Free Satire in Swift's A Modest Proposal Essay Sample

The writer being a person upon whom all persons look up to, Samuel Johnson takes this opportunity to engage his readers according to portray their aspirations through himself. Everyman is or looks forward to be idler even persons who appear to be different from us are rushing to add to our group, as tranquility is the conclusion of conflict, consequently to be idle is the ultimate intention of the active. There is conceivably no designation by which an author can better represent his family to human kind. It is tough to describe man by a sufficient description.

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Maybe man possibly will be more correctly distinguished as an idle creature; for there is no man who is not at times idle. It is at any rate a description from which none that shall discover it in this essay can be anticipated; for who can be more idle than the person who reads of the Idler. My response to the essay is thus attuned to read the essay as a mirror of myself and the society. I consequently do not hope to perceive of novel things as the things I read I have seen and heard through my experiences or the experiences of the people in society.

Jonathan Swift uses satire very successful in his essay A Modest Proposal. Swift makes use of satire by offering solutions to the oppression of the Irish by the English. Swift uses exaggerations of epic proportions to give out proposals which are utterly ludicrous in principle. This is what makes it so effective in its intended application. By employing paradox he grabs the attention of the audience. He uses epic exaggerations and satire to put the epic abuses visited on the Irish by the English. The intention is to create anger and a call to action to remedy the situation which he successfully succeeds in doing.

The key metaphorical challenge of this bitingly sarcastic essay is to capture the attention of addressees whose unresponsiveness has been variously tested. Swift formulates his subject matter negatively, compiling an appalling set of morally indefensible positions so as to direct fault and aspersions all over the place. The essay develops through a succession of surprises that at the start surprises the reader and then makes her to reflect critically not only concerning policies, but also concerning values and motivations.

In delving deeper into Swift's arsenal of satirical tools, one finds the clever manipulation of paradox as a cornerstone of his persuasive technique. The very essence of Swift's proposals lies in their absurdity, creating a paradoxical tension that both shocks and compels the reader. This deliberate use of contradiction serves not only to capture attention but to force a reconsideration of deeply ingrained societal norms. Moreover, Swift's essay operates on multiple layers, much like a literary onion with each peel revealing a new facet of critique. Beyond the overt satire, there exists a subtle interplay of language that adds nuance to his condemnation of English oppression. Swift's choice of words and the cadence of his sentences contribute to the emotional impact of the essay, eliciting not just intellectual reflection but a visceral response from the reader.

The historical context of Swift's work is also crucial to understanding its potency. The essay emerges from a period of socio-political turbulence in Ireland, amplifying the urgency of Swift's call to action. The proposals, though absurd in form, echo the very real struggles faced by the Irish, transforming the satire into a poignant commentary on the harsh realities of colonial subjugation. Furthermore, Swift's targeting of not just policies but also values and motivations speaks to a broader ambition—one of instigating a comprehensive societal introspection. By laying bare morally indefensible positions, Swift challenges the reader to question not only the external structures of power but also the internal compass guiding those in authority. In doing so, he elevates the essay from a mere critique to a catalyst for ethical reconsideration.

In essence, Swift's "A Modest Proposal" transcends its immediate satirical objectives. It becomes a timeless piece that resonates through the ages, prompting readers to confront the uncomfortable truths of their own societies. The layers of irony, paradox, and historical context converge to create a work that stands not just as a literary gem but as a force that sparks dialogue, reflection, and, ultimately, societal change.


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