Free UNEP Social Constructivism for Climate Change Essay Sample
The issue of climatic change has been of significant concern to the whole world. Different bodies have come out to stop this threatening to the universe menace. UNEP is one of these bodies that have engaged the whole world community in its campaign to halt environmental degradation and give the future generations a better life. The values and principles of this organization are among the many factors set to determine the success of the organization in bringing about these changes. The use of science in this particular undertaking is inevitable, as science and technology remain the option to revive the environment. The organization has gone further to adopt social constructivism as a method of curbing more pollution and involving the society in the same. The sharing of ideas and views on the environmental issues with the societies at issue has seen the firm go milestones in saving the environment and reinforcing the campaigns worldwide. The approach makes the society feel part of the campaign, and thus increase participation.
Social constructivism is the sharing of knowledge, culture, and ideas. The combining of this kind of approach in fighting climate change by UNEP is one of the ways of winning the war. It makes people believe that conserving the environment is a long-term culture that should be upheld. The sharing of ideas further helps develop dialogue between the immediate communities and UNEP. This has helped come up with improved ways of handling the common problem. It is a positive aspect in upholding the societal values, while moving ahead to achieve the goals set.
Social Constructivism
This can be defined as the process of bringing the society together and making its members think in one dimension. The process aims at making the people take up a particular approach as their culture. The approach thus puts the society in the same basket and makes the members feel the problem facing them all as one. This helps the society come up with balanced solutions rather than proposing them. The solutions supplied in this case are thus in line with the community social norms and culture. It ensures the solutions are supported by the society as a whole and produce minimum instances of conflict and dispute. UNEP has helped protect the environment in many areas and avert further climatic change through adopting of this approach to get the solutions to the problem (Karling 2007). The organization brings people in communities together and gives them a space for dialogue and discussions. On such a platform, UNEP acts more as a regulator of the debates rather than as a contributor to the solution. The people come up with solutions that are relevant and local. The solutions are engineered in line with the communities’ social norms and cultural considerations and are thus more effective, as they are better customized to people.
Application in Environment Management
Social constructivism has a big part to play in environmental conservation and climate change management. The involvement of a wider society through this approach will help make conservation programs more acceptable to the general public. The approach taken by the organizations involved will have to be in line with the cultural norms of the society. The society in question will have to be integrated in the conservation process through different means (Tully 2007). The methods to make the whole process acceptable will include taking up the language of the natives, dressing codes, and eating habits. Further, the organizations involved will have to consult people on different factors such as the meaning and cause of some occurrences in the environment. This will help uphold people’s culture and norms and integrate them in the process.
UNEP is one of the organizations expected to make a milestone development in environmental management and in countering of the climate change. The organization has to engage its social cultural norms and ethics in its involvement and interaction with the society. This will involve the organization of society at all levels. The organization also has to carry out scientific research on specific areas based on knowledge and capacity it has and with the assistance of the people within that area.
The level of acceptance of these practices will determine the level of achievement of the firm in its operations. UNEP is a multinational firm that has employees from different parts of the world and with different cultures. However, when working in these particular regions, the employees have to accept the host cultural practices and integrate into the same to make their coordination and co-existence easy and smooth (McCarthy 2001).
The UNEP Core Values and Interests
The UNEP core values are set in line with social constructivism principles to ensure social stability. In designing and setting of the values, the community interests were considered at all levels. The norms and values require that all staff members serve as the organization’s ambassadors to the outside world. The values set the guidance in dealing with the society in the most civilized manner.
The values suggest that the staff should neither discriminate against anybody nor treat them with a stereotyping manner. This should apply to all, irrespective of the individual’s affiliation and gender. The policies view all people as momentous and give them equal opportunities. This approach gives a better space for sociocultural interaction and allows for equal participation in environmental conservation. This gives a better perspective for social constructivism (Sum 2005). Men and women can give their opinion freely, take the societal concerns personally, and handle the problem amicably.
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The values further encourage open communication among all members. This allows members to ask and answer questions freely and without fear of reprimand. This allows people to answer the questions in their own opinions and ask about what they feel affects them. This helps people in the societies feel that they are part of the policy making process and that the problems addressed are theirs and not UNEP’s. The communication integration involves the accepting of people’s language as a mode of communication when addressing problems in their language. It would not be appropriate to discuss the society’s problems in a foreign language, as this would not reflect the cultural integration of people. This would defeat the principle of social constructivism in the organization’s operations (United Nations 2009).
