Free Rap Music Stereotypes Essay Sample

As observed, with the help of the media rap music has for a long time propagated the stereotype that the blacks are a violent, thuggish, and an abusive society. Many writers and thinkers argue that there has been a serious misconception about the message in rap music. They argue that music seeks to express emotions of the individual artists and their views regarding various matters that concern. However, this mode of thinking is the biggest misconception of all.The worst-affected by the rap message group is the teenagers, who take the attitude and each word in the rap songs for Gospel truth. They endeavor to lead their lives as dictated by the cloud of thought established by what they learn from the music, and what the media hugely portray to be the nature of the Blacks. Fortunately, in the recent years there have been various rappers and media content that seek to tear down these stereotypes. A valuable example is the article “How Hip-Hop Holds Blacks Back” by John H. McWhorter.The author starts by narrating his first-hand experience with a rowdy group of African-American teenage boys; he points out how they sing to cocky rap lyrics as they exhibit totally antisocial behavior. He proceeds to elaborate the misconception that there lies a revolutionary potential in rap and hip-hop music (McWhorter). The rap music and such media that propagate it constitute tools that harness the stereotypes that have long hampered blacks from exploiting their potential. By teaching black teens that a thuggish adversarial approach is the best response to a presumptively racist society, rap retards the success of the whole black generation (McWhorter).An effort to discern the roots of rap music shows it as happy party music during its early years, the 60’s; and it was not until the 80’s that a change towards a “gangster” rap culture arose. Currently, rap musical accompaniment reflects the brutality of rap lyrics in its inherent harshness and repetition. McWhorter’s article ends with a clear comparison of civil rights of blacks, who created the atmosphere of equality, striving, and success with no hip-hop culture, and the Blacks, who create the rap industry of today.
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Another successful effort is captured in “Donald Glover: how Childish Gambino faces down rap stereotypes” by Rob Fitzpatrick published online on The Guardian website. It briefly details on Dan Glover, the comedian and rapper, who has targeted the black machismo and homophobia with his latest rap album, the Camp, where he poses as Childish Gambino. He makes a hearty attempt to face down the stereotypes of hip-hop culture through sharp lines about background, race, gender, and sexuality. In the album, it becomes apparent how any rapper has to hit an implied bar on how “thuggish” they are and how it is important for them to stay relevant in the industry. Furthermore, it is vivid in the songs “how black” rappers are and their need to be hustlers in order to fit into the industry. Throughout his album, he openly criticizes the expectations that the media propagates as truth, and the general attitude in the rap industry.

In addition to Donald Glover's impactful contributions, other artists have emerged with a commitment to challenging stereotypes within the rap industry. Janelle Monáe, known for her versatility as a singer, songwriter, and actress, has actively confronted societal norms and stereotypes in her music. Monáe's album "Dirty Computer" explores themes of race, sexuality, and identity, challenging conventional expectations and advocating for individuality. Her work serves as a testament to the diverse narratives that can be expressed within the realm of rap and hip-hop.

Furthermore, it's essential to acknowledge the role of independent platforms and social media in reshaping the narrative surrounding black identity in the music industry. Many underground and independent artists, through platforms like SoundCloud and YouTube, have found spaces to express their authentic experiences without conforming to mainstream stereotypes. This democratization of music distribution allows for a more diverse range of voices to be heard, challenging the homogeneity often associated with mainstream rap.

Additionally, initiatives within the industry itself have been instrumental in promoting inclusivity and breaking down stereotypes. Collaborative projects that bring together artists from various backgrounds and genres contribute to a more nuanced and multifaceted representation of black culture. These efforts not only challenge existing stereotypes but also pave the way for a more inclusive and accepting music industry.

In the realm of academia, scholars have delved into the cultural impact of rap music, providing nuanced analyses that go beyond simplistic stereotypes. Research papers and studies explore the historical roots of rap, its evolution over time, and its significance as a form of artistic expression. These academic endeavors contribute valuable insights that help shape a more comprehensive understanding of rap music and its intricate relationship with societal perceptions.

In conclusion, the fight against stereotypes in rap music involves a multi-faceted approach, encompassing the efforts of individual artists, independent platforms, collaborative industry initiatives, and academic discourse. By exploring new avenues of expression and challenging preconceived notions, these diverse voices contribute to a richer and more authentic portrayal of black identity within the dynamic landscape of rap and hip-hop.


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