Free Tourism in Paris Essay Sample

Physiology and Climate

Paris is situated along River Seine to the north. Paris City encompasses two islands called Ile de la Cite and Ile Saint-Louis islands. This locality is strategic and has a bright sky with contrasting colors. The sun`s brilliant and charming rays touch the beautifully calibrated topographies coupled with the beautiful folding of the earth. This view is magnificent, especially during holidays. Paris experiences four seasons a year; spring, summer, autumn and winter respectively.  Most of tourism activities take place during the spring. This is the season when most activities in Paris are active. Days are longer and are times when the museums are opened. Tourists visit places such as gardens, parks and riverbanks as they spent days walking, skating or cycling. Additionally, during summer, the weather is sunny and people get into activities such as basing in the parks and beaches. During this season, cinemas and theatres reopen to keep the visitors entertained.

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Culture and History

Parisians have an unending affection to culture and nature. The Parisian culture makes it is possible to maintain the tourist attractions sites. For instance, despite the environmental pollution in Paris, Parisians fight atmospheric pollution by encouraging public transportation. In addition to that, the Parisians support cycling and roller boarding. On the other hand, Paris preserves it culture and history through the various museums, monuments among other means


Many famous museums are found in this historic city. The galleries are famous for displays of the works of great people such as Monet, Picasso, and Raphael. The museums are mostly operated on the weekends because it is the appropriate time for tourist activities. Among the institutions located in Paris is Louvre Museum. The institution was established in 1789 and has hitherto displayed some acts including the works of Da Vinci. Da Vinci is an Italian legend who contributed in disciplines such as painting, architecture, sculpting and science. On the other hand, Paris has a science and technology museum called Cite des Sciences, which provides details about the history and origin of musical instruments. This museum is mostly preferred for families and children.


Most of the monuments in Paris are used in covers for movies and books worldwide. Some of the television shows have been cast in most of the monuments, and this plays a significant role in marketing the Paris to other regions. several renowned monuments such as Eiffel`s Tower, rise to 1062 feet high. This tower is located on the western side of the city. The size of the tower usually mesmerizes tourists. Additionally, on the lower part of the monuments are shops and restaurants. The best example is the Jules Verne restaurant, which is an elegant tourist resort for refreshments and all manner of recreation. Furthermore, the visitors can climb to the top of the pillar to get a precise view of the city of Paris. Besides, the other monuments include the Arc De Triomphe, Notre Dame Cathedral and the Champs Elysees Avenue.

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Mix of Activities

Most of the distinctive activities in Paris entail riding and skateboarding culture. Many tourists entering the city of Paris have found the lifestyle appealing because of the time it provides them to have a beautiful view of the city and the elements therein. Moreover, cycling involves physical exercises that leave the tourists enjoying the activity. In the same breath, Paris has organized tour agencies, which arrange walks in the most notable museums and monuments that house the history of the world. During the walks, tourists can get themselves making fun and invigorating their minds during the holidays.

Special Events

Paris has many restaurants and hotels that prepare dinner and other meals to the tourists. Additionally, the restaurants facilitate training for the visitors regarding the process of cooking of the main foods valued in the Parisian culture. Alternatively, the hotels and restaurants organize walks and tour guiding to the tourists, offered by selected tour directors. The famous hotels also host cinemas in the movie theatres.

The Paris tourist board is supportive of the local communities on displaying the diversity of products and tourist attraction resources through international shows. The board also expedites and finances conferences that promote the culture and heritage of Parisians internationally. In fact, the city is privileged to have hosted several international games such as Olympics, world cup, and other international activities. Recently, Paris hosted the EURO 2016 cup competitions. The tournament lasted for 31 days and it is estimated that the city received 788 million dollars. The visitors stayed in hotels and spent kept the hotels occupied for that period. On the other hand, Paris will again host the BNP Paribas Masters. The event will happen from 29th October to 6th November 2016. The tennis tournament is expected to have a significant impact on the tourism sector because there will be many visitors attending the competition.


Paris has a range of leisure facilities from which the guests can choose. For instance, the city has the La Pagoda cinema that is classified as a historical monument for tourist attraction. The theater accommodates the most highly regarded entertainment in the city. An entrepreneur in France who dedicated it as a gift to his lovely wife instigated the amphitheater facility around 1896. The cinema was first open for viewing to the public in the year 1931. It also offers special cultural tea in the gardens around the theater premises.

Additionally, Moulin Rouge offers diverse entertainment as tourists frequent the place to witness the dancing competitions hosted in the place. The Moulin Rouge host close to 850 guests. Furthermore, Moulin Lounge is believed to be the origin of the Can-Can dancing style. On the other hand, the big wheel in Place de la Concorde keeps the visitors entertained. On average, the place welcomes around 400000 visitors. The passengers on the big wheel have clear view of Paris city. The big wheel is conducive for children and young adults.

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Super Structure

The tourist attraction sites in Paris are customized to suit all kinds of visitors. Some museums offer educative materials on the history of the people of France and the whole world. Others provide materials that contain the origins of the scientific instruments. Despite that, other museums offer books that were inscribed by major icons such as Da Vinci. This variety gives the visitors a chance to choose destinations of their preference. Similarly, the parks are well structured to suit the targeted populations. Some parks such as Les Tuileries provide ample socializing grounds for families and children.

Moreover, Paris is linked to other places such as Avignon, Lille, Brussels, Marseille, and Lyon by the Eurostar. The Eurostar provides high-speed transportation services by the railway. Therefore, tourists can travel to other places and come back to Paris within the shortest time. Besides, there are many excellent restaurants in Paris, which grant universal services at moderate costs. Many restaurants that offer different services and meals provide the visitors the options from which to select. The ability of the variety of choices leads to an improved customer satisfaction, which becomes the fundamental reason why most visitors will choose Paris in their subsequent visits.

Market Ties

The Paris tourism board engages in activities that promote tourism in the entire Paris region. The board promotes major tour agencies to market Paris in other sections worldwide. The tourism industry is always advertised in major trade-fairs where Parisians display their tourist attractions whereby they popularize Paris region internationally.

Similarly, Paris is home to renowned technocrats who are well versed with the conducting of various exhibitions during conferencing. This quality has always complemented the exemplary state of facilities that are available in the city. Exhibitions are often inclusive following the rich culture of the Parisians, which has over the years, undergone modifications due to interactions that inhabitants have had with people who regularly visit the city. Among the exhibitor services that are provided in various exhibition centers, include food and beverage catering, technical assistance, event planning and booth cleaning among others. The locations meant for exhibition permit travellers easy access, not just to municipal transportation networks, but also domestic and international. Others contain everything required for organizing fruitful and memorable exhibitions and congresses in the imperial city of Paris. This fame is attributed to its exceptional combination of state-of-the-art facilities and grander services that the city provides.


Paris is a borough of class that is internationally recognized as the city of history. The fame is attributed to the numerous tourist attraction resources in the city. However, the recent terrorist attacks in Paris have significantly affected revenue collected from tourism activities. Therefore, Paris will end up spending more to win the trust from tourists.


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