Free Technology in Day Care Essay Sample

Technology has in recent years become more accessible to the early childhood programs and day care. The computer software have become more user-friendly and due to their embrace in day care it gives the early childhood educators the responsibility of investigation the impacts associated with it on the day care children and then give them an opportunity to have the necessary measures in place to enable the utilization of technology to the benefit of the children (Rowan, 2010). The introduction and quick development of technology in day care is thus practical and realistic in that it is likely to enable the daycare children to develop the basic technological skills that life needs. Technology in day care has thus been embraced and its utilization in the sector has been beneficial to both the daycare managers and the children.

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The technological and computer programs that are made available to day care children should be looked at and chosen keenly. The early childhood and daycare professionals are obliged to embrace the appropriate morality of developmentally practice and suitable syllabus and then evaluation of these programs when making a choice of the technology to use in their classroom. The technological tools used to educate the day care children should be appropriate for the age and the experience of the children in a specific group.

Day care technology, if used appropriately, has the ability to improve the daycare children’s thinking as well as helping them to create and sustain good relations with the daycare peers. Appropriate technology in this case does engage children in tête-à-tête and imaginative play, helps the daycare pupils in predicament solving skills and creativity. Thus, the technology that is meant for utilization in daycare should be ideally designed to grow with children and it should be able to offer more challenging opportunities for the daycare pupils as they learn the respective new skills.

Technology in daycare should be integrated into the daily learning activities for it to be effective and the expected objectives are realized. The technological development should not replace the existing curriculum routines in daycare; instead, the location of computers into the classrooms is better as opposed to having these technological tools of learning in a separate room. Daycare managers are supposed to then choose technology-friendly software that has the ability to enrich the daycare syllabus and bridge the gap between various daycare subjects such as music and social studies.

Daycare technology lacks equity in utilization and the teachers are advised to struggle to achieve equity in contact to technology for all daycare kids and their families. Out of school, girls use computers less than boys, African American students have less access to computers and technology than the white students, and more successful daycare centers have advanced technologies (Jongsma & Winkelstern, 2006). Educators are asked to work to ensure equal access to technology for the daycare kids because a failure would result into gaps in the kid’s ability. Technology in day care does function as an “on demand tutor”. This is because it does meet the individual kid’s needs and erudition styles and predilection. The embrace of technology in daycare thus has the opportunity to promote and enable the children to think and undertake tasks independently.

However, technology in daycare is a powerful influence over the learning of children. The adopted technology should not be able to teach children to stereotype or to opt for violence in offering solutions to the various issues. The technology embraced has the ability to create a reflection of the daycare kid’s miscellaneous cultures, languages, as well as the ethnic birthrights; the adopted technology needs to reflect the daycare kid’s world and encourage them to embrace diversity. The teachers and the caregivers in daycare centers are challenged to find flexible curriculums that encourage positive social values as well as promoting and advocating for tolerance and exploration of richness in their own and other cultures.

Technologies in daycare demand the collaboration of the teachers and parents to promote the apposite usage of the respective software. The failure to have collaboration between the involved parties means that the teachers shall advocate for one model while the parents campaign for other usage of technology in daycare centers which will create a conflict of interest and render technology useless.

Technology in daycare is useful in many ways. First, it creates safety in the daycare centers. For instance, the usage of surveillance cameras does create comfort for the parents regarding the safety of their kids in times when the parents or educators are not in the premises (Anita, 2000). Second, technology in daycare creates convenience. This s achieved by the elimination of much paperwork while the parents are signing in and out of the daycare centers which save time and much stress for the daycare workers. Education is enhanced by the technologies that are adopted in the daycare centers. For instance, great emphasis is placed on the ability to educate and entertain applying the toys that are used by the daycare centers. Health wise, technology in daycare has been a big boost. Most daycare centers use a sensor activated spigot that has the ability of helping the daycare center to recoup their expenses through the less prevalence of sick days which is attributed to the health advantages that result from cutting down on germs through the new device.


Technology in daycare centers is a new approach but it is yielding positive results. Technology has makes it easy to run the daycare centers, promotes safety, education and convenience in operational planning and management. Health of the kids and the educators and other daycare workers is also attributed to technology for assurance.


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