodies, regional accrediting bodies or regulatory agencies. Nursing as a faculty in higher education has to undergo an external curriculum evaluation process which is an outside agency (McDonald. 2007).        

Accreditation of health institutions of higher learning is crucial since the program of study has to be reviewed over time due to the ever-changing and complex health care system, in order to enhance providence of quality services. One of the accreditation bodies is the Body of Nursing Association (BNS) that carries out a challenging assessment of the nursing program in order to regulate the level to which the program meets criteria set by the nursing profession.            Accreditation of health institutions of higher learning is crucial since the program of study has to be reviewed over time due to the ever-changing and complex health care system, in order to enhance providence of quality services. One of the accreditation bodies is the Body of Nursing Association (BNS) that carries out a challenging assessment of the nursing program in order to regulate the level to which the program meets criteria set by the nursing profession.

Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) is one of the non-governmental agencies that protect the public’s interest through regulation of registered nurse's practices. Peate (2010) asserted that for the nursing programs to provide quality products to their customers there was the need for the program to go through an accreditation process. Once the nursing program has undertaken an accreditation process it can have influence on the school’s eligibility to get aid from outsiders to support its programs running.

As a result, of the standardization process of the nursing program, those graduates’ entrants to subsequent programs will need to meet the criteria set by the accreditation body. With granting of loans to institutions that have undergone accreditation the body will set up guidelines for accessing students’ ability to access loans and grants. Institutions that have undergone the accreditation process will show its interest in the appraisal of its program. This will serve to attract students and teachers identification with the institution. For this reason, the institution is able to record abundant increase in admission of students into the institution as an exceptional Centre for higher-education learning in nursing.

Regulatory agencies and accreditation bodies carry out a similar primary purpose, with their main focus being in the protection of the public and nurses as they have a client relationship during consultations. Cannon & Boswell (2011) asserts to the fact that the protection of nurses extends to nursing practices and nursing education in order to maintain nurses who are competent, with a strong critical-thinking ability and can handle the patients with care.

The two regulatory and accreditation agencies equally have one main focus, as they carry out their ultimate goal of producing and monitoring competent and qualified nursing members of staff. Considerably, this is the main reason why the agencies   perform is because of high standards. In addition, the regulatory and accreditation agencies together have another main focus of ensuring that it perform assessments and come up with recommendations in order to deliver an optimal education system to all prospective nursing students.

On the contrary, both accreditation and regulatory have differences in the way they carry out, their purposes, and the establishment of standards. Accreditation is a voluntary act, and no one forces an institution to undertake the self-regulatory measures, whereas regulatory agency measures are compulsory for any institution that is teaching nursing at a higher learning level (Anema . 2010). Accreditation agencies has a lot of influence from non-governmental organizations that use the information of institutions, that meet the standards and criteria for quality education in evaluating institutions to give loans and grant. On the other hand, Regulatory agency is mainly state influenced, which provides leadership to bring excellence for nursing practice Peate (2010), shows how regulatory agencies has got five entities  that comprise of the individual nurse, boards of nursing, the nursing profession, employers of nurses and nurse educators whereas the accreditation agency could involve only one entity.

In conclusion, it is essential for institutions to use agencies in assessing their levels of competence and credibility (NLNAC, 2011). Accreditation agencies are of greater benefit as they give the students a chance to access bursaries and loans. Accreditation of health institutions of higher learning is necessary since the program of study has to be reviewed over time due to the ever-changing and complex health care system, in order to enhance providence of quality services.


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