Free Japanese Art Influence on Western Culture Essay Sample

For more than two years ago, Japan had separated themselves from the world. They were extremely strict in the code of conduct and the values they follow. However, at the late nineteenth century and at the beginning of the twentieth century Japan open up to the world. In the world of art, Japanese was warmly received by the artists of the western culture. The art from Japanese culture shows reality in life or the normal things that happen in life. Additionally, their culture believes that the spirits lives in nature thus the Japanese art have a lot of nature. They had immense influence to the people of the artist of the western culture with their pieces of art. In this case, the western artists started creating pieces of art that are being influenced by nature due to impact the Japanese art has had on them.

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In the first wall, it is all about the paintings showing the blend of the Japanese culture and the western world. Painting was the most common and popular form of expression by the artists of the Japanese culture. When Japan opened up to the world, it was in the 'edo' period. At this time, the Japanese had a common form of painting where they were painting colorful pictures with a lot of reality in them. This form of painting was written in woodprints another form of art known as the 'ukiyo-e'. In the first picture, two women are performing their daily chores. In this picture, it shows the reality of the different chores women go through every day in their lives. The second painting is a Rousseau dinner plate with paintings. These are paintings of nature pictures. In the Japanese culture, they believe that the spirits live in nature thus the picture is inspired by the sprits. The third picture is about a woman collecting artifacts. This is inspired by the reality of the people of the Asian culture collect their artifacts and how it was necessary in the Japanese culture.

The second wall introduces as to the common artifacts of the Japanese culture. The artifact is a fan that was commonly used by women of the Japanese culture. In Japonism, the fan was used as part of improving the beauty of a woman. Additionally, the women used it for seduction. The second artifact in this wall is a portrait of a dragonfly on a yellow background. Yellow is considered as the spiritual color of the Japanese. Additionally, it is a blend of 'ukiyo-e' form of woodprints where it uses nature and color. The last piece in the wall is an artifact by Van Gogh. It is a mix of the French and the Japanese culture. The woman appears to be French but in Japanese attire. The background is full of nature showing respect the Japanese people have for nature. Moreover, the portrait looks like an illusion of a French-Japanese woman in nature.

It can be noted that in the Japanese culture they loved to paint as compared to any other form of art. This is because they believed that sculptures are spirits thus religious. Additionally, they used a brush to right not pen thus, they had perfected the art of painting. The first form of art in the third wall is a blend of the English culture and the Japanese culture. It is a picture of two English women performing their daily chores. It shows reality in the English world thus using Japonism. The second artifact is a poster of an actor. In the Japanese culture, they use posters to show might in their heroes. In this case, it is a French actor who is on the poster. Additionally, it has been inspired by the Japanese culture because of the yellow color. The last form of art in this wall is an ornament of dragonfly woman. Dragonflies are extremely essential in the Japanese culture. The creation of ornaments is from the western culture thus, it is a blend of Japonism and western culture.

In the last wall, it shows several pieces of art from the western world inspired by Japonism. The first is a lamp shed with a shape derived from the Buddhism in the Japanese culture. It is inspired from the 'asuka' period, which is believed, to be of the seventh century. The second piece is a painting of a woman and her child. It is inspired by Japonism form of art. This is because it is flat and has realism where it shows love or bond between the mother and the child. The last form of art is the Japanese architecture. It is a building in the western culture but portrays the Japanese culture. It is of the prewar period of the Japanese culture.

The Japanese people believed to be extremely religious and follow a strict code of conduct. They believe in perfection in every duty they perform. They are extremely protective of their culture. For this reason, they secluded themselves from the rest of the world. When it comes to art, their artists are inspired by nature. The most common type of art in Japonism is painting. These paintings contain a lot of reality. Additionally, color is one of the main themes in their paintings. There are other forms of art like architecture and carvings. What should be really noted from the small exhibition is that Japonism is inspired by nature since the Japanese believe that the spirits live in nature. Secondly, they are passionate about paintings because they use the brush to write instead of pen. This means that they good painters. Therefore, it was because of this reality and perfection that inspired the western artists to copy their form of art and blend it with the western culture.


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