Free Life Coach and Mentoring Program Essay Sample

Coaching is a procedure of giving power to individuals that would assist them to archive personal or professional goals that would enable them to use available resources through acquired skills to better their current position. Life coach training is based on individual/personal targets for one to achieve a better life or position. Depending on the type of clients, the coach can either approach them individually or in groups. A mixed approach of the two is also good to have the students compare their acquired skill levels as well as learn from their peers. Various techniques are available in Life Coach Training and this paper analyzes each technique with the expected outcome.

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This is the most preferred method for young adults and the youth between the ages of 17-24. It is suitable for those who have troubled pasts. In order to reframe first of all the coach needs to understand the client/s. This means that the coach has to dig deep to a source of an existing problem in the past that is emotionally/psychologically binding the client, as in the case of young adults through with the juvenile system of justice/ ex-offenders. Once this is established, the coach has to make the client see the source of the problem in a different way than they are used to. Sometimes it emerges that the client does not recognize the problem by themselves. Helping them to revise their perspective on the problem is important because it provides confidence to deal with the root cause of the problem. 

An example is a client whom the coach realizes avoids responsibility in practice or in theory based on previous traumatic experience. This has them avoiding any position that leaves them in charge as much as they can thus move backwards in life because they shied away from opportunities. The coach has to make them look at responsibility not as being answerable for others but for one’s self and personal development. This may be the way to have them take on responsibility knowing they are solely doing it for their benefit.

The Timeline

This is a technique that focuses on time management skills of clients and goes a long way to impact in their relationship with others as well as their personal responsibilities for development. Just as in the reframe, the coach uses the timeline to determine a client’s subconscious time management skills. Through making them understand this might save them from a lot of compromising situations and better their lives. The coach asks direct questions to the client’s mind in an unconscious state. This makes the coach aware of their timeline with regards to an existing problem. This will, therefore, enhance the determination of the client’s character because the one that moves from right to left in a predictable sequence shows the client is the type to schedule and plan. They focus on organizing for the future. Those whose timeline moves from front to the back or present to the past are most likely to put more emphasis on the present time and would not give much attention to the future or past events. The coach has to let them know about this so that they can change their approach to activities. The two timelines might make clients understand points of conflicts in life if they are made aware how their behavior is shaped around them.


This is where the coach provides all the necessary positive approaches or gives suggestions to improve what the client is doing, thus, success depends on the client actually seeing the coach succeed in a certain point or area of interest. This technique is the most difficult to apply in life coaching because the coach is supposed to motivate the client into revealing or discovering their hidden potential and not show them what he thinks they can do. Therefore, the coach has to be careful to act only on those skills the client subconsciously reveals. An effective program should be timed in such a way that it runs for a year or more. This is because in creating a lasting impression, Mentor has to engage the students/clients in strict supervision programs at the beginning then gradually have them take responsibility of their activities with minimum supervision as time progresses.

Study Sessions

A typical program would have Two hour sessions running from Monday to Friday so as to ensure the clients/ Students gain a rhythm and grasp the concepts as progressively as possible. The sessions should preferably take place in the afternoon between 3.30 to 5.30 pm. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays will have the two hour sessions divided into an hour each. The instructor will focus on the reframe method during the first hour and wind up with the timeline method. Mentoring sessions will be offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays so as to give students time to conceptualize whatever is offered during the reframe and timeline sessions. This will cover the entire two hours.

In conclusion, the coach has to focus on transforming the client from a current situation to one that is perceived to be better. The coach has to make the client come up with an objective or personal goal and instill the belief that the client has the power to achieve the goals. Finally, it is important for the coach to focus on the client’s happiness. The coach has to make them decide what they perceive to be a happy state and stick to that.



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