Free EU-Israel Partnership Policies Essay Sample
The Euro-Mediterranean partnership can be a subject of debate especially in the decade of 2000 -2010, there has been more to share between the two regions and the relationship has been held together through policies that provide the legal framework and guidelines to govern the play. The mutual relationship between the European Union (EU) and Israel has continued to grow economically, politically, institutionally, and on issues of security. The policies and agreements have established a trend of fighting terrorism, racism xenophobia and Islamophobia that face the two parties.
Bodies such as the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) and the Center for European Reform (CER) have been developed to monitor the progress of the relationship between EU and Israel; issues monitored on economic policies include Macroeconomics, European Network of Economic Policy Research Institutes, Financial Markets, Company Law and Taxation, trade developments and policy, energy, climate change, environment and agricultural policies. On issues of politics institutions and security the body monitors the future of Europe, justice and home affairs, security, and the unity of the wider Europe. The policies on the issues above give a basis for the need for unity and diplomatic relations in the decade 2000 - 2010.
In the working paper number 12 "The role of the EU in the Israel/Palestine conflict" it states that the EU policy on Israel is not recognized on the basis exclusion but on partnership and cooperation. The partnership between EU and Israel is seen as a necessary evil since it contributes a lot to the peace in the Middle East peace process. The Association Agreement of 2000 and the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) of 2004 gave the major basis of the trade relations between the two parties and also as a political guide in the process of relations in this decade. The policies in the decade in question have been based on the issue of security and terrorism but trade has been a mutual benefit the two parties continue to enjoy as they forge ahead and secure a better future.
The Association Agreement developed in 1995 and overwritten in 2000 ensured the EU and Israel dedicated themselves to ensuring a mutual relation that provided close political, trading and investment ties coupled with economic, financial, civil, social, scientific, cultural cooperation and technological relations.
The ENP launched in 2004 ensured stability, prosperity, security of the EU with its neighbors where Israel was included in a manner different as from being a member of the EU. This action plan furthered the goal of unity among members of the EU that was guaranteed in ensuring their neighbors were close to them politically, economically, in cultural cooperation, and in security.
The European Security Strategy of 2003 was established to boost security to the EU neighbors and ensure closer ties among neighbors; it worked hand in hand with the ENP to endure neighbors participated in the EU programmes and trade freely between borders.
The resolution of the Middle East Conflict was aimed at finding a lasting peace solution in the Middle East; it gave a comprehensive settlement on the conflict between Israel and Palestine. The road map of implementation towards peace ensured a democratic peaceful, sovereign Palestine nation, that coexisted in harmony and relating well with their neighbors.
The policies that have been developed in this decade have not only acted as a security measure but also a role model to other states that they can follow to pursue mutual benefits despite any differences. The mutual understanding has remained despite major threats of security in the Middle East this shows how strong the diplomatic ties are. These policies have been built on past agreements that are renewed again and again to tackle the current threats and suit the times.
The decade has however fewer establishments of an action plan that involves the major crisis of global climatic change and the mutual way to tackle it. The major question on the policies of this decade can be posed whether they are just mutual or an alignment to fight a global threat in the region. Their deeper meaning should be established which will help identify the main benefits each region gets from the policies.
The Middle East especially the Gaza strip region has been a source of conflict for many years; but it has built more tension in the decade of 2000 - 2010. It has threatened the regions security and many lives have been lost through war terrorism and other armed conflicts related to this region. This conflict has been named a possible cause of a third world war, and its effects have spilled over with the conflicts affecting people within and without the regions. Religious conflicts have divided the states apart and spilled over to other Arab nations.
The quartet i.e. the EU, United States (US), United Nation (UN), and Russia has also been involved in the conflicts so as to quell it and bring a lasting peaceful solution. On the contrary Europe has been a haven of peace and prosperity where people have lived in harmony. However there is a threat of terrorism and armed attacks from the Arab lands that respond to fears of Islamophobia.