Other values that the society should be involved in include teamwork and social interaction. This should be between the UNEP staff and the locals. This would help elicit by far more facts and opinions on the programs on the ground. It would also help people change their perspective on the environment and the climate change (Mintzer 1992). It would help people in their immediate society understand the effects and impacts of the same. This would help them come up with immediate and local solutions which will be more adaptable to their own standards.
Planning and organizing is another area that the organization takes a keen interest in. The level and nature of organization determines the level of confidence that people will have in the particular firm. Through planning, it will be easy to identify the priority factors to be addressed. In most missions, it is dependent on scientific research and the opinion of the society members (Haut Bruyn 2005). It also helps allocate adequate time for different activities, ensuring maximum achievement is attained in every sector and operation. Transparency and openness are necessary to facilitate this factor and make the process a success and worth the resources invested.
The Use of Science by UNEP
The issue of science and technology is essential in environmental conservation. The factor of science application is vital, as it is the better option in environment conservation. UNEP has opted for science to solve the environmental challenges facing the world. The UNEP approach to Marine Conservation Debate at Rio in1992 is an outstanding example of that. Although still unaccepted, the use of oceans and seas in an equitable and reserved manner is necessary if the world population has the will to bring the environmental pollution and climatic change to a halt. The summit was attended by several member countries and represented by the heads of states (Paruccini 1994). The member states have to be incorporated in the program if it is to be a success. It would need to involve the wider societies through their heads of states and government representatives. This will be equal to the social constructivism approach to solving the issue of oceanic pollution.
This issue, in aftermath, needs further discussion and delegation, which would help make it more acceptable for the society. The society will then take this as part of its responsibility and cultural background, and will thus be more willing to participate and bring change. The marine conservation aims at reducing the amount of marine disposal and waste and finally cleaning the ocean waters. The operation will involve carrying out extensive research on the sea. The research ought to be scientific and assume deep analysis. The involvement of the coastal communities will be particularly beneficial in conservation measures. It is, therefore, more powerful that the societies be educated and made familiar with operations in question. The issue of marine conservation will not only involve the cleaning and getting rid of the already available waste but also help bring to an end any further pollution (Kukla 2002). This will be possible only if the immediate societies are involved. The societies will have an opportunity to give their views and opinions on the same. The members of the community will help determine the choice of research to be done, the alternative methods of disposal, and future control. The society members through this kind of involvement would feel that they are part of the development and thus dedicate more time to the same.
The scientific and social approach taken by UNEP in managing and controlling the environmental pollution and climate change can be considered the best. This is suitable if the community involvement helps decide on the measures to solve the problem. The issue of climate change is a social issue, so members of the society should be consulted in making decisions. The involvement of people brings the sense of belonging and averts bureaucracy. The participation of the society is a factor of concern and keen interest should be taken not to go below or beyond the boundaries set.
Dealing with the community will further require that the body in question offer civic education on the importance of whatever they are doing and the possible impacts if the action is not taken. They should in return learn about the people’s culture, fears, and beliefs. The understanding of these factors will help the organization uphold people’s dignity and cultural beliefs and retain the society’s artifacts. This will help in the implementation of the social constructivism approach in the whole process (Gupta 2004).
The values and norms of the organization should permeate all levels and fields of the organization. The issue of transparency and fair dealings will be a powerful tool in making the society a part of the program. People will feel respected and recognized in managing what is theirs and feel the benefits. Failure to do this will see the community move away from the site of action and withhold their contribution (Davidson 2009). They will start viewing the whole process as a foreign area of interest, leading to hostilities. The society’s mind and spirit should serve as the basic and core factor in bringing social constructivism and scientific research into action in saving the environment.
The social constructivism theory and approach proofs a core value and a basic tool in bringing environmental pollution to an end. Social involvement at all levels is vital and necessary in integrating the society and all programs touching on it. UNEP in its capacity has no means to evade this if any success is to be attained. The involvement of the immediate societies socially, economically, and culturally will prompt the people to reconsider the environment as part of their culture and see pride in its association. It will be boosted by the observance of all ethical protocols by the organization and its staff. The attempt to break away from the society will mean failure and disappointment. In considering this, UNEP has to consider the third factor in its budget and initial planning at all levels.