The need to establish a mutual deal between states of two very different regions gives the motivation to know what policies have been established between two regions i.e. Europe and the Middle East that are different in almost all aspects. Israel is picked due to its long conflict with Palestine as it stands out from other Islam dominated states to fight for its sovereignty. The benefits of the policies and what every party stands to get would be established that will be important in knowing the actual benefits policies can bring to two different regions.
Regional dynamics in the Middle East have been greatly shifted towards peace and future benefits. The new millennium brought with it numerous challenges but a more lasting challenge was the unending conflict between Israel and Palestine, dubbed Israel vs. the Arab world conflict. This was inherited from the previous decade but in the 2000 - 2010 it has proved to spill over beyond control12. Major terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah have cropped up to bring about radical Islamism while other terrorist groups like the Al-Qaeda have raged on to support their acts of terror. The big question existing is the role of policies of the quartet in solving this crisis particularly the EU that has historic mutual relations with Israel.
The policies laid down by the EU as an ally to Israel to ensure the problem is solved or Israel remains protected from the threats it faces from the militia. More so the policies that have helped Israel grow economically, politically, and socially despite the many problems. It helps tackle the EU's member states roles in promoting prosperity, security, sustainable development, and solidarity as specified in the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) and other policies they have had with Israel particularly in the 2000 - 2010 decade.
To research on European Union Policy on Israel from last decade (2000-2010)
To identify the EU/Israel policies that have been outstanding from 2000 - 2010
To compile a comprehensive report on the identified policies that shaped the years 2000 - 2010.
To identify the economic, political and social benefits that have been enjoyed due to the policies developed.
What are the European policies on Israel from 2000-2010 and their benefits to the two regions.
An analytical approach for the study will be applied; this means that all information about the policies of the 2000 - 2010 decade obtained will be critically evaluated and analyzed to help understand the topic and policies set between the EU and Israel and their purposes.
This study seeks to address the issue of "European policy on Israel from 2000-2010". This issue is addressed by EU policies designed in this period that have been outstanding. The values and interests in the Israeli region and the requirement of the EU to operate mutually with its neighbors economically and politically are addressed as specified in the ENP. The objectives of the EU/Israel cooperation agreement are critically examined as stipulated in action plans, Association Agreement of 2000, the ENP of 2005, and the European Security Strategy of 2003.
The study is designed to investigate the benefits of the major EU policies on Israel and how they have helped the two parties to grow together mutually; specifically the role the relationship has played in solving the major problem in the decade i.e. insecurity. The input of every party is considered with respect to enhancing the bilateral relationship and in making the policies a success or possible. The study clearly outlines the problems of the decade and objectives of the EU policies and how the cover the shortcomings of the two regions.
The study will include but not limited to materials pertaining EU and Israel in the 2000 - 2010 decade from literature.
Information will be collected from the library, internet, working papers, journals, books, and other academically certified literature on the policies EU has on Israel for the period specified above. It will also include literature from previous decades to help in understanding the history and building on what was there before this quoted decade. The printed policies that have been ratified will also be used to quote the actual situation that has happened in this period and the objectives that the policies aimed to accomplish.
Interviews with law makers from the different regions will be conducted to collect primary data that will help back up the secondary material studied from literature. The interviews will be structured so as to aid in avoiding so many technical terms by lawyers that may be difficult to understand or take much time to explain.
The interview answers will be written down and given codes, this will help identify the useful information given. The main answers that will be needed will be those on the policies developed and their objectives and benefits. This they will be identified and included in the report.
The study heavily relies on secondary data and less of primary data; though secondary data will be collected through literature primary data is also crucial to help ascertain the real facts other than the documented facts. However, having the drafts of the policies, journals and working papers will make the data source credible and reliable to use. The interview with law makers are expensive to arrange since they charge high consultation costs, they also apply to many technical terms that lengthen the time to interview.
High level of ethical standards in the study will be ensured to correctly quote the necessary material, paraphrase, and reference it properly to avoid plagiarism. The information offered will be voluntary without forcing anyone to give personal information. Personal opinions will also be avoided when interviewing and confidentiality will be assured with any personal data provided.